Hot Seat Games


Nov 22, 2005
Has anyone here played much hot-seat? Do you understand how diplomacy works between two players? It doesn't make any sense to me.
Me neither. I've only played two player but it seems that only one player can give stuff to another player.
The other player is unable to offer anything to the other.
Anyone else notice this?
No problems with diplomacy in hotseat. There is only one thing about hotseat that im having issues with: the AI is much simpler in hotseat than in an ordinary single game. Note, of course, that i have the same level in both types of game. This is a very strange phenomenon.
I also had the same problem in CIV III, the computer always cancelled the game when I clicked multiplayer/hot seat
We found out that to use diplomacy you have to send a deal, hit end turn, and when the other player's turn he has to send the same deal (it pops up) at which time it comes into effect.
Yeah. Hotseats are fun. However, I often find myself communicating out of the game and telling my buddies "Ok. Listen up. I'll gift you X, Y, and Z, you use the to attack Target A. I'll join in on his side, sneak attack when I get close to his borders and we'll double team him."

They do tend to go alot slower than other multiplayer games though. It takes quite a bit longer than normal, as passing a laptop around can get tedious.
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