Ho ho ho and a bottle of Tokaj! - A Magyar civ


Mar 30, 2007

Note: this was originally made by Anima Croatorum. Thunderfall changed thread owner to make it possible that I can update the previews of the mod here.

This is a cooperational mod of Kabcsi and me (cool3a2).

Spoiler :

Árpád - Saint Stephen I. of Hungary - Matthias Corvinus

István Széchényi - Lajos Kossuth - Imre Nagy

traits: aggressive / expansive
background: tsc_traveler

Imre Nagy
traits: protective / charismatic
background: Kieran Lynam

István Széchenyi
traits: industrious / financial
background: Rodefeld

Mátyás Hunyadi aka Matthias Corvinus
traits: creative / philosophical
background: Julia Janßen

Lajos Kossuth
traits: philosophical / aggressive
background: Andreas Pöschek

Saint Stephen I. of Hungary aka Szent István
traits: spiritual / organized
background: photomontage of pictures taken by quacktaculous and Diana Lili M.

Alternative art for leaders (disbaled):
Spoiler :
- Matthias Corvinus
- Lajos Kossuth
- Imre Nagy

Alternative / additional leaders (disabled):
Spoiler :
- Álmos
- Koppány
- Béla IV
- Lajos I
- János Hunyadi
- János Szapolyai
- István Báthori
- Ferenc II Rákóczi
- Miklós Horthy


UU: Huszár: Same as regular cavalry but starts with Commando promotion.

custom unit art

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UB: Végvár, replaces castle

(You don't like this graphic? Come and vote! Current votes: graphic1 vs. graphic2 2:1)

- +3 :culture:
- +5% :science:
- +25% :espionage:
- +1 trade route
- 60% defense (except vs. gunpowder-based units)
- -30% damage to defenses from bombardment (except vs. gunpowder-based units)
- +1 :) from wine
- double production speed for protective leaders (would be Nagy)
- double production speed with stone
- required tech: engineering
- cost: 120 :hammers:

custom building art

modern palace:
Spoiler :

(hungarian parliament)


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Includes italian and hungarian civilopedia entries and hungarian unit sounds (which is not too usual for new civs).


:bts: BtS version: DOWNLOAD (uploaded on September 29, 2013)

Rise of Mankind module (no support anymore): DOWNLOAD

Hungarian translation of civilopedia entries and xml of Mátyás Hunyadi made by Kabcsi.

Thanks to:
- Anima Croatorum, who started this long time ago... Without you we wouldn't be here!
- Zerver, avain, Bakuel, nitram15, Bernie14 and Chugginator for their efforts to create new unit art, ambrox for the two warriors mine was made out of
- Ekmek, esnaz, Zerver, cfkane and The Capo, nitram15 and Novator for the animated leaderheads
- GeoModder, Freya, hrochland and Walter Hawkwood for the citysets and their help with the citystyles xml
- ThisParticularGreg, Andreas Pöschek, quacktaculous, Diana Lili M. and Rodefeld for the LHs backgrounds
- asioasioasio for the texture and additional changes of the new hungarian parliament
- Charly1977 and G. Matucza who's versions of the hungarian parliament have inspired me and asioasioasio and where we got textures for it, too
- G Matucza for the inspiration to create the MTA's graphic, Chamaedrys for the végvár graphic, Deon for the Turul statue, Walter Hawkwood for unique building and improvement art
- 10lire for the italian civilopedia entries, Absinthe Red for the citylist
- Terror666 for the units sounds, again Zerver for the music files
- also special thanks to SaibotLieh who made the Boldog-style hungarian settlers for me
- all these guys that have taken part in this forum and gave us ideas and helped us to improve this mod

Don't forget to rate this mod (very positively of course)!

corresponding thread on the hungarian forum (www.civilizacio.road2us.com) here (NO need to be registered to have access anymore).

I am taking volunteers for translating civilopedia entries into french and spanish.

