How to add all 43 Civs in World Builder SDK ???


Jun 13, 2013
In World Builder I choose YNAEMP 43Civs Mod but when I load map I can have only 22 Civs.How can I enable all 43 Civs when I make/edit map ???
You can't, as WorldBuilder was compiled by Firaxis with the standard 22 major civ limit. You will need to use Lua within a mod to place additional civs on the map
I have got an Earth map I made and a load of modded civs (which is why I can't just download an accurate earth mod for the game I want to play). I have a mod that enables 43 players in a game however I need to know how to add them in. The SDK only allows for up to 20 players so where would I put the lua script to add one and then what would that lua script be?
I really don't have time to provide any support on that, but YnAEMP is my framework to do just that.

The code is messy, but if you know lua/xml you should be able to sort it out and add your own map.

It may be simpler to start from Hornigas version based on YnAEMP.
Just read through it, I will post again if it works. This has been just what I am looking for! Thanks alot! Now I just have to hope all the civs I used were by those people so that this can work and I can have a great civ game under way. :)
Hmm on that page I used the link to get the Lastsword patch however the link left for JDF's has stopped working, where else can I find it?
Thanks! Btw thanks for all the civs you made JFD there amazing! :) However I tried to set up the Last sword support one and it isn't working? I extracted it using winrar and its in a folder in my Mods but every time I launch the game and go to Mod's it isn't there.
nvm, I did some messing around and managed to get it to work. Putting everything together to make the map work with the civs now! :)
Ok I put all the mods I wanted to use as active, I tried to load them all in at once just to test. I set all the Modded Ai's I wanted and put the rest up until slot 43 as random leader. The game crashed upon launch. I suspect this is because I have broken the placement due to there being more then 22 civs and I need to place them all using the SDK/Lua. However I thought I would list all the mods I was using just incase I was doing something wrong:
Civilization Tutorials (v.1) (I didn't know how to disable this)
YnAEMP DLL 43 civs (v.2)
Yet (not) Another Earth Maps Pack (v.22)
YnAEMP DLL Leader fix for BNW (v.2)
LS YnAEMP Compatiability Patch (v.1)

The Empire of Great Britain
The Soviet Union (Lenin) (v.3)
The Dominion of New Zealand (v.1)
The Empire of Germany (Hitler) (v.9)
The Kingdom of Norway (v.5)
The Republic of Carthage (v.3)

Last Swords:
Australia (v.1)
Civilization Set VII (v.19)
Civilization Set XV (v.2)
Hmm... All works except for two problems. The Inca for some reason arn't an option in the custom game to play against and neither are any of Last Swords Civ's.
Trying to add ynaemp support for Wei, and Shu kingdoms. (trying to make a 43 civ map with no new world civs 43 civ vox that's kind of balanced... if you know what I mean
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