How in the hell does Adams have more score than me?


Oct 31, 2022

Seriously I must outpower him 10:1 in all regards. His entire colony is probably less valuable than my bigger secondary cities like Bahia. I used to have more score (but not wildly more as I figure I should based on my relative power) but my score started to decline and at one point dropped even below the French guy and he had half his colony mauled by natives. I noticed everyone's score started dropping as the game progressed, mine just dropped the fastest. Anyone have idea why? And how is score calculated in this game anyway?

It doesn't really matter much I am gonna win my independence soon. As an aside what happens if you sink their last Man'o-War before they land their remaining troops? Do they spawn more? Come on transports? Just teleport? I win? :P

Anyway first ever game. It was fun. Maybe I up the difficulty or try one of these mods everyone here seems to heavily endorse. It is funny this game was perhaps the hardest of all Civ games I played to understand but now that I have managed I think it should be more easy going forward, and fun.

For now I can say I won my mission, I made New York New Amsterdam Again.

You really play Civ4Col Vanilla without any mod? :dubious:
It is like drinking dirty water if you could have clean sparkling water or even delicate wine instead.

I mean I could understand if you think "We the People" (WTP) ist too big and complex and
rather play the smaller and simpler "The Authentic Colonization" (TAC).

But playing Civ4Col with no mod at all ... :confused:


For now I can say I won my mission, I made New York New Amsterdam Again.

Congratulations on that. :thumbsup:
You really play Civ4Col Vanilla without any mod? :dubious:
It is like drinking dirty water if you could have clean sparkling water or even delicate wine instead.

I mean I could understand if you think "We the People" (WTP) ist too big and complex and
rather play the smaller and simpler "The Authentic Colonization" (TAC).

But playing Civ4Col with no mod at all ... :confused:


Congratulations on that. :thumbsup:
I just started with the base game as this is my first playthrough. I think I will try one more on normal diff before trying the mods, maybe go for TAC to wet my feet before trying a game of WTP after?

Also do you have any idea about the score, why mine was so low and why it was dropping as the game went on?

Finally in case anyone needs to know, sinking their final transport is victory despite them having considerable forces left back home. IIRC ships are added to the REF at half quantity compared to other troops so at higher difficulties it is probably most effective to focus on SotLs and sink their fleet rather than fight their monstrous army.
Base score is Land + FF - Tax Rate, so Adams probably has more FF or a lower tax rate. Your score was dropping as your tax rate went up.

If you toggle on the score display and mouse over your name you will see how this is calculated, unfortunately the same doesn't apply to the other leaders.

The scoring system was handled much better in the original game.
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