Civilization 4 Hungarization / Civilization 4 Magyarosítás
(I have been told that the following links don't work anymore. Although most of the files are upped again, there is no permanent solution for providing them yet. While there is none, I don't think I update the links as it is likely that they will be down again soon. Feel free to write a post here or ask for them in the hungarian forum.)
This will add hungarian texts to your civ4, it won't overwrite any of the existing languages. This is actually not part of this mod nor is it needed to play the mod!
[civ4] for vanilla civ4 (without any addon): download
[c4w] for Warlords: download
:bts: for Beyond the Sword: download
Vanilla HunDUB (the quotes are hungarian dubbed!! simply overwrite the sounds): download

magyar are hungarians, yes? this is a nice new civ. well done. keep up he good work :D
Hi there Anima!

I registered just to say thank you! Being a magyar, I agree with most of your choises.

I think however, Szent István himself would make a more appropriate leader, being quiet well known in Europe, at least better known, than Árpád.

As unique unit I would recommend a horse archer with evasion I. trait., you know, for remembrance of the time of the "adventuring" armies in western Europe, with the marking tactics of fake-fleeings... Because as far as I know, battleships were not a very common and widespread additions to the hungarian navy. ;) Actually, it can be the only one I remember. And the battleship Szent István is not remembered as a lucky one to rule the high seas.

Please, think about such changes. Otherwise nice work, I´ll give it a shot when I get back to my computer, then report back.

On the other hand, have you personal relations to Hungary? I see you live in Croatia.

Shiver me timbers, 'tis a naval UU. Landlubber units be generally regarded as universally useful.
Hi Bal-rog!

I was considering Arpad, St. Stephen Arpad, Kalman Arpad, Jan Hunyadi and Matthias Corvinus for the medieval ruler. Arpad was the only one I got a good pic from. Do you have a good pic of St. Stephen? The best I could find is the picture of his statue on Wikipedia, and its not presentable enough for now.

About the second leader, it was supposed to be someone different(someone to acompany the special unit) but I decided not to implement him, due to his controversial history as it might offend a lot of people. I think Lajos Kossuth is best for modern leader.

About the unique unit. Give it a try, for now. My main idea was to make Hungary a different gaming experience from other civs. Horse archers and cavalries... everyone is doing them. Then why play as Hungary when you already have Russian Kossaks, Mongolian Keshik, and quite a lot of new civs is using them as well(check the Polish, Texas, and others...). I am open to suggestions. The unique unit does not reflect just the fate of this one ship, but the spirit that built it.

Perhaps some kind of Szekely knight might be better. In Civ world Horse Archer is outdated by the time Arpad crosses the Carpathian. But, whatever unique unit is implemented, I want it to provide a difference while playing, not better, not worse, but a different approach in strategy.

As for my connection with Hungary, well I live 5 minutes from the Croatian-Hungarian border, love Hungarian cuisine, wines and go shopping in Pecs now and then. And after 900 years of shared history this mod is the least I could do.
I totally agree with your decision to pick Lajos Kossuth and not to pick the leader with the controversary background... ;)

I may try and find a good picture of St. Stephen, if you wish.

I agree, that almost everyone has cavalry as UU, but... the game plays out mostly on the ground, so they have a bigger impact on gameplay. I don´t know about any Székely knights, but has anyone hussars yet? (It´s an idea of my girlfriend, I told her about your mod and it was her first guess... and she´s right. As far as I know, the hussar-unit as light cavalry was adopted into late medieval-premodern warfare after the hungarian model. Of course, almost every army had it in the XVII-XVIII. century, because it was effective and versatile.) It could be a replacement of the common cavalry unit, maybe a bit more mobile, or evasive...

What do you think?

One more question: Are you sure expansive is a good trait for Kossuth? In his time, (and after the time of Matthias Corvinus) Hungary was not anymore in the expansive stage. I would favor Creative. (You know, many Nobel prices and so on... it may be only the not-so-impartial opinion of a hungarian. Your choice...)
About units. Szekely were the elite Hungarian troops from late medieval Transylvania. Some kind of beefed up knight perhaps.

I was thinking of a unit that would go along the theme of the Second Battle of Mohacs in 1687. So, some kind of Hussars would be good, but I believe the Polish civ is implementing Hussars already. Commando upgrade would be good for them, allowing the to charge deep into hostile territory.

