Hokath's Tweaks


Oct 3, 2013
Since the special session of the VP Congress will delay new proposals quite a bit, I am jumping on the bandwagon and making my (database implementable) proposed changes to base VP available.

Please find attached a single mod with neat little folders you can delete as you wish.
It includes:
Corporations Changes
Spoiler :
Now VP is so stable, and AI bonuses less front-loaded, I find myself playing almost every game to the victory screen.
It becomes apparent that Corporations as they currently stand determine, in large part, the outcome of the game. Yet, you cannot reasonably control even which Corporation you Found.
For example, 10 Franchises of Giorgio Armeier gives you +20 Culture per Office (that is, per City) giving a double-digit percentage of your total Culture.
Meanwhile Civilized Jewelers on the same number of Franchises gives over 100% Great Person Rate AND 30% Golden Age Length.
These bonuses are unlike any other game system with the possible exception of Factory production scaling (see below)
Here I present a rework to reduce the power and increase the interactivity of the Corporations system
Spoiler :
Note: Max Franchises is 25 for assessing scaling bonuses
-- There is a new Corporation called Populi Medicine, its yield is Faith, with +% Faith route bonus
-- Monopoly HQs require one of their resources locally to build. Monopolies are no longer required
  This allows you to, roughly, pick any Corporation. You might not be able to make it in the Capital.
-- the resource sets are organized as follows
  Trader Sids: Cocoa, Salt, Spice, Sugar, Coffee, Cloves/Nutmeg/Pepper
  Centaurus Extractors: Whale, Crab, Coral, Pearls
  Hexxon Refinery: Coal, Oil, Uranium, Glass, Brazilwood
  Giorgio Armeier: Perfume, Silk, Cotton, Dye, Fur
  Firaxite Materials: Iron, Aluminum, Marble, Copper, Porcelain
  TwoKay Foods: Horse, Wine, Truffles, Citrus, Olive
  Civilized Jewelers: Lapis, Gold, Silver, Gems, Amber, Jewelry
  Populi Medicine: Ivory, Tobacco, Incense, Jade, Tea
-- Franchises AND Offices give +2 (up from +1) to all Corporation Resources locally
  If you do have a monopoly, you might want the matching Corporation!
  Hexxon gives Border Growth Points
-- Reduced the Office yield bonus per Franchise to +1 for all Corporations
  except for Food, Gold, and Golden Age Points which are +2
  and Border Growth which is +3
-- Reduced all yield modifiers for sending Trade Routes to Franchises from 10% to 3%
-- Corporation yield bonus to buildings have been reduced in strength, it now affects 1 late game building (TwoKay has 2 limited buildings)
    with more late game buildings we can redo some of these (i.e. supermarket, marina)
  Trader Sids: +4 Gold from Broadcast Tower
  Centaurus Extractors: +8 Production from Mine Field
  Hexxon Refinery: +3 Science and Production from Military Base
  Giorgio Armeier: +4 Culture from Shopping Mall (see below)
  Firaxite Materials: +3 Science from Stock Exchange
  TwoKay Foods: +5 Food from Refinery and Recycling Center
  Civilized Jewelers: +6 Tourism from Airport
  Populi Medicine: +3 Faith from Hospital
-- Corporations have new global Specialist yields
  Trader Sids: +3 Food from Merchants
  Centaurus Extractors: +1 Gold to all Specialists
  Hexxon Refinery: +2 Science from Engineers
  Giorgio Armeier: +2 Culture, Gold, Tourism from Artists (see below)
  Firaxite Materials: +2 Production from Scientists
  TwoKay Foods: no bonus
    The idea is not to supercharge tall, but to 'thicken' wide
  Civilized Jewelers: +1 Tourism to all Specialists
  Populi Medicine: +3 Gold from Civil Servants
-- Corporations now have internal trade bonuses on their Offices
  Trader Sids: 50 Gold on Internal TR Finish
  Centaurus Extractors: +6 Production on Internal TR
  Hexxon Refinery: 100 Border Growth on Internal TR Finish
  Giorgio Armeier: 80 Tourism on Internal TR Finish
  Firaxite Materials: 40 Science on Internal TR Finish
  TwoKay Foods: +10 Food on Internal TR
  Civilized Jewelers: 75 Golden Age Points on Internal TR Finish
  Populi Medicine: 40 Culture on Internal TR Finish
    Internal TR is a supported strategy but Corporations have had almost all their power in International Routes, this intends to bring Internal TRs up in power to compete. I tried to be conservative, but numbers may be too high. I based on the Kabuki Theatre (50 Culture and much earlier, but a UB).

-- Corporation tooltips are updated to suggest to the player what victory conditions they support
  Trader Sids: Diplomatic
  Centaurus Extractors: Spaceship and Cultural
  Hexxon Refinery: Spaceship and Domination
  Giorgio Armeier: Cultural
  Firaxite Materials: Spaceship
  TwoKay Foods: Domination
  Civilized Jewelers: Cultural and Diplomatic
  Populi Medicine: Domination and Diplomatic
    This is both an aid to the new player and to inform our design
-- The following Corporations give more than 1 Trade Route
  Civilized Jewelers: +2 Trade Routes total
  Populi Medicine: +2 Trade Routes total
  Trader Sids: +3 Trade Routes total
    Intended to boost Tourism, City-State Influence, rate of Franchise gain, etc.
-- Firaxite Materials and Centaurus Extractors swap Trade Route bonuses (flat sci and % sci)
-- Special effects (all Corporations have one, like +100% Sea Range or Reveal Fog of War)
     Giorgio Armeier:
       Trade Routes sent to you give their *owner* +5 Gold
         Encourages people to trade with you and get the +% Tourism boost, also interacts with their Building the Shopping Mall (see below)
     TwoKay Foods:
       1 Horse per Franchise
         Like Hexxon, these count towards Monopolies
     Firaxite Materials:
       Trade Routes are no longer invulnerable
         On the premier Science Corporation this is too uninteractive
         In general I think this bonus is not very healthy, so I won't be adding anywhere else
       1 Iron per Franchise and 1 Aluminum per 2 Franchises
         Like Hexxon, these count towards Monopolies
     Populi Medicine:
       Trade Routes sent to you give you +5 Gold
         Opposite reasoning, trying to discourage people from Tourism-bombing you
     Hexxon Refinery
       5 oil and coal, with +1 per franchise (moved from office)
       Loses +15% production to Oil/Aluminium/Uranium Units

  -- These are in addition to above Internal TR bonuses and +1 Yield per Franchise
  -- Any unlisted previous bonuses are removed
    Trader Sids:
      Incoming Route +4 Gold to you, +2 Gold for them
      +2% Production per CS Trade Route on Empire
    Centaurus Extractors:
      +1 Production and Culture from Sea Tiles
      +1 Science and Culture from Sea Resources
        Inteded to promote Culture->Tourism effects
    Hexxon Refinery:
      loses +1 oil and coal per 3 franchises, instead has border growth points from franchises
      +15% Production to Military Units
      Convert 25% Production Cost to Science on training Military Units
    Giorgio Armeier:
      +2% GPP per Franchise (moved and nerfed from Civilized Jewelers)
      1 Artist Slot
    Firaxite Materials:
      10% Production to Buildings (down from 20%)
      10 Science when constructing a Building, scaling with Era
      +8 Science on Building after discovering Electronics
    TwoKay Foods:
      -2% Empire Size Modifier in all Cities (down from -5)
        Note this is a global bonus and is very, very strong
      -1 to all Needs
    Civilized Jewelers:
      +10% Gold and Tourism during GA
        I haven't tested yet this table works with Tourism yet
      +1 Gold per CS friend, +2 Gold and +1 Tourism per Ally
      -- also added +1 Tourism / 2 Citizens to the Airport, their building.
        Need to have a longer discussion about the Airport...
    Populi Medicine:
      1 Happiness per 6 Policies adopted
      15 Influence with all City-States upon construction

Building Changes
  -- Maintenance cost for Franchises increased from 1 to 6
    Franchises are stronger and this represents an initial trade-off
  -- Add Shopping Mall Building at Flight, use to turn Franchises into a bonus!
    2000 Production Cost, 7 Maintenance
    Requires a Grocer in the City
    +3 Tourism, +2 Gold
    +4 Culture and +2 Tourism to all Franchises in the City
      This gets you your money back from the maintenance, and the Culture helps resist Tourism
    Incoming Route +2 Gold to you, +2 Gold for them
    5% of all Gold Purchases are converted to Tourism
      Half strength of proposed Riad bonus, together they will equal Bank conversion to Science
  -- Add World Trade Center at Telecom, fun little addition to have a Corporation Wonder
    2300 Production Cost
    +1 Culture, +4 Tourism, +5 Gold
    2 Great Merchant Points
    Receive 1 Delegate in the World Congress for every 12 City-States originally in the World
    Gain 1 additional Trade Route
    Incoming Route +6 Gold to you, +6 Gold for them
    All Corporate Franchises in the Empire yield +5 Gold and +4 Tourism

The Pikeman Rework
Pikemen are very weak, yet if they were stronger Knights would be useless and Longswordsmen redundant.
After lengthy playtesting and discussion with Azum and others, I have arrived at the following changes:
Spoiler :
  -- Moved forward to Engineering
    harder to beeline than Metal Casting feels much healthier timing
  -- Renamed Halberdier
    Because that's what they are holding
  -- Cost decreased to 110
  -- Goedendag cost proprtionally decreased to 90 and CS to 18
  -- Berseker no changes (still at Metal Casting)

  -- New unit at Chemistry
    allowing UUs to be less concentrated
  -- Uses the Enlightenment Era model and icons
  -- 28 CS, 325 Cost, 1 Iron
  -- Discipline
  -- Two-hander promotion
    33% Attack versus Spearman, Halberdier, Free Company, Tercio
  -- Upgrades from Longswordsman, upgrades to Fusilier
  -- Landsknecht renamed Doppelsoeldner is a Greatswordsman replacement (loses attack promotion, see below)
  -- Musketeer is a Greatswordsman replacement (no Iron, Gunpowder unlock, Musketeer promo instead of Two-hander)
      Maybe this should replace Cuirassier in a later version. Strange unit historically speaking.

