How many cities are too much


Dec 20, 2004
Say on a huge map like Earth 18civs. Is 18 cities too much? I wanted to have 14 cities across the American continent. Then 3 smaller cities in Alaska and 1 in Hawaii. Is this too much even if I go slow and steady?
If each of your cities gain enough gold to support their cost, I don't think there is a limit, I have many cities on a Normal map and I don't see the problems if I know to pay the costs, it gives enough money for searches...
Awesome. Thanks. Thats good news.
On a large map i have over 15 cities and its coming up to 1000ad on current game on epic. If you can afford it go for it. Count the beakers not the science slider rate. :)
Danicela said:
If each of your cities gain enough gold to support their cost, I don't think there is a limit, I have many cities on a Normal map and I don't see the problems if I know to pay the costs, it gives enough money for searches...


If there is, I've never found it. As long as your economy can support it, you can have as many as you want. I've had domination wins on huge maps where I've had dozens and dozens of cities, spammed all over the map.

I've played on the huge earth, and owned literally the whole of eurasia before I got a domination win. The cities weren't even spaced out... the majority of them were bunched up ai-build cities. When I play as one of the american civs on that map, it's always my aim to own the whole of 1 continent by the end of the medieval, and then to take over the other continent before anyone gets infantry.

So yeah..... your goal is easily do-able, and you can probably do a lot better.

Just make sure you have around 2-3 finance cities to every production one, and you can grow as large as you want.
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