I'm going to acknowledge I was wrong. There is something to council/granary before shrine when going tradition. It isn't outright superior (regardless of if you pursue a religion), but they can be a good choice for some starts. Granary before shrine can be cool to help reach 4 pop before taking tradition, so you get to 6 pop immediately. Improved culture and production, and an easier time building settlers, its a option worth considering.

I don't really see the value in council--shrine, however. It ends up being worth like 10-15 science (compared to shrine-council), in exchange for delaying your pantheon by about 5 turns. Generally I don't think this is a good trade off, especially if your intention is to claim a pantheon which gives science anyways.

However, after 3 test games, all of which rolled strong starts, I was not able to build both buildings before taking my first social policy a single time. Researching wheel, then pottery, I always finished the council before discovering pottery, and need to put hammers into something else. Then, I would discover pottery with only 2 or 3 turns to get the granary built. It isn't impossible but it isn't consistent. I suppose you could enable policy saving if you want this to work more often. In one of those 3 games, an AI did take God of All Creation, which left me without a good plan for my pantheon. If I had gone shrine before council, I would have claimed my pantheon before he did.
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