  -- loses Discipline promotion (+hp Swordsman line have)
    because the Longswordsman line now continues on parallel
    this includes UUs. to compensate:
      -- Impi gains Cover I and Knockout increased to +33% (from 25%)
      -- Yellow Brow gets Formation II instead of Formation I (see below)

Unit Promotions
  Pike Tactics (Formation III for Melee only)
    This is intended as a powerful option for Tercio, Doppelsoeldner can cheat it early (strong)
    But since you need Formation II it pushes back things like March and Blitz
  -- Old Doppelsoldner icon inverted, very pretty
  -- Melee Units only
  -- Unlocks at Machinery
  -- Requires Formation II
  -- +15% Defense in Open Terrain
  -- +30% Attack against Full HP Enemies (old Doppelsoldner)
  -- +10 Hit Points

Industrial Policies Rework
Spoiler :

We've done a huge amount of work on the Ancient and Medieval trees, but I am left disappointed in the Industrial Era where only Imperialism feels like it hits the right notes.
Here I present a reimagining of Rationalism and Industry (with some minor tweaks to Imperialism).
Rationalism is focussed on Growth and Happiness but in a general way that will allow you to use it to "thicken" your wide Empire.
Industry is audited to make sure its bonuses scale best in a wide Empire.
Together they create an interesting choice between "pure wide" and "thick wide" , while Tall has "pure tall" in Rationalism and "thick tall" in aggressive puppet expansion via Imperialism.
Spoiler :
Industrial Trees

    unleashes a wave of new Citizens by providing large Happiness and Food bonuses. Simultaneously boosts the output of the resulting Golden Ages and Specialists, especially Scientists.  --> Use this to "thicken" your wide Empire. Or go crazy Tall with Great Scientists!
   -- Tree Structure is now
     Mass Education
     Secularism (requires Liberalism)
     Emancipation (requires Liberalism)
     Employment Law (requires Emancipation and Mass Education)

     /\  |
       \ /

  -- Opener
    Loses +3 Science and +2 Production on Strategics
    Loses +% Science in all Cities
    Gains +1 Science and Culture from Scientists
    Gains +33% Great Scientist Rate
    Gains +10% Growth in all Cities
  -- Scaler
    Loses +% Science in all Cities
    Gains +5% Growth in all Cities

  -- Liberalism (was Scientific Revolution)
    Loses ability to make Observatories
      Observatories now have no Policy Requirement, +4 (from 2) Science and 1 (from 2) Scientist Slot(s)
      They unlock at Astronomy in T1 Renaissance, as makes sense!
      Public School loses its Scientist slot to keep the number of slots the same. (not like highschoolers are making serious breakthroughs)
    Loses +2 Science on Jungle/Snow
      This was a very strange choice
    Gains +2 Gold and +1 Production from Specialists
    Gains +25% GP Rate during a Golden Age

  -- Mass Education (was Enlightenment)
    (Receive 1 Free Tech)
    Loses +1 Happiness from Universities
    Gains +3 Food, +2 Culture, and +1 Happiness from Public Schools
    Gains +100% Production towards Public Schools

  -- Secularism (was Free Thought)
    (-5 Religious Unrest)
    Loses Great Scientist bonuses
    Gains +10% Science during a Golden Age
    Gains +3 Production and Gold from Academies
      A bonus to Great Scientists before you bulb them

  -- Emancipation (was Rights of Man)
    Loses Needs Reduction
    Loses Science from Golden Age
    Loses yields on Villages
    Gains Culture and GAP per citizen oneshot boost
    >>Gains +1 Happiness per 6 Citizens<< bugged so placeholder instead of
    +1 Happiness from Zoo, Hotel, Museum
    Gains 10% Food during a Golden Age

  -- Employment Law (was Empiricism)
    (+1 Food per Citizen)
    Gains +1 Production per Citizen
    Loses 25% Growth in all Cities
    Loses +3% Science per GW (up to 20%)
      This is too Tall-specific, belongs in Freedom imo
    Gains 50% of Happiness converted to Culture
  -- Finisher
    (Purchase GS with Faith)
    (12 Security in all Cities)
    +25% Yields from GS Bulb
      Save the big science for a completed tree, no dipping in

  -- Tree Structure is now
    Civilizing Mission
    Regimental System
    Exploitation (requires Colonialism)
    Martial Law (requires all three T1)

  -- Colonialism
    Split the Citadels into their own bullet point and add Manufactory
      Nice symmetry with each of the 3 main GPTI having a buff in each tree
    Now +2 Science, Culture, and Great Admiral Points (up from 2 Science, 1 Culture)
      More interesting to have some Admiralty on here

  -- Exploitation
    Loses yields from Farm/Plantation/Camp
    Gains +2 Food, Production, and Border Growth on Luxury Resources
      Luxuries are concentrated in the regions, so you get most out of this if you've taken over another civ
  -- Martial Law
    Upped Penalty Reduction to 30% from 20%.
      This policy is most of the strength, but it is actually not great compared to Industry
      Industry is +15% to all (after some buildings) and affects all cities
      This is similar to 20% to all with no buildings, but only affects puppets
      30% packs a bigger punch, makes Annex less necessary (important for v. big empire modifers etc),
      and end you up at a neat 50% yield reduction on puppets, which is easier to quantify for the player.
    Can at earliest by the 4th policy to compensate increased strength and prevent extreme christmas-treeing with Industry

  -- Finisher
    Gains "Reveals Hidden Antiquity Sites" from Artistry finisher
      Ideological pressure is a huge problem for Imperialism, this helps fight that
      Hidden sites on Artistry doesn't make great sense, since archaeology won't be unlocked for a long time

  -- Splash art changed to "Industry" with the man in the top hat standing by the train, rather than the "Commerce" ships
  -- Tree Structure is now
    Division of Labor
    Entrepreneurship (requires Division of Labor)
    Mercantilism (requires Subsidies)
    Gold Standard (requires Mercantilism and Division of Labor)

      | |
    Note due to graphical glitch in CiV, cannot put Entrepreneurship on second row!

  -- Opener
    Increased purchase reduction to 10%
    Gains +50% Great Merchant rate
    Gains +100% Coaling Station Production boost
      You need this early or you won't use it!
    Loses +2 Trade Routes
      Too strong for an opener

  -- Division of Labor
    +3% Culture from select Buildings instead of Gold
      We will have a Culture side and a Science side to the tree
    List changed to remove Forge and include Armory
    Loses 100% to Coaling Stations
    +4/+4 Prod/Gold from City Connections

  -- Subsidies (was Free Trade -- can't have Free Trade and Mercantilism in same tree!)
    Loses 50% Great Merchant Rate
    Loses 5 Gold from Trade Routes
    Loses -2 Poverty
    +1 Happiness from Windmills
      Moved happiness bonus earlier and on a building you might not have
    Gain -50% Tile maintenance
      So with Authority your Railroads are free!
    Gains the 15 Science on building construction, scaling with Era

  -- Entrepreneurship
    Loses +1 Happiness from Workshops
    +2 Production and +1 Gold from Mine/*Farm*/Lumbermill
      The "spammable" improvements
    Gains +3 Food and +2 Culture on every Village and Town
      Note potential for Culture on Tiles -> Tourism
      A bonus to Great Merchants outside of Trade Mission

  -- Mercantilism
    +3% Gold from select Buildings instead of Culture
      This is the Science side
    List changed to remove Market and include Hotel
    Gains +2 Trade Routes

  -- Gold Standard (was Protectionism -- too close to Mercantilism)
    (Gold Investment 10% boost)
    WLTKD boost is now 10% Gold and Culture rather than Food and Science
      reduce overlap with Rationalism GA boosts
    Gains +25% instant yields from Great Merchants
    Loses +33% yields from internal trade
      This is in Fealty nowadays

  -- Finisher
    Loses yields from Specialists
    Gains +2 Science and +1 Production from Bonus Resources
      Bonus resources are everywhere, so its direct wide scaling

Early Tree Tweaks
Completing what we've started and cementing the identity of Tradition--Progress--Authority
There is a minor touch-up to Statecraft also.
This folder also includes a rewrite of the "help text" of each early policy tree to better explain, at a glance, what it does for you. Hopefully useful for the new player.
Spoiler :
Tree Descriptions (not intended to be deleted)
-- Increased the length of descriptive text for each Policy Tree to 5-6 lines
  This is meant to help new comers who have no idea what these things do.
  It also informs the design of the trees, see below
-- For the 3 Ancient Era Trees, the text also delineates the `early game' bonuses (what sort of start it supports) and the 'throughout the game' bonuses.

