Seriously I must outpower him 10:1 in all regards. His entire colony is probably less valuable than my bigger secondary cities like Bahia. I used to have more score (but not wildly more as I figure I should based on my relative power) but my score started to decline and at one point dropped even below the French guy and he had half his colony mauled by natives. I noticed everyone's score started dropping as the game progressed, mine just dropped the fastest. Anyone have idea why? And how is score calculated in this game anyway?
It doesn't really matter much I am gonna win my independence soon. As an aside what happens if you sink their last Man'o-War before they land their remaining troops? Do they spawn more? Come on transports? Just teleport? I win?

Anyway first ever game. It was fun. Maybe I up the difficulty or try one of these mods everyone here seems to heavily endorse. It is funny this game was perhaps the hardest of all Civ games I played to understand but now that I have managed I think it should be more easy going forward, and fun.
For now I can say I won my mission, I made New York New Amsterdam Again.