Hoping someone will have a clue why my game is so different now that got it working again


Feb 10, 2005
Mid Michigan
Played for years on prior laptop. Always used Legacy load option. Went from Win 10 laptop to this Win 11 laptop and reinstalled game. Got all DLC going

Got past the loading issue with Steam awhile back(don't ask me how). Am using ver 1.03.279

So the biggest changes/issues are:

No more border growth popups at turn start. This is maddening and reminds me of Civ 4 before Buffy

The City State list is no longer listed below the Civ score list on R side of screen. Another maddening thing missing as you try to figure out there quests. Can't even imagine trying for a Diplo win like this.

Also the icons at top of screen are all different. All pushed together at left, and not as helpful. Used to be your resources were to the R side and your tech/culture/religion icons were on L side. Now they are all together and the culture and religion no longer give you how many turns listed.

Also the city build and units are different and not as good.

The game starts different, which happened after got it restarted also. Has screens never saw before.

Whole thing is very weird and am confused. Glad it's working but want my game back working the way it did for years.

Think patch up to date so not really sure.......anyone have any insights?
Can you show some screenshots?
Here goes.....doesn't show lack of border growth popup, but this shows major differences as well..... top icons and other things are all moved....and city build screen is way different...so is units
Screenshot 2025-01-06 204349.png
Screenshot 2025-01-06 204440.png
Played for years on prior laptop. Always used Legacy load option. Went from Win 10 laptop to this Win 11 laptop and reinstalled game. Got all DLC going

Got past the loading issue with Steam awhile back(don't ask me how). Am using ver 1.03.279

So the biggest changes/issues are:

No more border growth popups at turn start. This is maddening and reminds me of Civ 4 before Buffy

The City State list is no longer listed below the Civ score list on R side of screen. Another maddening thing missing as you try to figure out there quests. Can't even imagine trying for a Diplo win like this.

Also the icons at top of screen are all different. All pushed together at left, and not as helpful. Used to be your resources were to the R side and your tech/culture/religion icons were on L side. Now they are all together and the culture and religion no longer give you how many turns listed.

Also the city build and units are different and not as good.

The game starts different, which happened after got it restarted also. Has screens never saw before.

Whole thing is very weird and am confused. Glad it's working but want my game back working the way it did for years.

Think patch up to date so not really sure.......anyone have any insights?
Are you mistaking Civ 6 with Civ 5? Civ 6 has a button on the top right to display the City States
With Civ 5 you have to click that Diplomacy Button on the top right. The button that looks like the earth.
That will show a list of Civs and City States. Hover your pointer over any little icons after the City State names will show what they want you to do for their missions.
All the other stuff could be if you are mistaking Civ 6 and Civ 5?
Or maybe stuff has been changed in patches since the last time you played?
Yes I think you might be misremebering your Civ5 experience or you must have been using some mod then. I just opened up the game and my UI looks the exact same as yours
Nope....have hardly ever played Civ 6 and have logged nearly 5k hours in Civ 5 so think know what my UI looked like. Think have found that am missing EUI, which is tricky to have running by itself anymore I think.
Yep, I think you were running EUI like you say. Mine looks the same as your screenshots. And I never have gotten popups about border growth, that's one of the things I wish it showed. Does EUI do this?
Yep, I think you were running EUI like you say. Mine looks the same as your screenshots. And I never have gotten popups about border growth, that's one of the things I wish it showed. Does EUI do this?

Oh wow....yeah the one or two games I have played since got game working again have been eye opening for me. I don't think I ever even played vanilla since I got the game years back. I entered later to party as played Civ 4 forever it seemed. Good thing it wasn't on Steam to record my hours! Anyhow so game had been around for years, and I learned what I needed or wanted to play with I had EUI the entire time am guessing. It is crazy to think of playing without alert that you had border growth.

I just have to figure out how to install it nowadays singly. If you get any ideas, let me know. Someone on Reddit said I could reinstall the CPP and opt into EUI? I don't want CPP running as it changes the game. I just want EUI...but I think EUI isn't a mod you have to run like others...think it's passive changes. So maybe if I do that but don't run any mods that's how it works.

As on old laptop I never loaded mods to play, yet always had improved UI.
Oh wow....yeah the one or two games I have played since got game working again have been eye opening for me. I don't think I ever even played vanilla since I got the game years back. I entered later to party as played Civ 4 forever it seemed. Good thing it wasn't on Steam to record my hours! Anyhow so game had been around for years, and I learned what I needed or wanted to play with I had EUI the entire time am guessing. It is crazy to think of playing without alert that you had border growth.

I just have to figure out how to install it nowadays singly. If you get any ideas, let me know. Someone on Reddit said I could reinstall the CPP and opt into EUI? I don't want CPP running as it changes the game. I just want EUI...but I think EUI isn't a mod you have to run like others...think it's passive changes. So maybe if I do that but don't run any mods that's how it works.

As on old laptop I never loaded mods to play, yet always had improved UI.
You can install EUI on its own. I did that yesterday to test EUI out. I have been playing without any mods to get achievements. But I believe because EUI behaves like a DLC, you still get achievements with it installed.

Here is the link to the EUI page with download and install info: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/civ5-enhanced-user-interface.24303/
There's also install info in the Readme file included in the zip package.
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