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How to add air combat in civilization VII


Jan 14, 2025
Starting with the Modern Era, certain military units are not built by merely having researched the technology associated with them, you also have to build "unit construction permit" projects in your cities. With the exception of the atomic bomb and ICBM permits, these unit construction permits are negotiable in diplomacy

Starting with the Modern era, you can also trade away military units in diplomatic trades, so long as the other civilization does not have the technology or "unit construction permit" to built it themselves. They get the eureka associated with the technology required to build the unit and a 20% production discount on the associated unit construction permit

You can use spies to snatch the production boost of 20% you would normally get through diplomacy, be wary of diplomatic penalties however

Below are the list of unit construction permit projects:

- Manhattan Project (unlocks the construction of the atomic bomb, it unlocks the ICBM project)

- ICBM project (unlocks the construction of ICBMs and mobile ICBM launcher land units)

- Long-range missiles project (unlocks the construction of three kinds of tactical missile units, the first is designed to hit land-based units, the second to hit non-stealth naval units and the third to to hit city infrastructures . It unlocks the supersonic missile project)

- Supersonic missiles project (unlocks the construction of two kinds of supersonic missile units, the first is designed to hit land-based units, the second to hit non-stealth naval units. It unlocks the hypersonic missile project)

- Hypersonic missiles project (unlocks the construction of two kinds of hypersonic missile units, the first is designed to hit land-based units, the second to hit non-stealth naval units)

- Strategic Defense Initiative (unlocks the construction of tactical anti-aircraft missile units and anti-ballistic missile units)

- Third generation fighter jets project (unlocks the construction of 3rd generation fighter jets and aerial radar station plane units, unlocks fourth generation fighter jet building option)

- Fourth generation fighter jets project (unlocks the construction of 4th generation fighter jets and stealth bomber units, unlocks fifth generation fighter jet building option)

- Fifth generation fighter jets project (unlocks the construction of 5th generation fighter jets, unlocks sixth generation fighter jet building option)

- Sixth generation fighter jets project (unlocks the construction of 6th generation fighter jets)

- Second generation air defense project (unlocks the construction of Mobile SAM mk.2, and mobile radar stations unit unlocks third generation air defense building option)

- Third generation air defense project (unlocks the construction of Mobile SAM mk3. and mobile satellite jammer land units, unlocks fourth generation air defense building option)

- Fouth generation air defense project (unlocks the construction of Mobile SAM mk4.)

- Nuclear submarine project (unlocks the construction of nuclear submarine units, it is NOT an upgrade to the submarine unit)

- Strategic Defense Initiative (unlocks the construction of tactical anti-aircraft missile and anti-ballistic missile units)
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The actions aircrafts can perform are as described:

- Dogfight: The aerial counterpart of meele combat, they will fly to one tile and engage in direct combat against aerial units performing patrol or reconnaissance or surveillance on the same tile

- Patrol: The aircraft will patrol three linear tiles on the map, if any enemy aircraft unit enters any adjacent tile to it, they will engage in a dogfight.

- Patrol (land): The aircraft will patrol a designated area of the map, if an enemy land unit enters the tile, they will inform command

- Reconnaissance: The aircraft will fly to a designated tile of the map, and reveal at least two land or naval units from the fog of war . Requirement for stealth stand-off attacks

- Surveillance: The aircraft will mark at least two land or naval units, so that they can be targeted by stand-off attacks. If the unit moves, surveillance is lost . Requirement for stand-off attacks and stealth stand-off attacks

- Ground attack: The aircraft will fly to one tile of the map, and perform a siege attack on the enemy land or naval unit or city currently occupying the tile

- Air support: The aircraft will fly to one tile of the map, and perform a ranged attack on the enemy land or naval unit or city currently occupying the tile.

