How do you end a DOF early without backstabbing?


Jun 29, 2021
In several recent games I've had AI players come to me and say that they're "ending our declaration of friendship", without them denouncing me or having it count at backstabbing. However, I cannot figure out a way to do this myself. In my current game, the celts backstabbed the maya and everyone (including 7 other people who were friends with them) denounced the celts without counting as backstabbing. The 7 friends "declared that they are no longer friends" according to the chat log.

Since I play on marathon, I'd rather not spend the next 131 turns as friends with a civ that everyone else hates. But I can't find any way to just drop friendships the way the AI can. Any help would be appreciated.
I believe it's under the discussion tab. "Our declaration of friendship must end." There is a cooldown after that before you can denounce or declare war without it being a backstabbing.
I just gave another look under the discussion tab with all the civs I had a DOF with. I did not have an option to end it early, even with a civ I only had 2 turns left. Appreciate the suggestion, that is where I would expect it to be, but no luck.

Any other help / advice is still appreciated.
It definitely should be there
Thank you for the picture. I definitely do not have that text box. I also don't have the "what do you think of...", "stop spying", or "stop sending missionaries" options either. Only thing I have with other civs is "shall we declare war..", "publicly denounce" and "don't settle".

Hmm. I am using the 43 civ, EUI version so perhaps it's an issue with the 43 civ version or a compatibility issue with another mod.

Thank you again for the picture. I appreciate knowing I'm not crazy and it gives me a clue of how to try to solve it for future games. (Thankfully, the Celts ended up calling off the DOF themselves 5 turns later, as I was friends with several civs who denounced them).

Thanks again for the help!
Yeah, I'm definately going to sort through and trace the issue after this game is complete. I've also discovered that I cannot change which slot my artifacts and other great works are in. The list that should show my cities and allow me to swap them is completely blank.
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