I started to post this in the TSG 253 After Actions thread but decided any meaningful discussion needed to be separate both for posterity and so it didn't derail that thread. I played 253 again and got it down to 320 turns; I was shooting for 300. I used most of my cargo ships and a couple of caravans internally to boost food and production unless I had a CS request for a trade route. Caravans so they wouldn't be plundered.
I'm probably building too many wonders, and because of that getting too many engineers instead of scientists. (a few engineers is a good thing, mainly for manufactories) I did manage to avoid getting any great merchants even though I built Halicarnassus, Great Lighthouse, Machu Picchu, Colossus, and Big Ben -- they weren't all in the same city -- that meant I had to be very careful about working market and bank specialist slots.
I buy universities, schools, and labs in my capital and any other cities with observatories as soon as they unlock. I seldom have enough cash to buy them in every city. Sometimes I have to buy a library in a new city so my national college doesn't get delayed another dozen turns.
I usually wait unit a few turns after researching Atomic Theory before bulbing all my scientists one per turn. I might should start that a little earlier; as someone noted in my screenshot I had enough faith to buy at least 3 more scientists and an engineer. Often building Apollo is a bottleneck so maybe I should build that in my capital, and use a great engineer for Hubble instead of hard-building Hubble in the capital while my 2nd highest production city builds Apollo.
I'm probably building too many wonders, and because of that getting too many engineers instead of scientists. (a few engineers is a good thing, mainly for manufactories) I did manage to avoid getting any great merchants even though I built Halicarnassus, Great Lighthouse, Machu Picchu, Colossus, and Big Ben -- they weren't all in the same city -- that meant I had to be very careful about working market and bank specialist slots.
I buy universities, schools, and labs in my capital and any other cities with observatories as soon as they unlock. I seldom have enough cash to buy them in every city. Sometimes I have to buy a library in a new city so my national college doesn't get delayed another dozen turns.
I usually wait unit a few turns after researching Atomic Theory before bulbing all my scientists one per turn. I might should start that a little earlier; as someone noted in my screenshot I had enough faith to buy at least 3 more scientists and an engineer. Often building Apollo is a bottleneck so maybe I should build that in my capital, and use a great engineer for Hubble instead of hard-building Hubble in the capital while my 2nd highest production city builds Apollo.