-- Justice loses +1 Production per City
  This is a Progress effect, Tradition yields should come from Buildings
-- All starting Policies now give yields to a T1 and T2 Building, where the T2 Builiding is an 'improvement' building
  Justice gains +1 Production on Council and Forge
    Bring up to Ceremony power level
  Ceremony loses +1 Science on Council
    Balance this against other choices with the small nerf
  Sovereignty gains +2 Border Growth Points on Shrine and Stoneworks
    Balance this against other path with targeted yield change (not Gold or Production, etc.)
    Currently if you open this you are starting Shrine, you are delaying Splendor where the Gold and Culture comes from
    Together this means your Cities are very slow to grow borders, noticably compared to Population
    This also buffs the `Border Blobs' strategy heavily nerfed by Authority rework
-- Second tier policies tweaked for relative power
  Splendor +2 Culture is now on Monument/Aqueduct/Baths
    This smooths the gain of yields, since both Garden and Baths were later and on opposite sides
  Majesty gains +2 Tourism on Granary/Caravansary/Gardens
    Complete the symmetry of each policy buffing a building
    Choice of buildings meant to mirror Splendor
    Tourism won't upset early game balance strongly like Food or Gold would
    However Tourism will benefit Trade Routes via Influence. The early you pick, the sooner you get.
-- Name and Art changes -- personal taste -- where appropriate Flavor text is also changed.
  Sovereignty renamed to Ceremony
    Sovereignty is such a non-name. Other choices mean you aren't sovreign? Que??
  Ceremony renamed Mysticism
    I'm such a Scorpio
  Royal Astrologer renamed to Astrologer's Sanctum
    Just don't like having 2 different "Royal" somethings
  State Treasury renamed to Treasure Hoard
    Check the description, it's a bit different to a finance ministry
    I want to make a proper State Treasury UNW in Renaissance
  Treasure Hoard has new icon
    More appropriate to text description ;)
  Majesty renamed to Bounty
    Too close to Divine Right in Fealty

-- Opener loses +1 Production per City
  This is a Progress effect, Authority yields should come from Units
-- Militarism gains +2 Production for City with greater than 10 Strength
  Buffed to +2 because it comes later (and with the requirement)
  This should also present more of a choice between left and right sides
  Currently left side is much stronger, not least because you want Production early
-- Dominance +1 Production per City for every 10 Unit removed
  people don't like this and I tend to agree
-- Dominance gains +1 Production and +2 Border Growth Points on Strategics
  it's a small, non-scaling bonus as is more appropriate for the tree, honing in on war resources

-- Fiefdoms and Divine Right: Names, icons, and text swapped
  makes more sense this way around
-- (now) Divine Right loses +1 Happiness per 10 Military Units
  if we are going to remove this type of bonus then remove it everywhere
-- (now) Divine Right -1 Illiteracy in every City
-- (now) Divine Right +5 Happiness in the Capital

-- Shuffle bonuses for better left-right balance
  Move +1 strategic per 3 Alliances from Foreign Service to Exchange Markets
    Foreign Service is stacked and Resources make more sense on Exchange Markets
  Move +1 Happiness per trade route from Exchange Markets to Trade Confederacy
    Buff Trade Confederacy to compete with Foreign Service
    The other Medieval Trees have +1 Happiness effects on the first row
    Exchange Markets needs to lose something to offset gain above
-- Delete the 'Scholasticism' bonus from Shadow Networks
     In Vanilla +25% Science of Allies is a very strong effect
     In VP this does basically nothing (last game was +3 Science upon adoption)
     New players therefore can be tricked into thinking this important
     Shadow Networks is already really good

-- Moved the +2 Science on Artifacts to the finisher
  you can basically never activate this when it is unlocked anyway
-- Increased to +3 Science in line with Landmarks
-- (re)Added +75 Gold from expending a Great Person, scaling with Era to National Treasure
  Artistry feeling a touch weak, and in Industrial trees I will steal its Hidden Sites
Finally there is a sub-folder containing a more thorough Authority rework: People have theorized that yields-on-kill in Authority is bad for the game overall due to its scaling with map size (barbarians), difficulty, defender-favoured nature, and other aspects. Here I have implemented a version that reorients the tree to producing units generally, and more tribute yields for the very-early game tempo. Not sure if I 100% agree but you can try it!
Spoiler :
  -- Opener
   Yields on Kill removed
   25% Gold converted to Culture and Science from Tribute City-States
  -- Scalar
   Yields on Kill removed
   5% Science and Culture conversion from training units
  -- Imperium
   20 Prod and Gold on border expand changed to 40 Prod
     You want production for the scaler
  -- Tribute
   50% Culture from Tribute changed to 33% Food and Production (in the Capital)
     Since culture is on opener
  -- Finisher
   Culture from Tribute removed
   20 Prod and Gold on border expand changed to 40 Gold
     same total yields as before but now gold comes as tribute starts to get harder

Misc Changes
Some tweaks to Buildings, especially Hotel and Airport, which really grind my gears.
Also a now-playable version of a world without Work Boats! Thanks @KungCheops for all his work on improvement AI
Atolls with actual map effects (though I think EnemyUnitPanel lua needs to update to show the CS change?)
Spoiler :
  Custom Mod Option for permanent pantheons change to 1
    If you are spread to, you keep your pantheon. Feels less bad especially for desert/tundra start.
  Goddess of Renewal
  -- Changed +2 Science to +2 Faith on the Market
    This Pantheon might now actually stand a chance of Founding in reasonable time
    All* other Building-buffing Pantheons have +2 Faith on that Building

Building Changes
  Stoneworks (feat. Arena, Forge, Workshop)
  -- Moved +1 Culture from Arena to Stoneworks
    Arena is super strong, while Stoneworks is often skipped without a relevant Monopoly
  -- Removed nearby resource requirements from Stoneworks
    Other Ancient Buildings like Herbalist and Smokehouse don't do this, it should go
    Can also lead to weird things where you get Stone beyond the working radius and this suddenly pops up in your City,
      even though it won't really give you any yields if you build it...
  -- Moved Internal Production effect to the Forge
    Even without the other changes, internal production is too important to Tradition start to lock behind the Stoneworks
    Since this is the precursor to the Workshop we also save on text there!
  -- Remove +1 Production
  -- Gain 10 Production on border expand
    Gives small reason to build without bonuses and not affecting happiness calculation
    Border growth is more interesting than the flat +1, which is already on Forge (e.g. more valuable to Authority than Progress, etc)

  -- +1 Food and Gold to Marsh tiles
    Marshes are a 4 yield tile with Herbalist, but the Marsh start (Sugar, Bananas) does not reward you from removing them
    This makes Marsh start better while maintaining its unique delay-improvement, rush building playstyle
    And possibly even extends it to Marsh Truffles start (since Caravansary boosts Truffles)
    Caravansary is also a fairly niche building for many starts, this broadens its usefulness
  -- is now the prereq BuildingClass for Customs Houses

  -- Added 2 Tourism to Lake Tiles
    Lakes don't get a boost for a long time and are a pretty naff 6 yield tile until Windmill
    Early Tourism won't break the game, but does give an interesting edge to a Civ with many Lakes
    (Also fixed strategy text, was incorrect in base VP)

  Windmill (feat. Agribusiness)
  -- Removed +1 Food to Granary (!) and Grocer
    For tiny yields this is a waste of text
  -- Added flat +2 Food
  -- Lowered Marsh bonus to +1/+1
    This is to prepare for other changes to Marsh. Currently they are useless even with this so don't worry.
  -- Added +1 Production/+1 Gold to Farms
    In many cases Farms are useless at this point in the game. Feels bad to me.
  -- Lowered Farm boost to +1/+1 on Agribusiness
    Same overall power as before with Windmill, avoid inflation
  -- Did not change Danish Andel. UB

  -- Gains +1 Culture to Camp
    Camps on Forests are ok, but Bison on Plains for example become fairly worthless
    Culture on Tiles will convert to Tourism
  -- Added +1 Culture/+1 Tourism to Camp on Spanish Bull Ring 4UC
  -- Zoo loses +2 Culture
    We want to avoid big yield inflation, especially in Culture
    Circus and Stadium don't give Culture (now neither does Arena)
  -- Loses Historic Event on Trade Routes
    In the wrong building line and really doesn't fit. See Hotel below

  Public School and Broadcast Tower
  -- Public School Scaler lowered to +1 Science per 4 Citizens (from 2)
    Science in the late game is too high and this scaler I think bears a lot of the blame, it is very high
    for such a valuable yield and only gets stronger as Cities grow.
  -- Broadcast Tower scaler lowered to +1/+1 Culture/Tourism per 4 Citizens (from 2)
    With a longer game Culture levels will be too high so this is lowered accordingly

    Removed +2 Production all other Factories
      This bonus can get out of control in certain circumstances -- every City working Processes 80% of the time
    Added +2 Production to all Factories to Refinery
      This delays the bonus and caps it at 5 Cities, preventing runaway.

    I *hate* how these are only for niche Cities, and even then they are bad at their job
    I don't want to make them `build everywhere', but increase the number of use cases
  -- Gains +5 Tourism from Oasis
    This is a left-behind Feature that had several building interactions in the early game
  -- Gains +1 Gold and Tourism per Mountain in the workable Tiles
    We have precious few Mountain interactions in the game
  -- Gains +1 Gold and Tourism from Snow
    Without the Rationalism policy Snow needs a boost
  -- Gains Historic Event on Trade Route from the Zoo
  -- Increased Culture->Tourism to 33% (from 25%)
    This is the headline new effect at this point in the game, but it is so minor
    -- Morocco Riad at 50%
    -- Removed +1 Tourism at Archaeology for Maoi statues to keep same-ish output
  -- Requires the Customs House
    no startup city should build this
    why doesnt the customs house line go anywhere! also why doesnt it require caravansary...

