How do i bombard a settlement?


Nov 16, 2006
I've got my cannon next to a settlement, I can attack by moving on to it, but how do I bombard to reduce the defence bonus? I can't seem to see a button or command to do this, yet the game says that cannons can reduce settlement defences.
What kind of settlement? If it is a colony of another European Power your selected cannon will show a 'Bombard' icon, or you can just hit 'B'. This will progressively lower that colonies defence to zero, at which point you will not be shown the Bombard icon.

A native settlement is not considered to have reducible defences however so you cannot bombard them. Your cannon has a very strong settlement attack bonus so just attack with that.
Thanks for that Dalgo. You're right, I was trying it next to an Indian settlement, or next to a European one but not at war yet.

I only see the Bombard command when I'm next to the colony of a European power who I am at war with.
What kind of settlement? If it is a colony of another European Power your selected cannon will show a 'Bombard' icon, or you can just hit 'B'. This will progressively lower that colonies defence to zero, at which point you will not be shown the Bombard icon.

A native settlement is not considered to have reducible defences however so you cannot bombard them. Your cannon has a very strong settlement attack bonus so just attack with that.

Thanks for the information!!! :):):)
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