How do I edit terain textures?


Dec 30, 2011
Can you edit the default textures for Civ 5? I found a terrain folder but when I open the files in photoshop they are just a black background with red lines. So where are the real textures located? The thing I want to do is replace all the oddly colored forest and grasslands(orange/brown) with green variants but I haven't found a way to do it yet.
You need to unpack the games resources:-
Open Nexus(From the SDK) - set the asset directory to be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization.
In the top menu select Nexus > Script Browser > Extract PAK Files. This will unpack all the assets to the directories ...common\sid meier's civilization v\resource(create a shortcut to this folder on your desktop, name it CiV Vanilla Resources). There are three folders, Common, DX9 and dx9_low. The 3d art dds's are all in the DX9 folder with no subfolders, the fsxsml's, gr2's and fxsxml's are all in the Common folder with no subfolders.

Once you have done that, create a new mod and import all the terrain dds's you require into it, set them to VFS = true, edit as you see fit. There are lots of them split into regions(Europe, Africa, Asia ect).

Edit: They are layered too, so each tile of say grasslands in game would used 3 or 4 textures, grass itself, shadows, lighting ect.
I've seen a lot of complaints over the orange forests, part of the American tileset. I'm sure if you could manage to make them slightly less orange people here would be happy if you would share the results.
Although it could be that Brave New World will make an adjustment. I haven't seen the American tileset in the previews, but we've seen graphical changes to forests and jungle in the teaser material where other tilesets were concerned.
Nexus hasn't worked in a long time, has it?

It's only the 3D Viewer that requires you to use the old version of Nexus. AFAIK, all of the other features work fine. I know that the Extract PAK Files script still works. However, you can always use Dragon UnPACKer instead for that purpose.
Has a single new terrain type (with graphics) been created for Civ V? Is it even possible? Same goes for natural wonders, never seen a new one. Impossible as well?

I spent the last half hour searching five years worth of posts trying to figure this out. Lots of answers on there, nothing definitive but many good and current modders say it's possible to add terrain types but not graphics for them. Then I come across this relatively new thread encouraging this gentleman to work on terrain textures! I'm a bit confused. If editing the textures is possible, would it not also be possible to assign an edited texture to a new terrain type? And what about the 3d models? Can they not be developed in the same way as units and buildings?

Confused what I'm failing to see (which I'm sure is a LOT).
There are no art defines in the database for the terain textures, the xml for said defines is also missing, this makes adding new ones impossible atm.

Reskinning the existing ones and setting VFS = True, will allow you to change the existing terrain.
There are no art defines in the database for the terain textures, the xml for said defines is also missing, this makes adding new ones impossible atm.

Reskinning the existing ones and setting VFS = True, will allow you to change the existing terrain.

Oh. That's a pretty simple answer.

huh... well that sucks.

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