    These are a key location in the modern world, yet in VP they only benefit the Military!?
  -- Airports give +1 Tourism per 3 Citizens
  -- Airport give +3 Gold and Tourism to nearby Atolls
       I want to go on Holiday so bad my dudes
       As it is not a Sea Resource it gets a bit left behind in yields by the end game
  -- +5% Yields from City Connections *in all Cities*
       Can become significant in a big empire with many destinations
  -- Requires a Hotel

Unit Changes
  Anti-Air Units have range reduced by 2 hexes (i.e. AA is now 1 range, SAM is now 2 range)
    This should be a niche unit to fight an opponent with planes, but right now it shuts down all air attacks, returning the game to land combat when it should transition
    Gains ability to carry 2 missiles (and requisite AI setting)
      Experimental! Have seen AI rebase to them. They have fired during this time but its not 100% certain that was from the SAM (probably)

  Ordnance Survey
    -- New promo
    -- Double movement in Hills. Can use Enemy Routes.
    -- Free to all Land Units at Ballistics
      The idea is to get over the late-game immobility of armies. Tried many options, this is favourite.

  Engineering Corps
    -- Moved earlier to Dynamite
      Mountain roads are cool, want them faster.
      Above (new) promo needs to be at Ballistics timing-wise, so unstack

    For some reason their Feature map effects were removed
    They are the only real thing on Coast Tiles (outside Natural Wonders), so they should do something to make the map more tactical for naval combat
  -- Requires 3 Moves (up from 1)
  -- Has SeeThrough = 1, blocks sight like a Forest
  -- Has +25% Defense bonus, same as Forest

    +1 Production to Flatland Desert tiles
      symmetrising with Tundra and making it like all previous Civ installments.
      getting Desert Incense is so sad right now...

    -- no longer remove Marshes
    -- -2 Food if on Marsh
      Makes the Marsh Truffles start playable (but not OP)

  Work Boats removed

  Fishing Boats
    -- Can be built by Workers
    -- 7 turns like other basic improvements
    -- Still destroyed if pillaged (animation too bad)

  Offshore Platforms
    -- Can be built by Workers
    -- 9 turns like the Well
    -- Still destroyed if pillaged (animation too bad)

  -- Plantation improvement now gives 2 Food (down from 3), but 1 Science (up from 0)
    This means that it is no longer awkward to improve Jungle Banana because you lose the Science from University
    It's lame to see Banana and think "I wish that wasn't there so I could build a lumbermill"

Civ Balance
Changes to perceived problematic components
Spoiler :
  I think this UA is pretty broken. In my test it was providing double my base culture in the medieval on a large pangaea map.
  -- No longer receive Culture for importing/exporting Luxuries. Gold increased to +4
   The Gold effectively functions as a discount to buying peoples' stuff -- which can get you monopolies!
  -- +1 Gold and Culture from all Luxuries
   Doesn't era scale but maintains some early culture and excess gold from having luxuries. You don't even have to connect them, so try to pull off something interesting!

  Changed up the economic bonuses of the civ (especially in light of Authority rework above)
  -- UA: No longer receives extra Yields from Tribute
   Issue here with very early Faith makes them a Religious civ, but on discussion people felt they shouldn't be, so here we are.
  -- +1 Faith on Ger now +1 Gold
   As above. Gold help pay for your early army
  -- UA: Gain +1 Food, Culture, Border Growth, and GG Point from Horses
   Other than militaristically, significant Horse culture of Mongolia was not represented (which remains to the present day)
   I tried many UA options. This one I liked because of the above flavor, and because GG points mean more Ordo, and Ordo are great!
  -- UA: Name changed to "Khiimori", which means Wind Horse: an east Asian concept equivalent to the soul

  Implemented the possible upcoming 4UC change at the request of the one they call "Mark"
    New Building - Embrapa (replaces Research Lab)
    available at Plastics
    2000 :c5production: Production Cost
    7 Gold Maintenance
    +4 :c5science: Science, +2 :tourism: Tourism, +2 :c5gold: Gold
    +4 :c5science: Science from Oil, Aluminium, Uranium, and Academies
    +2 :c5science: Science, :c5culture: Culture, and :c5gold: Gold from Brazilwood Camps, Pastures, Banana/Rice/Maize/Wheat
    +1 :c5science: and :tourism: from Forest and Jungle tiles
    5% of :c5food: Food in the City becomes :tourism: Tourism
    +4 :c5science: Science from Hospital, Factory, Medical Lab
    33% Great Scientist Rate
    1 Scientist Slot
    -1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Illiteracy

1) +1 :c5production:, :c5gold:, :c5science:, :c5culture: from the Palace and Walls
2) +4 :c5production:, :c5gold:, :c5science:, :c5culture: in the Capital/Holy City for every 5 Followers in owned Cities
3) 25% Ranged Strength and 10 HP healing
+2 :c5happy: from Ceilidh Hall

1) 25% :c5food: Growth and 1 :c5happy:
2) +12 :c5production:, :c5gold:, :c5culture: when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born, scaling with Era.
3) 10 HP healing in owned territory
+5 :c5food: from Ceilidh Hall

1) +1 :c5gold: from Forests and Jungles (from food/gold or food/prod)
2) +1 :c5food: and :c5production: from unimproved Features
3) +1 :c5science: and :c5culture: from Camps and Plantations
+2 :c5culture: from Ceilidh Hall

1) +3 :c5food:, :c5production:, :c5gold: if Coastal City
2) +1 :c5production: from Water tiles and +1 :c5culture: and ⚓ from Fishing Boats (from +1 :c5gold:)
3) Eligible units gain Amphibious
+2 ⚓ from Ceilidh Hall

1) +1 :c5food:, :c5production:, and :c5gold: for every 2 Tundra tiles worked
2) +2 :c5food:, :c5production:, and :c5gold:for Snow resources (from +1 to food/prod/sci/cult)
3) +1 :c5production: and :c5culture: from Mines and Quarries (from +1 :c5gold:)
+4 :c5production: from Ceilidh Hall (from +5 :tourism:)

1) +3 🔮 Border Growth from Pastures
2) +8 :c5food:, :c5production:, :c5science:, :c5culture: when borders expand naturally, scaling with Era
3) +1 :c5happy: from Stables and can purchase them with :c5faith:
+5 🔮 from Ceilidh Hall

1) +2 :c5food:, :c5gold:, :c5science:, :c5culture:, and :tourism:if the City has a Specialist
2) +25%:c5production:towards Wonders (up from 10%)
Egypt is changing, we can make this more significant than just 10% (Egypt could get 40%)
3) +2 :c5culture: and :tourism: from Wonders
+5 :tourism:from Ceilidh Hall (from +4 :c5production:)
double down on that early tourism, giving those wonder whores what they want

1) +10% (down from 15) :c5gold:, :c5science:, and :c5culture: during WLTKD
2) +3 :c5gold:, :c5science:, :c5goldenage: from every unique Lux owned or imported
3) +3 :c5gold:, :c5science:, :c5goldenage: from every trade route to or from
+5 :c5gold: from Ceilidh Hall

1) :c5gold:, :c5culture:, :c5goldenage: from kills at 200% of :c5strength:
2) 20 :c5gold:, :c5culture:, :c5goldenage: from pillaging, scaling with Era
3) +1 :c5greatperson: Great General Point from Strategic Resources
+2 :c5greatperson: Great General Points from Ceilidh Hall

New and redesigned
1) +1 All Yields if the City has 4+ :c5citizen: Citizens
2) +3 All Yields from Natural Wonders
3) Settler units gets a unique promotion: +2 Moves; Ignore ZOC, Terrain, Rival Borders; can use enemy roads
+1 All Yields from Ceilidh Hall (from 5 :c5goldenage:)

Gwyn, Monarch of the Mists
1) +1 :c5food:, :c5science:, :c5culture: for every 2 Mountains within 3 tiles (capped by City pop)
2) Eligible units receive the Altitude Training promotion
3) :c5faith: from kills and deaths at 200% :c5strength:
+3 :c5faith: from Ceilidh Hall

Olwen, the Golden Wheel
1) +1 :c5food: and :c5production: from Desert tiles without Flood Plains, and for every 2 Plains or 2 Flood Plains worked by the City
2) +1 :c5science: and :c5goldenage: from Farms
3) +10% :c5culture: during :c5goldenage: Golden Ages
+5 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from Ceilidh Hall

 - +25% Faith during Golden Ages moved from the UB to the UA
 - UB generates 10 Golden Age Points when you unlock a Tech, scaling with Era.
   This may need to be a different number, I will test it properly next game

Sweden (assumes 4UC)
 - Hakkapeliitta moved back to CS gift
 - Jarl Unique Great General added
 - Looks like a Viking swordsman, changes to a Ski Infantry in Industrial (and gains promotion of the same name)
 - Set of unique names
 - Can make Citadel and has Leadership aura as usual
 - Jarl has 16 CS, increasing to Longsword, Greatsword, Rifleman, etc. CS with era
 - Has "Swedish Lion", 10% CS per adjacent friendly unit, unlocks unique promotions on level up instead of shock/drill
   Note, I want this to block Shock and Drill, and have this as a melee combat unit class, for other effects. However that table isn't implemented yet so I've done it the old fashioned way with a unique combat class.
 - Unique Promotions
   - Primogeniture: 40 Food/Culture/GGPoints when taken. +200% GGPoints from combat
   - Saga: Ignore Terrain Costs. No penalty attacking from Sea. Can cross Mountain/Ice/Ocean. Requires Drama and Poetry
   - Manifesto of War: +1 Radius on Leadership. Heal every turn. Requires Metallurgy.
   - High Chancellor: +2 Gold/Tourism/GoldenAgePoint per 8 combat strength when stationed in a City or Fortification. Influence in nearby City-State based on XP gained. Requires Guilds.
   The baochuan influence effect is not yet implemented so until then we have +2 instead of +1. Fortifications not yet working but that might be me, stand-by.
   - Gott mit Uns: 100% of defeated Unit Combat Strength as Faith. +1% Strength for every 3 HP lost instead of a penalty. Requires Printing Press.
     Would prefer Faith from XP gain but not yet implemented.
   - Riksforestandare: 20% CS in friendly territory and against unhappy opponents. +2 Sight and Embarked Sight. Requires Chivalry.


