How do I tell which tiles are being worked?


Jul 7, 2007
How do I tell which tiles are being worked from outside the city screen? Surely there's a way...
It doesn't look like there is a way, previous civ titles for the PC also do not show people actively working tiles but civ rev did show it.
Civ IV did. :(

Since I'm here, anyone know how to tell the HP of one of my units? I've tried mousing over just about everything.
Mouse over that vertical green bar on the right side of the unit panel when it's selected.
I'm on the Chieftain level, and for the life of me, I can't tell how to manually manage my citizens. So I'm guessing it's one of the "you'll do this at a higher level" options.
Another interface question: has anyone figured out how to see the expected combat outcome from city bombardment?
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