Wow, I actually think this comment is really petty.
For what it's worth, I think all
@TheGrayFox has been arguing is that Civ used to be about representing the big civilizations that formed world history, and that Civ7 has clearly shifted completely away from that focus. I think that's inarguably true. One can approve or disapprove of this shift depending on taste and priorities, but that the shift has happened seems an indisputable fact, and to deny it seems ... Anyway, I don't think the developers have excluded Britain in order to monitize the game even further and sell more DLC. I just think they have been painted up into a corner by the design decision they did for the game. Again, whether it's a good or bad design decision is a matter of taste, but personally I'm sorry to see the game suffering by so many absurd elements in an attempt of making something meaningful out of a design choice and then in the end still not really getting their because the ends are just too far from each other to reach each other with the resources at hand.