How come Fish doesn't chirp?

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Little Monster
May 29, 2007
Fish lost to a fly and now chirp is broken. How do you lose to a fly? How do you lose in seven moves? Chirp is broken, how do I fix him. Also Koala makes horrible noises and Montezuma is Disco Man and he has no late music in Civ IV because he cannot get that are and now in Civ V he is just awful because he publicly wants to denounce himself. Why is Egart aggressive & buff? And Bring back Jerger Chess clocks because its the same clocks fish and Paul used when Fish played Schleiman attack which apparently appears to be (E4, E5) If you don't know what Kings Pawn Opening is then how did you beat Disco Man at 2 months old. Did you know Sometimes I Just find stuff after I talk. Oooo. Koala has the voice of an angel, How would you know that? Because I saw you play speed chess for money you photocopier. Pinnocle!! Pinnocle!! I would eat a bowl of that. You'll be dead if you eat a bowl of that. look, Look, LOOK! I remember when J.P was strong, 5000 was sooo much, now he's weak and there used to be attacks of 500 & 1000 now Pebbles comes along and ruined the game by doing 20000. Yugioh sucks at his card game. He's always losing and wins by a miracle because he says "there's only one card that can save me now" and he gets hurt by holograms. Why is he playing a card game against a guy with long grey hair? NHL 98 was awesome. Joe Murphy scored on his own net. Dave Babych injured everybody. Lets All go out for some Frosty Chocolate Milkshakes.
Your saying you one non-monetary award is better than my TWO non-monetary awards.
No I'm not saying that.
I'm saying its better than the sock.
You take that back!!!

I know someone who looks like Suryaverman and I don't live near a nuclear wasteland. Well of Souls is the best game ever because the slug screams. Dr. Jekyl and Hyde for Nintendo is the worst game of all time because you get a stick and it does nothing and theres no reach to it and townspeople drop bombs on you. Mr Stupid throws a garbage can. He throws you when he is pink. Egart can tell that fish is a chess prodigy just by hearing the chess pieces move and Disco Man lost and all he got was candy. In ESPN Basketball if your 7'6 and push or high five someone whose 4'11 all you do is touch the air and if your the other way around your touching the players knee. Exploding ball. THERE IT IS! It was just a shock, I didn't get along with chef I didn't along with my team-mates. Paul tries to fight bee with a hammer and he gets his ass kicked so he has to punch him, thus making the hammer useless.
Most fish don't breathe air, so unsurprisingly they aren't capable of producing vocalizations the way birds do.
Fishes doesn't chirp, they blurp.

I think the OP just had a Glowing Mushroom or two.
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