Holy Cities


Mar 9, 2006
It seems to me that it would be appropriate if when you have a holy city of a religion other than your state religion that the civs with that state religion should really really want to take it from you or force you to change to that religion.

Any way of doing this?
For every negative point of "You are under the sway of a heathen religion" you should get a negative point of "Your heathen empire owns our holy city!". Whether that prompts a war, well...
I would quite like to be able to choose which city gets to found the religion. But then I suppose if a player founds more than one religion he will just put them all in one city to leverage the wall street multipier... potentially you could then have ALL seven religions founded in ONE city which would be odd to say the least. so probably not a good idea.
There's already an extra negative/positive modifier if you have the holy city of the religion of another Civ. The modifier is just built into the "same religion"/"different religion" penalty, so you won't notice it separately.

I like the idea of civs being more aggressive if you have their holy city though, and not just being slightly more displeased
But more displeased would lead to more aggressive, no? Should statistically lead to more wars against you, though of course it won't mean that every civ with state religion of a shrine you have without sharing the religion will go to war with you every time.

But does it also mean they try to take that shrine-city over other targets? Of course going for that city if it is not on the edge of your empire would be daft.
I agree with the fact that AIs should focus on capturing their state religion holy city if the owner doesn't follow that religion ... who said Crusades ? :rolleyes:
To make things funnier, Christianity and Islam should arrive much earlier in game so they could have a chance at playing an important role in the game (maybe they should only require Monotheism + Writing or Monotheism + Writing + Monarchy).

I would quite like to be able to choose which city gets to found the religion. But then I suppose if a player founds more than one religion he will just put them all in one city to leverage the wall street multipier... potentially you could then have ALL seven religions founded in ONE city which would be odd to say the least. so probably not a good idea.

At first I also thought itwould be great to be able to choose which city would become your holy city and like you, I found out that it could be spoiling the game with people picking 1 super holy city.

But I think that the selection of the holy city should be A LOT smarter nevertheless. I mean ... I play as Romans, I capture Vladivostok and during the next turn I complete Divine Right research and Islam is founded in Vladivostok ???? How logical is that ? 5 turns later Russians capture Vladivostok :confused:

Imo, the game should take several facts in account for selecting which city becomes a Holy City :
1. A religion can only be founded in a city that has 100% of your cultural influence - so no freshly captured city and no city that is close to flip
2. A religion can only be founded in one of your 5 most cultured cities
2. A religion can only be founded in a city with a pop cap > 1 - would only kick in if you have more than 2 cities with a pop cap > 1
4. A city can be holy city to 3 religions maximum - would only kick in if you have more than 1 city of course
5. A city which had a "holy" random event (holy water in oasis, holy walls) will most likely become the holy city of the next religion you'll found.
The super religious city is nearly impossible, even in OCC, as Hinduism and Buddhism are so close together on the tech tree that even a beeline won't net you more that one.

You'll just have to settle for 6/7 unless you get lucky on Goody-Huts or non-religious leaders
It's easy to get Hinduism and Judaism in the same city. Just research both before you found a second city.

On the other hand, I'm not sure if this is such a good strategy.
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