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Subterfuge -- Spy Points Redesign
BETA - Standalone download

Spy acquisition has been moved to this :espionage: Spy Point system, however the source of Spy Point remains the same as it always has -- technological advance.
I don't like this for two reasons
1) Spies arrive without you doing anything, making it feel uninteractive. You're given them even if you don't really want them.
2) It leads to a situation where, by the end of the game, everyone has a huge number of spies that are absolutely everywhere.

The core changes are,
  • Spies are no longer gained from Era advance (yours or anyone else's)
  • Spies no longer scale with Map Size. 100 Points = 1 Spy.
  • 100 :espionage: Spy Points are available each Era starting in the Renaissance on a National Wonder
    (Printing Press rebrand, new General Post Office, Foreign Bureau, and National Intelligence Agency)
    These are your "core spies" that have minor investment to obtain. You can beeline them or you will get them in time.
  • No Network Point reduction for not everyone having spies
  • Tweaks to the Security scaling and network point generation (not super important to understand but provided below)
    Spoiler :
    UPDATE Defines SET VALUE = 0 WHERE NAME = 'ESPIONAGE_SECURITY_PREVIOUS_CITY_MISSIONS';  -- anti dogpile unnecessary with new mechanics imo
    -- this makes it so you have a % security. 100% security is no NP
    UPDATE Defines SET VALUE = 100 WHERE NAME = 'ESPIONAGE_NP_REDUCTION_PER_SECURITY_POINT';  -- divided by 100: Percentage Reduction of Network Points per Security Point (was 160)
    -- because security is meant to be active to some extent, base points need to go up
  • New Great Diplomat effect: Instant Mission gives 50 :espionage: Spy Points
    A big change that allows you to actively target obtaining Spies, at the cost of Embassies
    Scrivener's office gives 50 Points so the first Great Diplomat is a Spy, then every 2.
    This happens after the end of the turn via lua and dummy buildings at the moment. AI is unaware ofc.
  • Modernized all civilopedia and UI text to reflect changes, including those in the base game, and remapped the CityEvents_ParentEvent table to reorder the UI in cost order
    Spoiler :


  • New rewards for doing Spy Missions and :espionage: Spy Points on new Wonders
    Spoiler :

    - Add :c5gold: :tourism: for Rigging City States to the Printing Press and Foreign Bureau ("tall")
    - Add :c5production: :c5culture: for offensive Spy Missions to the Constabulary and the Police Station ("wide")
    - Rename Printing Press to State Treasury (moving name and icon from Tradition as above) and move to Banking
    - Move White Tower to State Treasury replacement on Civil Service (from Ironworks and Machinery) and mutatis mutandis (2 paper and 200 :espionage: Spy Points)

    - For @Pipiskus, new Wonder at Guilds, Alamut Fortress

    500 :c5production: Base cost
    Must have nearby Mountain
    1 Diplomat Point, 3 :c5strength:, 2 :c5science:, 1 :c5culture:
    100 :espionage: Spy Points
    100 :c5faith: from Spy Missions, scaling with Era.
    +1 :c5science: and :c5faith: from Gardens, Universities, and Castles in the City

    - New Wonder at Navigation, Port Royal


    900 :c5production: Base cost
    Must have a Harbor
    2 ⚓ Great Amiral Points, 1 :c5culture:
    100 :espionage: Spy Points
    150 :c5gold: Gold and :c5culture: Culture from Spy Missions, scaling with Era
    +3 :c5gold: Gold from 🚢 Sea Trade Routes
    All Naval Melee Units trained in this City get the Piracy Promotion

    - New Wonder at Rifling, Chateau d'If

    1000 :c5production: Base cost
    Must be Coast, must have a Bastion Fort
    2 :c5production:, 1 :c5culture:
    2 Writer Points
    100 :espionage: Spy Points
    Free Penitentiary (see below)
    5% Great Diplomat from constructing Industrial Buildings and later

    - General Post Office as a new National Wonder for the Industrial Era

    Unlocked at Military Science
    Requires a Coaling Station
    100 :espionage: Spy Points
    1 Civil Servant slot and Great Person Point per turn
    +1 Production, Gold, and Tourism to Civil Servants in the City
    Grants a Free Post Office
    +5 City Security in all Cities
    +10% City Connection yields in all Cities
    +2 Tourism for City State Friend, +2 Food and Tourism for City State Ally
  • New rewards for doing Spy Missions on some Buildings
    Spoiler :

    - New Building Jail added, precursor to Constabulary

    Unlocked on Metal Casting
    200 :c5production: Cost, 1 :c5gold: Gold maintenance
    +2 :c5production:
    20 City Security
    20 🔮 Border Growth Points when performing a Spy Mission, scaling with Era
    +1 :c5production: Production and 🔮 Border Growth Point from Quarries
    Castle loses +1 :c5production: Production to Quarries, gains +1 :tourism: to Jail, Harbor, Constabulary

    New Building Printing House that lets you work another Civil Servant to target Spy generation
    [[Uses the Printing Press icon]]
    Unlocked on Printing Press
    500 :c5production: Cost, 4 :c5gold: Gold maintenance (T1 Renaissance costs)
    1 :gp: Civil Servant Slot
    Literacy Promotion (from Printing Press)
    10 :espionage: City Security
    +1 :c5gold: Gold for every :c5citystate: Friend
    +1 :c5science: Science for every :c5citystate: Ally

    - Change Police Station to Printing Press on the Statecraft Shadow Networks Policy. Drop to +2 :c5science: each since it is so much earlier.
    - New Buildings Penitentiary that spreads the Security boost from the Constable over more time and gives an additional source of Spy Mission Yields to support new cities

    Unlocked on Industrialization
    1250 :c5production: Cost, 6 :c5gold: Gold maintenance
    10 :espionage: City Security and +1 per 4 :c5citizen:
    20 :c5food: Food and 🔮 Border Growth Points when performing a Spy Mission, scaling with Era
    5% :c5war: Supply from :c5citizen: Population
    -5% :c5citystate: Empire Size Modifier in this City
    Workers produced in this City Work 20% Faster (new promotion not retroactive)
    - Prison is added to Colonist list of buildings (finally, Prison colony fantasy is ours)
    - Constabulary reduced to +1 :espionage: City Security per 4 :c5citizen:
    - Arsenal reduced to 5% :c5war: Supply from :c5citizen: Population

    - New Building Sorting Office sits between Hotel and Airport in the (new) trade line

    Unlocked at Combustion
    +2 :tourism: Tourism and 10 :espionage: City Security
    +3 :c5gold: Gold to Land Trade Routes
    +3/+3 :c5gold: to City and Owner for incoming Trade Routes
    +20% :c5trade: City Connection yields locally
    30% of Investments and Purchases converted into 🔮 Border Growth Points

    - New Building Casino added

    Unlocked on Replaceable Parts
    Requires Penitentiary and Hotel
    1800 :c5production: Cost, 8 :c5gold: Gold maintenance
    +2 :c5gold: Gold
    Receive 15 :c5gold: Gold and :c5culture: Culture when you perform a Spy Mission, scaling with Era.
    Gain 20 :c5culture: Culture and :tourism: Tourism in the City when its borders expand, scaling with Era.
    +6 :c5gold: Gold once Computers is discovered.
  • New and rebalanced Spy Missions
    Spoiler :

    More options, including multiple ways of accomplishing important effects like Sapping a City or stopping Tourism: at different cost thresholds, and with different prerequisites including tech unlocks.
    Detonate Nuclear Device is a bit mad but Civ II had it so I think we have to out of respect! :D
  • New and rebalanced Counterspy Focusses
    Spoiler :

    Each has 3 missions it blocks, allowing you to "opt out" of certain irritating effects like Burgle the Treasury or Steal Great Works. However they have some drawbacks like a small reduction to Tourism or Growth in return. They also have minor positive effects as well like a Pressure boost or more yields from Forts and other Fortifications!
  • A proof of concept for a Civ that riffs off the :espionage: Spy Point mechanic: Silent Decree China.

    Embolden Local Warlord: High cost, crippling proxy attack. 1750 Points, Kills Spy 100%, Cannot target Capitals, 8 Barbs spawn, 10 turns Sapped, 5 turns Anarchy. 30 turn shared global cooldown
    Imperial Inspection: short duration focus for micro managing economy. 10 turns WLTKD, +1 :c5production:, :c5gold:, :c5science: from Civil Servants and Farms (in spirit of old UI) while persist (can end early ofc). :c5gold:/:c5culture: standard counterspy effect
    Examination Hall: gives +20 :espionage: Spy Points (so 5 Cities = 1 Spy) and Yields from WTLKD (currently % increase while table is implemented) in place of Great Work boost.
    UI replaced by Taichang Si: Unique Scrivener's Office from an old proposal. Gold from Temples, Food/BGP from Great Works everywhere, 15% Food/Gold/Faith from WLTKD in this City. 100 :espionage: Spy Points (up from 50)
    UUs: unchanged
Requires 4.18+ VP


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Recon Rework
Recently scout units have changed to address movement concerns, but I think there are two big problemos still remaining:
1) The map is revealed too early. Your starting Pathfinder explores too much of the world by itself too soon. (There is a concomitant 'super scout' problem)
2) The Trailblazer line is required for scouting but results in a much weaker unit. This is especially a problem for an AI with a Recon-line UU.

