Jawz II
Oh Dear
I thought it were the Nazis, sorry, my bad, you surely know better
National Socialism was there political allegiance and christianity was their Religion.
If you didnt know that much, what does that make you?
Blah, blah, blah. First go and find out what the word "genocide" means before you use it again.
We are not talking about who killed more. If it was so, then Chinese would be the most brutal people on Earth, since their civil wars have killed more people than any so-called World War.
We are talking about which religion is more violent, which compels its followers to commit atrocities for religious reasons. Muslims, from the day one, waged Jihad against all unbelievers. Holy war, violence, religious zealotry, that's what Islam has been like for most of its history.
So yeah, any analogy to Christianity and others is totally absurd and if you don't get it, it's your problem.
Oh so you get to pick which murders count and which ones don't when youre calling them brutal savages?
Well how convininent! how did you get a cool system like that? you didnt make that crap up by any chance, did you? thats just precious.
All those crimes I mentioned have really happened. And all the people who committed them were really christians, only a fool would say otherwise. Or call it bla bla.
You know nothing of your own history and very little of islams. All you got is the same old tired racist, zenohpobic foolery. Youre not even good at appealing at emotions like a good hatemonger would be, much less logic.
How lame.
Im done talking with you for this time, since I dont do flame wars, but I fully expect future outbursts of hillarity coming from you.