Horsemen don't upgrade to Ansar Warrior?


Dec 18, 2003
Eastern WA
I'm playing the Middle Ages Conquest as the Abbasids and there is no icon to upgrade horsemen to Ansar Warriors. I have a barracks, horses, iron, and jihad, and the city can build the Ansar, so what's up? The Civilpedia says it upgrades too.
Do you have enough gold?
It should upgrade. Unless the upgrade rules have been modded in that scenario to prevent it.

But yeah, if you don't have enough gold to afford the upgrade, that little lightning bolt "upgrade" icon won't even show up.

Sounds like you have all the other bases covered.
Yeah, I balked at first when I saw Archers needed 70 Gold to upgrade to Berzerkers, but the more I thought about it, if it were much cheaper than that it'd hardly be fair.

That Ancient Era Archer Rush -> Medival Berzerker Rush. *GRIN*

Ansar Warriors are a fun warmongering unit too. With that third movement point. Ever build an army out of those? Fun times. :)
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