HOF IV Update Discussion


Where's my breakfast?
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Nov 28, 2003
The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated.150 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to PaulisKhan for the highest score of the update with a Tiny Deity Space Colony game for 289,857 points.

Misotu was the most active player during this update, submitting 13 games.

Only 7 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update.
Ironhead submitted a 1473 AD Tiny Deity Space Race game for 127096 points.
kovacsflo submitted a 1405 AD Huge Deity Cultural game for 96635 points.
Misotu submitted a 500 BC Small Deity Religious game for 33267 points and a 1370 BC Tiny Deity Domination game for 200869 points and a 325 BC Standard Deity Religious game for 27814 points and a 425 BC Small Deity Religious game for 31339 points and a 250 BC Standard Deity Religious game for 29083 points and a 980 BC Tiny Deity Domination game for 147879 points and a 1750 BC Tiny Deity Domination game for 126468 points and a 960 BC Tiny Deity Domination game for 187474 points and a 475 BC Small Deity Religious game for 27381 points.
ozbenno submitted a 1420 AD Standard Deity Religious game for 37808 points and a 1110 AD Large Deity Religious game for 44285 points.
PaulisKhan submitted a 1512 AD Tiny Deity Space Colony game for 289857 points.
ShannonCT submitted a 1395 AD Huge Deity Cultural game for 67995 points.
WastinTime submitted a 1315 AD Huge Deity Cultural game for 53693 points.​
The following Gauntlets have finished this update:

G-Major 43 - Religious, Emperor, Large, Epic on Hemispheres with Sitting Bull
1st Misotu 85 AD
2nd ianw1610 130 AD
3rd HuginogMunin 175 AD

G-Minor 65 - Domination, Settler, Large, Epic, De Gaulle
1st The-Hawk 1375 BC
2nd ShannonCT 1150 BC
3rd WilliamOfOrange 325 AD
A number of players gained number one positions:
Ironhead with a 1473 AD Tiny Deity Space Race game for 127096 points.
Misotu with a 325 BC Standard Deity Religious game for 27814 points.
ozbenno with a 1110 AD Large Deity Religious game for 44285 points.
PaulisKhan with a 1512 AD Tiny Deity Space Colony game for 289857 points.
WastinTime with a 1315 AD Huge Deity Cultural game for 53693 points.

Conquistador 63 with a 650 AD Small Emperor Religious game for 53343 points.
ianw1610 with a 50 AD Large Emperor Religious game for 23541 points.
ianw1610 with a 225 BC Standard Emperor Religious game for 25224 points.
Misotu with a 85 AD Large Emperor Religious game for 42422 points.

AutomatedTeller with a 1838 AD Small Monarch Space Colony game for 65998 points.
bart_civ with a 1820 AD Large Monarch Space Race game for 27787 points.
BLubmuz with a 1631 AD Standard Monarch Space Race game for 33727 points.
ianw1610 with a 230 BC Large Monarch Religious game for 31944 points.
kcd_swede with a 1750 AD Tiny Monarch Cultural game for 51811 points.
kcd_swede with a 1745 AD Small Monarch Conquest game for 69971 points.
kcd_swede with a 1932 AD Small Monarch Space Colony game for 27041 points.

Barthornmeister with a 1850 BC Huge Prince Conquest game for 34585 points.
ianw1610 with a 360 BC Large Prince Religious game for 31211 points.
ianw1610 with a 320 BC Large Prince Religious game for 25714 points.
RobertSmith with a 710 AD Standard Prince Religious game for 13942 points.
RobertSmith with a 100 BC Standard Prince Religious game for 21001 points.
Xerol with a 2004 AD Duel Prince Cultural game for 8542 points.

bart_civ with a 1615 AD Large Noble Domination game for 56697 points.
bonscott with a 1914 AD Small Noble Space Colony game for 31215 points.
ianw1610 with a 570 BC Large Noble Religious game for 25598 points.
ianw1610 with a 290 AD Small Noble Conquest game for 31800 points.
RobertSmith with a 1800 AD Tiny Noble Cultural game for 21246 points.
RobertSmith with a 1776 AD Tiny Noble Cultural game for 20919 points.

Barthornmeister with a 2200 BC Huge Warlord Conquest game for 35468 points.
ianw1610 with a 290 AD Small Warlord Conquest game for 33935 points.
Xerol with a 1200 AD Huge Warlord Domination game for 85770 points.

Barthornmeister with a 2220 BC Huge Chieftain Conquest game for 24229 points.

bart_civ with a 1625 AD Large Settler Space Race game for 18108 points.
Kamino with a 20 BC Huge Settler Cultural game for 149591 points.
The-Hawk with a 1375 BC Large Settler Domination game for 40853 points.
PaulisKhan is Deity Space Colony leader now! Congrats! You have strong position for the next Major...
First BC cultural victory! Congrats!
PaulisKhan is Deity Space Colony leader now! Congrats! You have strong position for the next Major...

70% of the credit goes to you. It's mostly just your strategy with some minor adaptions I made for Deity.
Still so much room for improvement. I think 1200AD is doable, no problems.
I think a team succession game would really show the limits of what can be achieved.

Oh well, off to learn how to do an Immortal Immortal rush.
Congrats new QMs and EQMs! I've two more games to submit and I'll be EQM at Noble level so I'll hopefully get those in by this next update. Been working on it over a year and I'm almost there!
First BC cultural victory! Congrats!

Wow, that is just insane! That used to be my favourite victory condition to try for, but nothing I play is good enough for these tables anymore. I just can't do it. :sad: Well done!
Special congratulations to Misotu who takes over at the top of the EQM tree on achieving Immortal :eek:

Congratulations on your achievement Misotu. :goodjob: :clap: :band:
I had a look through the game log - didn't settle first city till turn 22 so presumably was wandering around popping huts for workers and settlers, then it lookeed like mucho wonderspam.
I cant even come to grasp how a lot of these victories are evenm possible, especially a BC Culture win o.O.

How do I get that good? :(
Take part in the gauntlets, ask questions in the threads and soak up the knowledge. Your play will improve.

Good advise!

Also describe your games in detail, so that others can comment on your decisions. The highest level of detail should go to the very first 20 turns.

Also comment on other people games, so that they can comment on your comments :crazyeye:

You can also play GOTM where you'll see what others did when they were in the same situation as you.
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