How do I see what the AI is researching?


Dec 11, 2005
I just started playing Civ4 again after a long absence, and because I just got the BTS expansion.

I see that with espionage, I should be able to tell what the other players are researching? But where do I see that? I have made sure to have enough espionage points accumulated vs my target civ to cross the threshold for "can see research". Then when I hit F4 and look at techs, I can see which techs that AI *could* research if it wanted to, but not which one he is *actually* researching ?
Check the lower right corner, next to leader names and scores.

Edit. In the game screen, of course, not in the advisor screen.
if it's not displayed, display the score board on the main interface, on the bottom right corner (above the mini-map). Researched tech appears with the name of each leader
Ah, thanks.
I think I have seen those scores once, but have it turned off by default. How do I turn it back on to see it ?
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