How can I get a scientific leader

Ya know what I forgot to say: why don't the SGL's have era graphics?!?! A Greek-looking philosopher for ancient, a rennaissance-dressed astronomer for middle ages, a graphic that looks a little like Einstein but not that much for industrial, and a scientist in a lab coat for modern.
Originally posted by zorven
Padma, maybe what you are seeing is that you are in essence discovering 2 techs because of the 1st to discover Philosphy bonus. So at that moment you are getting 2 chances instead of one, so it appears that your odds are better than normal.

Nope, this happened to me too, and the leader message appeared before I picked the tech I wanted Philosophy to give me... maybe Philosophy is even more special than free tech?
Originally posted by TerraHero
So the more techs u research first the bigger the chance for a SGL..good show..

This way u won't be stuck with the chance of researching most Techs first and NOT getting a leader :love:

AFAIK, there is only a 3% (5% for Scientific civs). I haven't heard either Firaxis or Breakaway mention a cumulative bonus.
I think socralynnek has posted the expected chances of (not) getting ONE SGL if you discover a couple of techs as first civ (just to get a feeling when to rant and when not...;))

Based on that, I was quite lucky to get 4 SGL from a total of approx 20 techs.:)
I got one last night on Replaceable Parts. There were no wonders avaialbel so I took a scientific GA. It cut my research time by about 1 turn per tech.
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