How to add New Civilization

heres what the creator says before download ive tried but it wont wont..i got gold edition plus bts expansion with all latest patches..

To install, simply unzip the folder into your mod folder.
it should give better directions than that. it seems instead of adding them to the game itself, the creator intended them to be used as a mod, which is good. a lot of people don't care about the Hall of Fame, but if you do care about that or multiplayer then watch what you do because any changes like a new civ can and WILL make you unable to play because you will get errors.
To install, simply unzip the folder into your mod folder.

There you have your answer.

Your mod folder is in the BTS folder, which should be, if you have a standard install, in something like "c:\program files\Firaxis games\Civilization IV\Beyond the sword". Just extract the folder in here so that you will have "...\Beyond the sword\mods\Civ of the Week - Ryukyu".
If you need a program to unzip it, try 7-Zip.

If you run vista, unzip it to the desktop, then drag it to the mods folder (stupid UAC:badcomp:).
Welcome to the Forums lawnranger. :beer:
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