how do i delete saved games?

go in threw My computer and find your saved games folder. then select the game you wish to delete and press delete.:cool:
The civ series has always left out an in game method of deleting save games. You have to use the regular file manager of your computer to do so.
I always wanted to delete saved games within the game. Sometimes saved games folder gets very crowded. But you have to delete manually. It shouldn't be that hard to add a delete function to the save game menu. But it is not that hard to clean the folder manually either. :crazyeyes
It's much easier to go through the folders than any function Firaxis could add. At least it is after one has discovered what the Windows key does :)
How can you use the windows key to go to the saved games folder in civ3?
And I don't like the windows key. There are other operating systems around and it looks really funny when I'm running my Mandrake Linux. The keyboards are for general use not for windows only.
But to tell the truth; I would like to have a keyboard which has a "civ" key on it. :D
Originally posted by erix
How can you use the windows key to go to the saved games folder in civ3?

You can use the windows key to open the start menu. So if you are in Civ 3, then you can open the start menu and then go through my computer to delete the save d games. Otherwise you would have to quit Civ 3.
AFAIK if you press "ctrl" and "esc" while running a program you go back to the desktop without quiting the program. Is "win" key something different or more useful?
Originally posted by Lefty Scaevola
The civ series has always left out an in game method of deleting save games. You have to use the regular file manager of your computer to do so.

Of course there is no real reason for Firaxis to reinvent the wheel. They have provided a method for you to delete your save files in game, or any other file manager task that you desire. Though, to have that power you will have to sacrifice the themed dialog box and go with the standard windows theme.

Just go to your civilization3 ini file (in the games root directory). In there, there will be one line that reads something like WinFileBox=0. Change the value to "1" (ie True) and the game will use the standard windows file dialog boxes, which have all the power of explorer in them.

Also while you are at it, if you are using an XP or 2000 machine and the file system is NTFS make sure to set the compressed flag for the save game directory (you will save quite a bit of disk space that way). ;)
A bit off topic, but I kind of regret deleting some of my old save games. I've always kept a last save for every game I've played & maybe one more for near the beginning or half-way through or something, but it's funny when I look back at my first games & see what I was doing. What?? A courthouse in my capital? No temples in half my cities? What was I thinking? :crazyeyes

Plus sometimes I sort of remember the lessons learned from the game. Somewhat useful too :)
Also while you are at it, if you are using an XP or 2000 machine and the file system is NTFS make sure to set the compressed flag for the save game directory (you will save quite a bit of disk space that way)


what do you meant?
Originally posted by Badluck
Also while you are at it, if you are using an XP or 2000 machine and the file system is NTFS make sure to set the compressed flag for the save game directory (you will save quite a bit of disk space that way)


what do you meant?
With the NTFS file system available on Windows NT, 2000 and KP you can set the properties of a folder to automatically compress everything inside the folder (like a .zip file). Windows then automatically uncompresses the file when it is accessed and recompresses it when you close it. It also automatically compresses anything new added to the folder. On files like these (which are huge and very seldomly accessed) it will save a huge amount of space and won't really affect any performance.
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