How to block religions and other things?


Dec 18, 2008
I'm currently working on a scenario based on the Genpei War. Since it's based on Japanese history, I want to limit the religions allowed in the game to Buddhism, and maybe Confucianism and Taoism. Unfortunately, within two or three turns of test-playing it, someone winds up founding all the other religions. Is there any way to block them?

Also, I've added great general figures to the game based on leaders from the Genpei War. I'd like to limit the great generals to the ones I put in, but the game likes to give me Bernard Montgomery and others. Is there any way to prevent random great people from spawning?

I should note that I'm not much of a programmer, and I'm creating this scenario purely through World Builder.
CIV4ReligionInfo.xml in XML\GameInfo has a TechPrereq field for each religion. You could set that to TECH_FUTURE_TECH if your mod doesn't use that tech. If your mod is going to use that tech then you could create a new tech that's never used, and use that.

Edit - Oops, I just read the last line of your post. To do what I mentioned above would involve editing an XML file. It's not real difficult, but it can't be done through the World Builder. The editor listed in my signature is easy to use and would do the job if you're interested in trying it. If you decide to try editing XML you can change the names given to Great Generals in Civ4UnitInfos.xml (located in XML\Units). The only way that I know to eliminate Great Generals is through Python. Maybe someone else can show you a different method.
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