Well its in the title ...
can i open the units32.pcx an copy new units to it and save it again? Is it that simple?
Can I use psp8?
How do i insert more "lines" in the originalk one?
yes, if you have psp or photoshop it's that simple, you need to have a gfx software that can handle palettes, not MS Paint, for instance.
It's important that you save the file as the same type as it already is in, i e 256 colours pcx. Take a look at the palette where the magenta (RGB: 255, 0, 255) and the green (0, 255, 0) are located, these places in the palette determine the transparency, so these colours shouldn't be in the graphics you want to see.
zulu9812 has posted a very large units32 you can use, he has added most of the units.
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