- Stand-off attack: Provided the aircraft unit is loaded with one missile, the aircraft will fly to one tile of the map, and perform a ranged attack on an unit marked by surveillance the previous turn, if the aircraft performing the surveillance is not intercepted

- Stealth stand-off attack: Same as Stand-off attack, except its flying trajectory to the tile will not be revealed to the enemy, unless the aircraft flies on tiles which are being reactively monitored by enemy mobile radar station units or enemy aerial radar station plane units

- Stratosphere reconnaissance: The aircraft will fly to one ocean tile of the map, and reveal all non-stealth naval and embarked units within a radius of 20 tiles;

All offensive aircrafts can perform the following actions: Dogfight; Patrol; Patrol (Land); Reconnaissance; Surveillance; Ground Attack

All support aircrafts can perform the following actions: Patrol (Land); Reconnaissance; Surveillance

Biplanes and fighter plane units can perform the following actions: Air support

Starting from the third generation, all offensive aircrafts can perform: Stand-off attack

Fourth generation fighter jets, stealth bombers, fifth generation fighter jets and sixth generation fighter jets can perform: Stealth stand-off attack

Starting from the sixth generation, all offensive aircrafts can peform: Stratosphere reconnaissance

Aircraft offensive unit class are not an upgrade from each other . The only exception is the biplane, upgradable to the fighter aircraft, and the figher jet mk.1, upgradable to the fighter jet mk.2

Land anti-aircraft unit class are not an upgrade from each other
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Air Interception mechanics are as described:

The actions anti-aircraft land units can perform are as described:

- Close-quarters interception: Passively engages in a meele combat against all aircraft performing a ground attack or air support on that tile

- Interception: Passively intercept non-stealth enemy aircrafts entering the airspace within at least one tile away from the unit performing any kind of operation.

- Unidirectional interception: Protects one line of at least two lines long, and intercepts at least one enemy aircraft or one missile unit, provided requirements for interceptions are met.

- Active interception: Can target an enemy aircraft, observation balloon or reconnaissance drone performing reconnaissance or surveillance least one tile away, and destroy them . Active interception two tiles away or more require reactive monitoring

Anti-air guns and MANPADs can perform close-quarters interception . Mobile SAM mk1 and other anti-aircraft land units can perform close-quarters interception with promotions

Starting from anti-air gun, all anti-aicraft land units can perform Interception

Starting from Mobile SAM mk1., all anti-aircraft land units can perform Unidirectional interception and Active interception

Land anti-aircraft unit class are not an upgrade from each other

The actions mobile radar stations units can perform are as follow:

- Passive monitoring: Passively increases the interception range of anti-aircraft land units in the vicinity by two tiles

- Stealth mode: Passively makes the mobile radar station unit untargatable to enemy aircraft units or enemy missiles if it's occupying the same tile with another unit, city or district. Disabled on Reactive monitoring

- Reactive monitoring: Actively tracks at least three lines of tiles and spots any aircraft or missile passing through it

It can spot and make If any enemy stealth bomber, fifth generation fighter, sixth generation fighter or a supersonic missile flies through at least two of them, or if a hypersonic missile flies through at least four of them, they can be intercepted

The actions mobile satellite jammer land units can perform are as follow:

- Jamming: All units within 2 tile are protected from getting marked by enemy surveillance operations, provide 100% more protection against missile and stand-off attacks . Your own aircraft units, however, cannot perform aerial operations on the same tiles, airlift and land, naval and air trade routes within five tiles will be disrupted

- Air interception priority for enemy aircraft:

Anti-air gun land units > MANPADs > Mobile SAM mk.1 > Mobile SAM mk.2 > Mobile SAM mk.3 > Mobile SAM mk.4 > Offensive aircraft units on patrol missions

Destroyers > Guided-missile destroyers > Offensive aircraft units on patrol missions

- Air interception priority for enemy missiles is ranked the same, however it takes into account if the unit meets the requirement to intercept that type of missile

- Stealth bombers, fifth generation fighter jets and sixth generation fighter jets requires both a reconnaissance and a surveillance action on one unit before they can perform a stealth stand-off attack

- Tactical missile unit type, supersonic missile unit type, and hypersonic missile unit type, requires both a reconnaissance and a surveillance action on one unit before they can attack it

- The trajectory of supersonic and hypersonic can be adjusted one or two tiles, to make interception more difficult;

- The stand-off attack will be interrupted if the aircraft is intercepted at the tile which the stand-off attack takes places or at any previous tile in its flying trajectory

- Stealth stand-off attack allows the aircraft to avoid interception, except at the tile which the stand-off attack takes places, unless its flying trajectory is spotted by enemy mobile radar station units or enemy aerial radar station plane units

- Reactive monitoring will spot any aircraft for interception on unidirectional mode if it spots it at the tile which the aircraft will perform a ground attack or stand-off attack