Below I've made changes to address these two things. By making the Trailblazer line into combat promotions based on terrain, we choose two different flavors of "light infantry". The movement style and recon ability are now largely determined by the combat class and fix the identity of the units.
To give more terrain bonuses to interact with I've also added more CS interactions on things like Desert and Tundra. This also just generally improves the combat map in my opinion.
I have also added a significant number of additional promotions for Recon units, as well as changed some prereqs for existing promotions to fit accordingly with the overall endgoal.

I recommend trying Trailblazer III in combat, it's a triumph.
Spoiler :
-- Scout Units have 2 Movement
-- Scout Units have Ignore Terrain Cost in:
-- +2 Combat Strength to all Scout class units
-- +1 Combat Strength to all Explorer class units
-- +2 Combat Strength to all Commando class units
-- +3 Combat Strength to all Paratrooper class units

  revert changes that simplified the combat bonuses on tiles
-- -10% Defense in Tundra and Desert
-- -15% Defense in Snow
-- +15% Defense in Marsh and Oasis
-- +10% Defense in Flood Plains

-- +15% Defense on Town
-- +10% Defense on Village and Manufactory

Unit Promotions
  the theme here is to either negate or flip terrain effects
  first rework the Trailblazer line
  -- Trailblazer I
    +25% Attack in Forest and Jungle
    +10% Strength outside Friendly Territory
  -- Trailblazer II
    +20% Defense in Tundra and Desert
    +10% Strength outside Friendly Territory
  -- Trailblazer III
    +1 Move (on land)
    Can move after attacking
    Ignore Zone of Control

  now rework some existing promos
  -- Altitude Training (Mt. Kili promo)
    Recon units can learn with Survivalism I or Trailblazer II
    +20% Attack in Hills
    Can move through Mountains

  -- Infiltrators (+15% CS Outside, +15% against Wounded, +10% if not adjacent)
    Recon can learn with Covert II, see below

  -- Coup de Grace (+30% against enemies below half HP)
    Recon can learn with Covert II, see below

  -- Amphibious
   Now requires Sailing tech, to stop early scout pick for stupid AI
   Recon units can learn with Survivialism I or Trailblazer I

  -- Frogman
   Requires Amphibious and Railroad tech
   Loses no penalty from attacking by sea (obsolete with Amphib)
   Gains +1 Embarked Movement

  -- Commando (Commando promotion)
   Now called Tactical Retreat (couldn't civilopedia search for it!)
   Requires Railroad
   Requires Survivalism III or Trailblazer III
   Not free for Commando anymore (kept on the Kelpht)

  -- Ambush I
   Recon can learn with Surivalism II or Trailblazer II

  now add some more promotions
  -- Ski Infantry
    Requires Altitude Training
    Double Movement and no costs in Snow and Mountain
    +25% Attack in Mountain
    +30% Defense in Snow

  -- Stillwater Training
    Requires Amphibious
    +15% Attack in Marsh and Oasis
    Applies a "Venom" Plague that reduces healing for 3 turns

  -- Sabateur I
    Requires Survivalism I or Trailblazer I and the Masonry tech (AI)
    +33% against Siege
    15 Science from Pillaging, scaling with Era

  -- Sabateur II
    +33% against Siege
    15 Science from Pillaging, scaling with Era

  -- Demolition Expert
    Requires Sabateur II and Dynamite tech
    15 AoE damage on Pillaging

  -- Covert I
    Requires Amphibious or Sabateur I
    10 Healing at start of turn in enemy territory
    +50% Attack against Fortified enemies

  -- Covert II
    10 Healing at start of turn in enemy territory
    +50% Attack against Fortified enemies

  -- Surprise Attack
    Requires Covert II and Dynamite
    +50% Attack against Full Health Units

New Buildings
Spoiler :


Using some building ideas from this modmod:
and adding some more of my own, with inspiration from The Gang over on discord
Spoiler :

New Buildings
  It's been noted that later in the game there are slightly too few buildings, let's start to address that
  Grocer->Apothecary (Chemistry)
  -- Food carried over lowered to 10%
    see building below
  -- +1 Faith
  -- 25% Faith ourpute as instant yield on Citizen Birth
    this is now a third +Faith building.
    only having 2 was getting limiting for UC. E.g. we can move Bimaristan here
  -- 1 Poverty reduction removed
    see building below; this one already has +1 Happiness
  -- +1 Science and Faith from Marshes
    this puts them at 8 yields, still lower than improved resources but still decent

  Sewer (Steam Power)
    sits between Grocer and Hospital in the growth line
  -- +1 Science
  -- 50% Food output as instant yield on Citizen Birth
  -- 10% Food carried over on Citizen Birth
  -- +1 Food and +1 Science on Lake
  -- +2 Science on Marsh
    even with Windmill these tiles were bad for Industrial+
  -- +1 Production from River tiles
    not enough pro-River bonuses for my liking. Helps pay for construction cost.
  -- 1 Poverty reduction

  Restaurant (Biology)
    sits between Zoo and Stadium in the instant yield line
  -- +2 Food and +1 Culture
  -- +400 Gold when Built
  -- +1 Culture from nearby Farms
  -- +2 Culture from nearby Plantations
  -- +2 Gold and Tourism from Hotel, Agribusiness, and Marina in the City
    none of these are essential/guaranteed 
  -- 1 Urbanization reduction

  Cinema (Electricity)
    requires a Gallery
  -- +2 Culture
  -- +1 Happiness
  -- +2 Gold, Science, and Culture from Writers, Artists, and Musicians
  -- +1 Gold and Tourism from Desert tiles
  -- +2 Science from Village and Town
  -- +4 Science and +2 Culture at Computers

  ------ Three mutually exclusive buildings -----
  Country Club (Atomic Theory)
  -- Requires Hotel and Stock Exchange, exclusive with Ski Resort and Marina
  -- +2 Gold and Culture
  -- +2 Gold and Culture from Villages, Towns, and Lakes
  -- 5% Gold converted to Culture
  -- 1 Urbanization reduction

  Ski Resort (Rocketry)
  -- Requires Hotel and nearby Mountain, exclusive with Country Club and Marina
  -- +5 Border Growth
  -- +5 Gold, Culture, and Tourism per 2 Mountains
  -- 20% of Tourism converted to Gold
  -- 1 Urbanization reduction

  Marina (Refrigeration)
  -- Requires Hotel and Seaport, exclusive with Ski Resort and Country Club
  -- +3 Food
  -- +1 Gold, Culture, and Tourism from Coast (not Ocean)
  -- +2 Gold, Culture, and Tourism from Atolls
  -- 20% of Tourism converted to Gold
  -- 1 Urbanization reduction
  Supermarket (Refrigeration)
  -- Requires Hospital and Industrial Connection
  -- +4 Food
  -- Converts 25% Gold Purchases to Food
  -- +50% City Connection Yields
    Lowered from 200% because we have Airports now (and it affects Production!)
  -- 1 Urbanization reduction
  -- Internal Routes get +10 Food
  Hospital has Urbanization removed (down from 2) to conserve total amount available
    was already a very strong building and you can get free ones with Universal Healthcare

  Pipeline (Combined Arms)
  -- Requires Factory and Industrial Connection
    Factory req. means you need to spend a Coal
  -- +2 Science
  -- 20 Production and Science on border expand, scaling with Era
  -- +50% City Connection Yields
  -- Internal Routes get +6 Production
  -- +2 Production, Gold, and Border Growth Points for all Oil in the Empire
    This is an Interpretive Centre-style bonus for Oil that will hopefully make even "colony cities" worth it
    Though you have a bit of work to get it online!

  Ice Station (Nuclear Fission)
  -- Requires adjacent Snow tile
  -- +5 Food and Science
  -- 5% Science in *all Cities*
    You can read this as Snow Cities being free from the empire cost scaler on tech costs
  -- +3 Science from Snow tiles
  -- +1 Science from Sea tiles
  Arcade (Computers)
  -- +2 Gold, Science, and Culture, with another +8 at The Internet
  -- 35 Science on new Citizen Birth, scaling with Era
  -- 100 Culture on Tech unlock, scaling with Era
  -- *No* Unhappiness from Boredom
    intended to be a building that lets Science civs delay Cultural Dominance over themselves

  Mass Transit (Electronics)
  -- +3 Production and Tourism
  -- +20% All Yields output as instant boost on new Citizen Birth
  -- +10 Food to all Power Plants
  -- -1 Poverty
  -- Required 2 Iron and an Industrial Connection
    Intended to be a greedy building for the late game. Risky if you might need the Iron.

