How do you edit names??

Jun 30, 2007
Boston, Massachusetts
Was playing as the Greeks in Civ III Complete the other day, and I noticed that the city list went Athens, Sparta, Pharsalos, Thermopylae, etc. I know I can just rename the cities, but I want to change it. I saw a screenshot of a "Civ Editor" in which you could change the civ traits, city list, name, etc. How do you get this. Explain in layman's term; I'm a simpleton on computers!!! :lol:

Huayna Capac357
Ok. Go into C:/Program Files/Infrogrames_Interactive/Civ3
(That's not exactly it so don't copy paste) but get into there,
and you will see Civ 3 Edit something or rather.
Click and off you go!
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