Also: Always stack destroyers and cruisers on carriers so they dont get killed by an enemy sub/battleship
Maybe I should post this somewhere else because it doesn't have much to do with the strategy of using a carrier. I can't use the airplanes, I tried unloading them but that didn't work.
Right-click on the carrier. You'll see something like "Wake Regular Bomber."
...if you cannot use a worker to build an airfield (last requires Conquests)...
I thought airfields were available i PTW, perhaps I'm wrong.
Never use carriers or bombers, negotiate a right-of-passage with the victim, get all the armor´s in transports, go there, set them up, declare war with some offensive demandings and conquer all AI´s city in one turn
...Also, someone mentioned that carriers should be used when you don't have a city with an airport in range of the target. The presence of an Airport doesn't really matter. A city can host any number of bombers with or without an airport.
To clarify my first post, (I did say a city with an airport,) I said it because you would need the airport in there to GET the air units into the city in the first place...