  Police Station moved to Radar

  Nightclub (Telecom)
  -- +3 Gold and Culture
  -- 750 Tourism when built
  -- 200% Tourism output as instant boost on new Citizen Birth
    combo with Supermarket and Food focus for the final burst of Tourism before the end
  -- 50 Tourism from Spy Action (with Spy Rework module)
  -- 1 Urbanization reduction

  Interpretive Centre moved to Satellites

  Missile Silo (Advanced Ballistics)
  -- Requires Military Base and 1 Aluminium
  -- 25% City Attack (not strength)
  -- +1 Attack Range
  -- 1 Free Guided Missile
  -- +100% Production to Missiles

  Industrial Estate (Mobile Tactics)
  -- +6 Food and +4 Production
  -- 15% of Investments and Purchases converted into Production and Border Growth Points
  -- +8 to Land and Sea Trade Routes
  -- +8/+8 to City and Owner for incoming Trade Routes
  -- +12/+12 Internal Route yields
  -- Requires Industrial Connection

Ideology Balance
Moved to Semper Fidelis to avoid a mod-dependency nightmare

Siege Rework
I really don't think Siege Units are where they need to be.
With siege, cities fall (at the correct rate), but without them they often feel invincible. Sadly until Field Gun many cities just cannot be sieged due to terrain blocking, or at least can only be hit from limit spots that you can't even get a siege unit to in the first place.
But then, if you get Range, all issues are solved. So it becomes a case of whether or not your neighbour is positioned in such a way that you can come away with 3 range Trebs to fight a real war later on. There wasn't really anything you could do about that. This is no fun.
The worst part of all this is that it is completely beyond the AI planning.
There's a similar problem in the Field line where what you really want is Splash+Logistics. Most of the game you can't get highly promoted siege because its rare they get to attack (and they die if they try to defend). This means they feels borderline useless against land units, and might as well just build more archers.
Here I've tried to alleviate these concerns whilst still allowing for powerful promoted siege units. The most significant change, Indirect Fire for all Siege Units, is particularly significant because of how it helps out the AI with early war.
Thanks to FlamingCheesePie for discussion on this:
Spoiler :
  Siege Engine
   -- now also grants "Shoots over Obstacles"
  Indirect Fire
   -- not granted to Field Gun and Artillery for free
     note the -% RCS on this promo is also lost

   -- no longer available to Siege
      (still on Archers, but I think the "Azum tweak" would be healthy, i.e. no promo below max hp)

  Repair (March)
   -- Replaces Range at Siege III
   -- Has +5 Healing
     still "unfair" against Cities but allowing counterplay instead of shooting from far
   -- +20 HP
     so you don't get 1 shot and actually get to heal, counterpart to Spotters below

   -- New promo at Siege I
    to mirror the new naval cannon promo
   -- +5 XP and +15 HP when pillaging
     so you can go in with this guy first and sneak in another turn vs a city
     should be good in the early game especially and an alternative/supplement to Cover II, getting you to Repair consistently

  Siege Inaccuracy
   -- increased to -50% (from -33%)
    to compensate increased indirect fire indirect buff ;)
    and larger number of hits from siege

  Field Line
   Siege that are for combat, but don't want to just feel like Archers
   -- No longer grants +RCS against Open Terrain
   -- Now grants 5 Splash at each level

  Splash Line
   -- No longer available to Siege

   -- New promo at Field II
   -- +2 Visibility Range
   -- 5% Attack and 20% Defense per adjacent owned land unit
Note: I also tried making Range baseline instead. It's quite game-warping and results in lots of hits from the fog and high death rates (not unhealthy but can feel unfun), so I opted for Indirect Fire.
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-- Increased Culture->Tourism to 50% (from 25%) This is the headline new effect at this point in the game, but it is so minor Tests with 4UC Morocco suggest it is not even good at 33% -- Morocco Riad also 50% (I think it has enough else now it doesn't need a boost here too)
*laughs in Polynesian*
-- Feared Elephant Promotion gains +20 Hit Points Elephant units should feel meaty Keeps War Elephant strong with new limit
And then they drop dead when upgraded with 10 HP left.
*laughs in Polynesian*
You are right, will have to nerf Polynesian Culture

And then they drop dead when upgraded with 10 HP left.
So be it. 🔪🐘
No, that's an unfortunate ordering. Perhaps we should look at how the upgrade code works so that the unit you end up with cannot have less HP.
Of course there is also the more general argument about upgrades -- should damaged units be allowed to upgrade? I think I would prefer not.
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@hokath As I was recently pissed off by the crazy corporations I decided to rework them for my own purposes. Firstly of course reporting a bug for 2Kay happiness on github only to find out it's "intentional". Truly shocking... Let it be known my current game goes at huge map and standard speed. I have 26 cities so I get: 130 unhappiness reduction (26 per need) in every city and -130% empire size modifier thus making unhappiness non-existant and at the same time elevating my yields through the roof way up to the moon and well past it.
Your proposal goes into a good direction: "bonus nerfing" yet imho still making almost every corp monothematical. I myself would choose a different approach: main and secondary bonuses.
I will focus on existing corps only.

1. Trader Sid's (currently focuses on gold) ==> change into main: gold and secondary: culture
1.1 HQ
a) +3 Gold to Caravansaries and Markets ==> +1 Culture to Caravansaries and +2 Culture to Markets
b) +100% land Trade Route range ==> no change (or remove)
1.2 Office
a) +4 Gold for every Global Franchise ==> +3 Gold for every Global Franchise
b) Trading with a Franchise gives +25% Gold from Trade Routes ==> Trading with a Franchise gives +5% Culture in origin city
c) Trade Routes to this city produce +2 gold ==> remove
1.3 Franchise
a) no changes

2. Centaurus Extractors (currently focuses on production) ==> change into main: production and secondary:science

2.1 HQ
a) +2 Production to Harbors and Seaports ==> +1 Science to Harbors and +2 Science to Seaports
b) +100% sea Trade Route range ==> +50% sea Trade Route range (or remove)
2.2 Office
a) +3 Production for every Global Franchise ==> +2 Production for every Global Franchise
b) +1 Production to sea tiles ==> no change
c) Trading with a Franchise gives +10% Science in origin city ==> Trading with a Franchise gives +5% Science in origin city
2.3 Franchise
a) no changes

3. Hexxon Refinery (currently focuses on unit production) ==> change into main: extra resources and secondary: unit production/gold

3.1 HQ
a) +15% Production for all Units that require Oil, Uranium, or Aluminum to build ==> can build 2 extra Refineries
b) +3 Production on all Hydro, Wind, Nuclear, and Solar Plants ==> +6 Production and Gold on all Hydro, Wind, Nuclear, and Solar Plants
3.2 Office
a) +1 Oil and Coal for every three Global Franchises ==> +2 Oil and Coal for every five Global Franchises
b) +15% Production towards Military Units ==> no change
c) Trading with a Franchise gives +10% Production in origin city ==> Trading with a Franchise gives +5% Gold in origin city
3.3 Franchise
a) no change

4. Giorgio Armeier (currently focuses on culture) ==> change into main: culture and secondary: gold

4.1 HQ
a) +2 Culture to Museums and Opera Houses ==> +1 Culture to Museums and Opera Houses
b) +2 Culture to Writers, Artists and Musicians ==> +1 Gold and Culture to Writers, Artists and Musicians
4.2 Office
a) +2 Culture for every Global Franchise ==> +1 Culture for every Global Franchise
b) -1 unhappiness from Illiteracy and Boredom ==> remove
c) Trading with a Franchise gives +10% Culture in origin city ==> Trading with a Franchise gives +5% Gold in origin city
4.3 Franchise
a) no changes

5. Firaxite Materials (currently focuses on science) ==> change into main: science and secondary: production

5.1 HQ
a) +3 Science to Factories and Universities ==> +2 Science to Factories and +2 Production to Universities
b) trade routes can't be plundered (unless by a war participant) ==> remove
5.2 Office
a) +2 Science for every Global Franchise ==> +1 Science for every Global Franchise
b) +20% Production when constructing Buildings ==> +15% Production when constructing Buildings
c) Trading with a Franchise gives +50% Science from Trade Routes ==> no change
5.3 Franchise
a) no change

6. 2Kay Foods (currently focuses on food production as well as unhappiness genocide) ==> change into main: food and secondary: unhappiness reduction

6.1 HQ
a) Trade Units remove fog of war ==> remove
b) +3 Food to Grocers, Agribusinesses and Hospitals ==> +3 Food to Grocers, +2 Food to Agribusinesses and +1 Food to Hospitals
6.2 Office
a) +3 Food for every Global Franchise ==> +2 Food for every Global Franchise
b) -5% empire size modifier globally ==> -15% empire size modifier locally
c) -1 Unhappiness to all needs globally ==> -1 Unhappiness to all needs locally
d) +10% Food in the city ==> no change
e) Trading with a Franchise produces +10% Food in origin city ==> Trading with a Franchise gives -2 Unhappiness to all needs in origin city
6.3 Franchise
a) no change

7.Civilized Jewelers (currently focuses on great people and golden age with some gold) ==> no change but nerf

7.1 HQ
a) +100% trade unit speed ==> remove
b) +4 Golden Age points to Custom Houses and Banks ==> +2 GAP to Custom Houses and Banks
7.2 Office
a) +3% Golden Age lenght per office ==> +1% Golden Age lenght per office
b) +15% Great Person points in a city ==> +10% Great Person points in a city
c) +10% Great Person points per franchise ==> +1% Great Person points per franchise
d) Trading with a Franchise produces +10% Gold in origin city ==> Trading with a Franchise produces +5% Gold in origin city
7.3 Franchise
a) no change


1.1.a) As a secondary bonus city would produce +3 culture instead of +6 gold with required buildings.
1.1.b) Trade route bonuses are extremely unbalanced and randomness dependant (map, resources, ingame time, etc).
1.2.a) As a nerf city would produce +75 gold (for 25 franchises) instead of 100.
1.2.b) Secondary bonus. 40 gold trade route for a city with 100 culture production would not give +10 gold but +5 culture instead.
1.2.c) Seems like a totally random buff for everyone.

2.1.a) As a secondary bonus city would produce +3 science instead of +6 production with required buildings.
2.1.b) Trade route bonuses are extremely unbalanced and randomness dependant (map, resources, ingame time, etc).
2.2.a) As a nerf city would get +50 production (for 25 franchises) instead of +75.
2.2.c) As a nerf city with 100 science production would get +5 instead of +10 science.

3.1.a) Instead of doubling down on certain units production owner would get more versatile bonus of extra resources coming from extra Refineries either to trade or use.
3.1.b) It's still insignificant but +6 production and +6 Gold is better than +3 Production only at that stage of the game.
3.2.a) Instead of +8 Oil and +8 Coal (for 25 franchises) and first one of each after 3 franchises "settled" owner would get +10 of both and first two of each after 5 franchises.
3.2.c) Secondary bonus diversity.