- Reactive monitoring will spot non-stealth aircrafts or tactical missiles for interception on unidirectional mode if it spots either one at least one tile in its flying trajectory

- Reactive monitoring will spot stealth aircrafts or supersonic missiles for interception on unidirectional mode if it spots either one at least two tiles in its flying trajectory

- Reactive monitoring will spot hypersonic missiles for interception on unidirectional mode if it spots the hypersonic missile at least five tiles in its flying trajectory

- Interception on unidirectional mode can happen at the tile which the spot took place or any other subsequent tile

Starting with the mobile SAM mk1, all anti-aircraft land units can intercept at least one spotted stealth aircraft unit on unidirectional mode

Starting with the mobile SAM mk2, all anti-aircraft land units can intercept at least one spotted tactical missile on unidirectional mode

Starting with the mobile SAM mk3, all anti-aircraft land units can intercept at least one spotted supersonic missile on unidirectional mode

Starting with the mobile SAM mk4, all anti-aircraft land units can intercept at least one spotted hypersonic missile on unidirectional mode

Missiles shot from enemy mobile SAM units on undirectional mode can be intercepted by a friendly mobile SAM, provided the following conditions are met:

- The aircraft must be conducting his mission on any tile adjacent of the mobile SAM

- The enemy SAM must be within line of sight before the unidirectional interception

- The mobile SAM must belong to at least one tier above of the enemy mobile SAM

- The mobile SAM unidrectional mode must be exactly aligned with the enemy mobile SAM unidrectional mode

- Reactive monitoring must be exactly aligned with the enemy mobile SAM unidrectional mode

- Anti-air land units cannot be directly targeted by aircraft fighter units or enemy missile units, unless these perform at least one interception mission or were engaged in either meele or ranged combat on the same turn

- There are promotions to improve combat-capability of anti-air land units if they are being directly targeted by aircraft fighter units

- Destroyers can perform the same interception action as land units, but they will only intercept one unit per turn

- Guided-missile destroyers can perform one unidirectional interception if they are loaded with one tactical anti-aircraft missile

- Guided-missile destroyers unidirectional interception can intercept at least one spotted stealth aircraft, or one spotted tactical missile unit
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- To construct one atomic bomb, you need to have at least one slot avaliable in an aircraft bomber type or in a stealth bomber aircraft type, which will store it

- An aircraft bomber type or stealth bomber aircraft type loaded with one atomic can drop them with the "Nuclear and Thermonuclear Strike", which will be considered a ground attack option . Interception will immediately stop the nuclear attack

- Upon interception, both the aircraft and the atomic bomb are immediatily destroyed . One tile adjacent to the tile which the interception took place, chosen at random, will have a "nuclear ordnances" as a relic, that can be dig out thirty turns later

- To construct one ICBM, you need to have at least one slot avaliable in a district, tile improvement or land or naval unit which will store it

- To construct one ICBM, it is also required that you assign any tactical missile unit on the map, and have it used within the borders of a town with a max population of two. The attack range for the tactical missile unit in this case will be global

- The following units, districts and improvements can store one ICBM: city center, silo tile improvements, mobile ICBM launcher, nuclear submarines

- If any civilizations builds an early warning system, the first ICBM usage of the map will take one more turn, even if it targets a third-party . The protection will not take effect if the player being attacked is at war with the player deploying the ICBM

- After the first three civilizations build one ICBM, there is a chance of a "nuclear crisis", whereas there is a random chance one of the three players will be alerted with a false ICBM strike en orbit, if no ICBMs were used

- To construct one tactical missile unit, you need to have at least one slot avaliable in a district, tile improvement or land or naval unit which will store it

- To construct one supersonic missile unit or one hypersonic missile unit, you need to have at least one slot avaliable in an aircraft or naval unit which will store it

- The following units, districts and improvements can store one tactical missile unit: city center, mobile missile launcher, missile cruisers, nuclear submarines

- The following units, districts and improvements can store one supersonic or hypersonic missile unit: city center, mobile missile launcher, missile cruisers, nuclear submarines

- Every offensive aircraft type, which has the option stand-off attack, can store either one supersonic or one hypersonic missile unit

- To construct one tactical anti-aircraft missile units, you need to have at least one slot avaliable in a naval unit which will store it

- The following units, districts and improvements can store one tactical anti-aircraft missile unit: Guided-missile destroyer

