How do I look at the original/DLC XML?


Gandhi of the Mongols
Sep 6, 2006
San Jose, CA
OK, I feel super dense.

Where in heck, in ModBuddy or elsewhere, can I look at the unmodded XML files for reference, bothe for the schema and for the names of things?

The uncompressed files don't seem to be in the Civ6 directory, and after loading up ModBuddy and starting a new project it's just an empty slate, not showing the base state to diff against.

Some examples of what should be easy:

What is the XML name of a Pitati Archer? (I tried UNIT_PITATI_ARCHER and it didn't work.)

What are the set of available effects that can be put on a unit (i.e. what promotions could be modded into a tree without first creating the effect separately)?

If I got really ambitious, how could I add a UI that showed that the currently-selected unit had or had not touched the Giants' Causeway?
Ah, D'oh! Right in the game directories. I expected them to be compressed and obscured.

Cheers for Firaxis, making life easy for us.
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