4.1.a) As a nerf city would produce +2 culture instead of +4 with required buildings.
4.1.b) As a secondary bonus and a nerf certain specialists would produce +1 gold instead of +1 culture.
4.2.b) Seems like a random buff to already strong corporation and boredom should be irrelevant with this corp's culture focus.
4.2.c) As a secondary bonus and a nerf trade route with franchise would give origin city with 150 gold and 100 culture +7,5 gold instead of +10 culture.

5.1.a) As a secondary bonus and a nerf Factories would produce 33% less science and Universities none but give production instead.
5.1.b) Trade route bonuses are extremely unbalanced and randomness dependant (map, resources, ingame time, etc).
5.2.a) As a nerf city would get +25 science (for 25 franchises) instead of +50.
5.2.b) Slight nerf to entire corp.

6.1.a) Trade route bonuses are extremely unbalanced and randomness dependant (map, resources, ingame time, etc).
6.1.b) As a nerf to pop growth an average +3 is changed to an average +2.
6.2.a) As a nerf city would get +50 food (for 25 franchises) instead of +75.
6.2.b) This change combined with the one below will give unhappiness mechanics a fighting chance once again.
6.2.c) This change combined with the one above will give unhappiness mechanics a fighting chance once again.
6.2.e) As a diversity and situational compensation for two nerfs above this can help manage potential unhappiness we gave a fighting chance before.

7.1.a) Trade route bonuses are extremely unbalanced and randomness dependant (map, resources, ingame time, etc). This one is particuraly bad being that good.
7.1.b) As a nerf city would produce +4 GAP instead of +8 with required buildings.
7.2.a) As a nerf empire would get +1,5 turns of Golden Age (for a 15 turns base and 10 offices) instead of 4,5 turns.
7.2.b) A small nerf to a very versatile bonus. +20 base GP points would get +2 instead of +3 bonus.
7.2.c) As a nerf city with +20 base GP points would get +25%, in this case +5 GPP, instead of +250%, in this case +50 GPP (for 25 franchises). Pretty self explanatory.
7.2.d) As a nerf city with 150 gold production would get +7,5 instead of +15 for trading with a franchise.

And most importantly - I love Community Patch with VP and appreciate all the hard work that has been put into it.
Lastly: Misc Changes, Early Tree Tweaks and Industrial Policies Rework IMHO are all very good ideas. Personally I have no significant opinion about The Pikemen Rework while Spy Points Redesign seems like a total overhaul of the mechanic and may require separate discussion.
Firstly of course reporting a bug for 2Kay happiness on github only to find out it's "intentional". Truly shocking...
Yes, in my head the 5% Empire Modifier global makes some kind of sense -- it removes the penalty from having additional cities. But the Unhappiness from Needs? Well I guess it can't make unhappiness go below zero! :D

I decided to rework them for my own purposes.
It seems we arrived at quite a similar idea!
I perhaps nerfed a little harder -- I've taken the trade route bonus down to 3% even because in my last game I had a handy 60% science boost with 12 routes in Atomic and I felt this was too much.
You also went above +1 yield on some of the Franchises. I chose them all equal because although 1 Gold is not worth 1 Science, that's something we decide ourselves. On buildings all the yields tend to be valued equally, or at least should, in my opinion.

Your proposal goes into a good direction: "bonus nerfing" yet imho still making almost every corp monothematical. I myself would choose a different approach: main and secondary bonuses.
Honestly I was also trying to get in this secondary bonus angle, but yes I kept more on the "main" yield than you did.
So I would cite the Office changes as a good example, bold for things that aren't the "main yield" noted as an icon,
Spoiler :

Trader Sids: :c5gold:
Incoming Route +4 Gold to you, +2 Gold for them
+2% Production per CS Trade Route on Empire
Centaurus Extractors: :c5production:
+1 Production and Culture from Sea Tiles
+1 Science and Culture from Sea Resources

Inteded to promote Culture->Tourism effects
Hexxon Refinery: :c5production:
(+1 oil and coal per 3 franchises and +15% Production to Military Units)
Convert 15% Production Cost to Science on training Military Units
Giorgio Armeier: :c5culture:
+2% GPP per Franchise (moved and nerfed from Civilized Jewelers)
1 Artist Slot
Firaxite Materials: :c5science:
10% Production to Buildings (down from 20%)
10 Science when constructing a Building, scaling with Era
+8 Science on Building after discovering Electronics
TwoKay Foods: :c5food:
-2% Empire Size Modifier in all Cities (down from -5)
Note this is a global bonus and is very, very strong
-1 to all Needs locally :crazyeye:
Civilized Jewelers: :c5goldenage:
+10% Gold and Tourism during GA
I haven't tested yet this table works with Tourism yet
+1 Gold per CS friend, +2 Gold and +1 Tourism per Ally
-- also added +1 Tourism / 2 Citizens to the Airport, their building.
Need to have a longer discussion about the Airport...
Populi Medicine: :c5faith:
1 Happiness per 6 Policies adopted
15 Influence with all City-States upon construction

And I tried the same thing on the Specialist yields, and also some of the internal trade routes.
Just to note why I did this rather than a "secondary yield", I was going for effects that help pursue specific victories,
  Trader Sids: Diplomatic
  Centaurus Extractors: Spaceship and Cultural
  Hexxon Refinery: Spaceship and Domination
  Giorgio Armeier: Cultural
  Firaxite Materials: Spaceship
  TwoKay Foods: Domination
  Civilized Jewelers: Cultural and Diplomatic
  Populi Medicine: Domination and Diplomatic
and for some of these there isn't just one yield that does that (or there are multiple).
@hokath Since I know how hard it is to balance things out and how much work it takes I really do appreciate all your hard work. There obviously is no one correct way to do that but most important thing is to try make things as balanced as possible. The most important goal for me is to make Corporations just one more addition to the entire game that gives small buffs and provides different non-gamebreaking benefits (my "favorite" one atm is 2Kay's unhappiness genocide).

Edit: You naughty boy, last time I checked (because I didn't read all your Corps ideas before I posted mine) you had 5% set to TR bonuses not 3%... ;) I know you had because I laughed to myself both ideas are similar...
Edit2: IMHO assigning Corps to certain victory approaches is entirely wrong way to go because: different Civs have different strenghts, resources are randomly spawned and you never get to pick out of all possible Corps but the ones you have required monopoly thus bonuses provided should be slight and a bit diversified. But, again, that is just my angle to look at it.

Edit2: "naughty" typo found out in quote below :P
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The most important goal for me is to make Corporations just one more addition to the entire game that gives small buffs and provides different non-gamebreaking benefits (my "favorite" one atm is 2Kay's unhappiness genocide).
Yes I very much agree.

You naghty boy, last time I checked (because I didn't read all your Corps ideas before I posted mine) you had 5% set to TR bonuses not 3%... ;)
:smoke: Hot off the press. Tall Netherlands is absolutely disgusting, it turns out. Doesn't even have a science boost (unless you buy a monopoly somehow) and I smoked everyone on lvl 6 and it wasn't even close.

IMHO assigning Corps to certain victory approaches is entirely wrong way to go
Problem is Science. If you can get e.g. a Science boost then it's a science-victory auto-pick
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I've started playing a round today with random civ, and your Tweaks enabled, got Celts and one thing that just came up after researching metal casting - can't upgrade Pictish warriors to Billmen, tooltip says they upgrade to Pikeman.
I dont really get your Pikeman rework, i thought your take on this was that Pikeman is supposed to be an anti-cavarly unit but its too weak to do the job so as a result of that you decided to introduce even weaker unit but one tech earlier and making the Pikeman's strength nearly the same as Longswordsman while not requiring any strategic resources to be built, like why? Why not just buff Pikeman directly? Though i dont really believe it needs that at all, just level up those pike promotions if you want to beat horses, or suffer the consequences, its not that bad really. But with this change you need to adjust hell lot of UUs and whatnot. It doesnt worth it.

I really liked that you decided to revive spy gameplay, wanna see how it goes, though i believe that Great Diplomat should not have a separate button to get these spy points, but rather yield them when conducting diplomatic missions or building embassies so diplomat and spy gameplay could become one. Or you can make additional specialist slot in all diplomat type building(or in counter spy building) and make a new GP - The Great Spy. But its on you, do what you want.
So the Pikeman still exists but it is back one tier at Machinery, and is stronger.
So I did buff the Pikeman directly but created this larger gap for Knights to be dominant in. That's why the new unit is earlier (and 1 CS weaker), to stop there being a giant gap between Spearman and Pikeman.

On Spies, I dunno about Spy Specialists, I think we have enough of those.
It would be good to somehow combine the embassy mission and the spy point one, but I'm not sure how yet because as it stands there's a very limited number of embassies (which is bad imo).
In the discord Axatin is suggesting to change the AI evaluation of yields to
I thought it was funny because it pretty much matches your Franchise values
WIth the printing house existing, I think the wire service should have its second specialist slot removed
I'm way off the Chemistry (just entered Medieval through Theology), received Battering Ram from Militaristic CS as a gift, and I can upgrade it to Greatsword right away. Additionally, when looking at Chemistry tech the Greatsword icon is different than Tercio, but on main screen it uses Tercio icon.
It's an incorrect pointer, as it were. Unit still points to old Tercio, not new Greatswordsman (name change was for in-game text reasons).
I forgot the battering ram exists (it is a unique unit class so it slips through).
Will fix!

Edit: New version. Battering Rams and Berserkers fixed, Wire Service slots reduced, Siam and Netherlands UA changes added.
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