About Kossuths' traits.
Expansive - Hungary was not expanding on the outside, but within. He was very agressive on assimilating minorities(what brought him into conflict with Slovaks, Romanians, Germans, Serbs and Croats) and in the second half of 19th century Hungary went through a population explosion, families had like 10-15 kids. Expansive is more about larger pops and less about many cities. Organized is more about more cities since it reduces maintenance and allows management of more cities.

Philosophical - Increased birth of Great People, this represents all the great artists and scientists. Philosophical or Creative, first gives more great people, other gives more culture and expands borders.

If you want I can make him Philosophical and Creative instead of Expansive and Philosophical.
Wikipedia said:
Hussars in Hungary ceased to wear metal body armour; and by 1640 most were now light cavalry. It was hussars of this 'light' pattern rather than the Polish heavy hussar that were copied across Europe. These light hussars were ideal for reconnaissance and raiding sources of fodder and provisions in advance of the army. In battle, they were used in such light cavalry roles as harassing enemy skirmishers, overrunning cannon positions, and pursuing fleeing troops.

The colourful uniforms of hussars of 1700 onwards were inspired by Hungarian fashions. This uniform usually comprised a short jacket known as a dolman, or later a medium-length "Attila" jacket, both with heavy horizontal gold braid on the breast, and gold Austrian knots on the sleeves; a matching pelisse (a short-waisted overjacket often worn slung over one shoulder); colored trousers, sometimes with gold Austrian knots at the front; a busby (a high fur hat with a cloth bag hanging from one side); and high riding boots.

Hussars also had a reputation for being the dashing, if unruly, adventurers of the army. The traditional image of the hussar is of a reckless, hard-drinking, hard-swearing, womanising, moustachioed swashbuckler. Less romantically, hussars were also known (and feared) for their poor treatment of local civilians. In addition to commandeering local food-stocks for the army, hussars were known to also use the opportunity for personal looting and pillaging.

How bout a Huszar unit(Polish are implementing Hussaria, the heavy cavalry 16.ct version), Same as cavalry but with Commando upgrade allowing them to use enemy roads.
Thanks Anima!

I still would have the Creative trait for modern leader. The forced assimilation was mainly cultural, mostly through schooling (and organized discrimination of the culture of the minorities), what accelerated the assimilation. And the population explosion occured mainly (or even more) in the ranks of the minorities. The immense emmigration in the XIX. century took place also in the minorities, it was a demographical problem of the Monarchy, not only Hungary.

Maybe my lack of knowledge, but I don´t know any székely special unit that time. It can be a hole in the history education, but that´s not likely.
Bal-rog said:
And the population explosion occured mainly (or even more) in the ranks of the minorities. The immense emmigration in the XIX. century took place also in the minorities, it was a demographical problem of the Monarchy, not only Hungary.

Not really, check this:

1790 - 8,000,000 (39% Magyars) ~ 3,12 million Magyars
1828 - 11,495,536
1846 - 12,033,399
1880 - 13,749,603 (46% Magyars) ~ 6,32 million Magyars
1900 - 16,838,255 (51,4% Magyars) ~ 8,65 million Magyars
1910 - 18,264,533 (54,5% Magyars, 5% Jews) ~ 9,95 million Magyars

Whats in the local water supply?
That´s exatly what I meant. The increasing percent of "hungarians" is the conclusion of the cultural assimilation, not a genetical fact. The numbers show, how many more people said that they are hungarians. It is called "assimilating power" in (our) history books. No one can seriuosly think, that in 30 years the percentage increased 8,5 just because of increased birthrate. The birthrate was increasing in the whole country, not only amongst the hungarians.

Otherwise, thanks for the update. I made some advertisement on the "local" Civ4 forum, some brainstorming is on the way, so more feed back will come soon. Sorry to burden you with such things, we are generally very thankful for Your work, so please, keep it up. ;)
I tried to find some pics about St. Stephen, I will send them to you, then you can chose. See you tomorrow! (Late afternoon. I have to work. :sad: )
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