- Each civilization can only have one anti-ballistic missile at time, it can only be stored in the capital

- To construct one anti-ballistic missile unit, you need to have at least one slot avaliable in the capital city which will store it

- Anti-ballistic missiles have the option "ICBM interception" . Whereas the unit will mark any tile on the map, if an enemy ICBM is fired from that tile, it will be intercepted
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To finish the thread, here are my suggestions of military units that only require a technology unlock, as well as national wonders:

- Anti-air gun units (meele unit which is slighter weaker than Infantry, has 200% combat strength bonus against aerial units, can destroy an enemy observation ballon or enemy drones attached to a meele unit one tile away, can intercept one ground attack and one loitering drone attack per turn within one tile range)

- Mobile SAM mk1 (meele unit, it is not an upgrade from the anti-air gun unit)

- Fighter Jet mk.1 units (upgradable to Fighter Jet mk.2)

- Fighter Jet mk.2 units

- Mobile missile launcher units (non-combat land unit, can store one tactical missile unit at a time)

- MANPADs (support unit, has to be attached to one meele land or naval unit, increases combat strenght against aerial units, allows meele units to destroy the observation ballons and the drones attached to the meele unit it is attacking, can intercept one ground attack and one loitering drone attack per turn within one tile range, cannot occupy the same plot as ATGMs or MBT units)

- ATGMs (support unit, has to be attached to one meele land or naval unit, increases combat strenght against armored units, has ranged attack of one tile, cannot occupy the same plot as MANPADs)

- Observation Balloon (support unit, has to be attached to one meele land or naval unit, it will actively perform reconnaissance, will be destroyed on any combat turn)

- Reconnaissance drone (support unit, has to be attached to one meele land or naval unit, can perform either reconnaissance or surveillance, cannot occupy the same plot as the loitering drone)

- Loitering drone (expendable support unit, has to be attached to one meele land or naval unit, can be passively expended to increase combat strenght in meele combat turn or actively expanded to attack one enemy meele in an direct adjacent plot, cannot occupy the same plot as the reconnaissance drone, cannot be attached to MBT)

- Naval radar ship (Naval support unit, has roughly similar capabilities as the mobile radar station land unit, can also set-up three tripwires on ocean tiles within a radius of five tiles, which it will alert of the presence of any non-stealth naval and embarked units that passes through it)

- Submarine surveillance ship (Naval support unit, can set-up three tripwires within a radius of eight tiles, if any naval or embarked unit steps on it, which it will alert of the presence of any naval and embarked units that passes through it)

- Destroyer (Naval meele combat unit, it excels at hunting enemy submarines, has the same interception ability as the anti-air gun unit)

- Guided-missile destroyer (upgrade to the destroyer ship, has the same interception ability and unidirectional interception mode as Mobile SAM mk2, , but unlike its land counterpart the unidirectional interception mode can only be used if it has a loaded tactical anti-aircraft missile)

National wonders:

- Global Positioning System project (Requires access to a spaceport . Increases the duration of Surveillance for one turn.)

- Early-warning system project (Forces the first ICBM usage of the game to have one more turn. It also increases the effectiveness of mobile radar station units and anti-aircraft land unit types on the same continuous plot of land to the capital, they are built on military districts, they can be attacked and repaired like other buildings)
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Anti-aircraft land unit types promotion:

Tier 1:

Protect thyself: +1 interception against enemy air units performing a ground attack against the unit

Early warning: Performs one minor ranged attack and imposes ZoC on any enemy unit moving directly in front of that unit. Cannot move or perform any other action for one turn

Tier 2:

Move and intercept: At unidirectional interception mode, unit will move to one of the three tiles ahead to shoot an enemy aircraft spotted by friendly mobile radar station

Intercept and move: Unit will move one tile behind after one unidirectional interception

- If the unit has both "Move and intercept" and "Intercept and move" promotions, the latter will not be triggered if "Move and intercept" is triggered first . "Move and intercept" also has the higher priority

Tier 3:

Stealth killer: First interception or unidrectional interception of a aerial radar station plane unit spotted by a friendly mobile radar station unit will not make the unit exposed to enemy aircraft or enemy missile attacks

Strategic swap: If all interception options are exhausted, the mobile radar station unit occupying the same tile as the anti-aircraft unit will be destroyed if it's targeted by an enemy aircraft or enemy missile
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