HMM2 - Zulu War Mongering Diplomats

I played my first 4 turns, and due to events in the game, I'm posting now to ask you guys how you think we should proceed.

Preturn- Things look alright here, I’ll start the German invasion next turn ala Gorm’s suggestion.

IT- Veii-Catapult-temple

Turn 1

I call up Bismark, and demand Navigation. He doesn’t comply, so may the German homelands be covered in his blood. The war is on!

I move our two stacks into position. Will attack next turn. Nothing else significant.

Nothing major

Turn 2

I decide to splurge about half of our gold on embassies.

Stack 1 near Cologne attacks.

Our catapult destroys the temple of Cologne
Vet. Knight dies against reg. knight
Vet. Knight retreats against reg spear
Vet knight kills reg spear
Vet. Knight kills reg knight
Elite horse kills spear, no leader, captures Colonge.

I leave the rest of the stack there for now pending the other attack.

Stack 2 near Munich attacks.

Vet. Knight retreats against reg pike
Vet knight killed by reg pike
Vet knight killed by reg pike
Vet knight retreats.

I decided to pull back what we have left and regroup with the others.

Two redlined knights slaughtered by the Germans

Turn 3
I move troops towards Hannover
Vet knight kills a German knight
Vet knight dies fighting German knight
Elite knight kills German archer in east
Elite knight kills warrior
Nothing much else

Two german archers dies at the feet of our elite knight
One redlined knight killed by german knight

Turn 4-

Elite horse kills knight.
Elite knight kills german archer
Elite knight kills german archer
Elite knight kills german archer and bingo!!


I'm thinking of a FP in Cumae, or something to that effect. I'll let you all chime in before I finish my turns.
sorry pple, I lost all my subscribed threads.
Well, I waited for a couple days with no response, so I’m going to just continue forth.

IT- Nothing

Turn 5

Several knights are lost attacking German knights. I’m thinking of getting peace ASAP to cut our losses because our troops few and far between.

Elite knights kill two horses in the East

We lose a knight and a catapult to German counterattacks

Turn 6

We kill two German knights and recapture our catapult
Not much else. Germany still won’t talk.

IT- Hlobane-knight-knight
War weariness begins to hit a bit

Turn 7

Our troops seem a bit more bolstered now, and we’re back to strong against the Germans….the war may be able to continue. The next few turns will tell.

IT- The French destroyed the Romans

Turn 8

I use our GL Mpande to rush the FP in Cumae
Two elite knights capture Brandenburg in the east
Elite sword kills knight
I move troops towards Hannover

IT- Ulundi-knight-knight

Turn 9

Our income has increased by over 50% from the FP
One knight is lost, but several others, assisted by our cats, capture Hannover
Not much else

IT- The Iroquois stab us in the back, taking Viroconium

Turn 10

A knight kills a mounted warrior.
Not much else


Well, just as the German war became manageable, we have another to contend with. We can get the Greeks in on our side against the Iroquois fairly cheaply if we need the help. I’d seriously consider that, so we can push the Germans a bit further so we can get as much as possible from them for peace.

Have fun!

The save
1) Hmmm
2) Kaiser (Just played)
3) zurichuk (up next)
4) flamingmoose (on deck)
5) Bede (suspended until a post is made in this SG)
6) Gormdragan
Is this game dead?
hi guys, i lost my interent connection for 6 weeks, my home computer was tied up with a secure link to work which prevented internet access so unfortunately due to circumstances beyond my control i let a few people down, sorry

however i am back now with a 2nd pc online

shall i take this now or has it died?
I will be away on a business trip in Nigeria for 4weeks. Once In Singapore, I will have internet access and will continue playing.

All the best everyone, sorry....RL takes over.
ok 800AD, take a look around,

we are strong against all except the Greeks and the Iroquois

take Navigation from China for WM, 586 gold and 12gpt
take Invention from the Russians for Navigation, spices and horses
basicaly give Japan Astronomy for furs and a little cash
cash rush a few knights

Iroquois burn Izipedi to the ground
2 civil disorders in lowly cities


move knights towards Brundisium
expensive trade available, gunpowder from the Greeks and then banking from another AI, but i'll wait
almost certain to lose another city before peace
rush 2 more knights, switch Swazi from aqueduct to knight (still only size 5)
switch Amatikulu from aqueduct to barracks (size 4)
the grassland near Isandhlwana,Ngoma, Cologne and Mpondo needs irrigating now not mining, the shields are available from the many hills
there are an abnormal amount of Iroquois troops around so i feel i have little choice but to take peace from the Germans, they even pay 26 and 12gpt for it
turn lux down to 10% from 40% (ww?)

2 knights and a swordsman lost interturn, no more losses

4 elite knights take Brondisium for no losses, gain 6 workers
move some troops, discover that we are not in such a bad position and could take out the remaining Iroquois cities in out territory

Knights take Pisae

The remaining Iroquois cities fall, they now take peace and donate 20 gold to the cause

We love the Days dur to ww gone
Eventually do some trading, gaining Banking, Gunpowder and Economics
The Greeks are still at least Democracy and Chemistry ahead, we can afford either but i'll wait

Loads of Greek troops enter our territory, surely they're not stupid enough to attack and lose 120gpt

Doh, the Greeks declare war. we are in serious trouble now

The Greeks burn Isandhlwana to the ground

OK, the greeks are the leaders in just about all areas and we are their next victim, we have a fair amount of troops but they are miles away, i think we have only a small chance to win the game in
the way that Hmmm wanted, it may be even a struggle to win it normally, we had an awful start and are now beginning to recover, however if the troops reach the battlezone before too much damage is done and the other AI leave us alone, then we may have a chance

The save
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