Yes, Donald Trump seems to attract women who look like post-op trans.. except for Melania, she looks like a woman
I did notice the same. Seems like his tastes upgraded for each iteration.
I'm gonna blame the fashions of previous times.
I am half Puerto Rican and El Salvadoran.
I see.
The reason I asked is that I've seen arguments that even though female beauty is pretty much universally agreed upon by all men, "black" men seem have a greater tendency to find women with larger asses more attractive than "white" or "asian" men (Yeah, I know, it's a very crude grouping). Was just curious since you specifically mentioned it.
Getting all that potential data from Ekolite is rather misleading. For one thing, who would fancy a chap who
moisturises (!!!) and for another, he's only one person. Talk about limited selection pools
Haha, I know.
Well, I like to create stereotypes to help me understand things, and then change the stereotypes as new information comes along. I was mostly summarising for myself I suppose.
It sounds a lot like youre clinging to your idea that women take money over attractiveness as some sort of crutch, Cheetah.
Oooh. If you are trying to imply something about me as a way of criticising my argument, feel free to say it more directly.
For the record, I'm currently almost broke and jobless. For what they're worth, my "good looks" and my intelligence and humour are all I have to show for myself in the mating game for now.
Put please, feel free to tell me more about my crutch.
Yet for some reason none of the girls I've ever met spend their nights dreaming of marrying unattractive influential people. Your assertion that status is the most important thing women (as a gender) look for in man is wrong, stupid and more than a little insulting; though I'm sure not intentionally so.
I didn't say unattractiveness and influence were high status though.
And I do doubt Wendi Deng was dreaming of Murdoch when she was 18. Young girls have less incentive to view lots of money as high-status, especially if there is a huge age or looks gap. Doesn't mean she couldn't be attracted to him when she got a bit older and thinking (instead of just dreaming, like most young people do) more about her future life.
No, she was probably dreaming of other high-status males, who were younger and better looking than Murdoch. But not necessarily better looking than some bloke down the road who she might not have fancied much. I bet most young girls will dream of actors, football players, athletes, rock stars; famous people that the young-people-sphere is interested in. They do not have to be pretty, though it doesn't hurt of course.
This isn't wrong and it isn't stupid. And I'm really not sure why describing something as natural should be insulting.