Well from the other mods I got:
From Cornmaster, the Comunist manifesto, and how it can fit into a democratic society
From Palehorse, a book of airborne cadences that don't contain obcenities (only one page, with little writing)
From Lefty, a dictionary without a single word spelled correctly
From the Hippo man, 20 pages on how the AZC will one day rule the world
From Stormerne, a warning that the Runes are unfavorable to moderators in the future
From Matrix, yet another invation to post my mug on CFC
From JV2, hope for a new Star Trek scenario
From Woke, a reminder that he is 25 today! (Happy B-day Woke!)
From Smash, yet more ways to win at civ-2
From Sun Tzu, A promise to be nicer to anti-usa morons in the future
And Finally, from TF, a lecture on why I should buy Civ-3 as soon as possible! :crazyeyes