How to finish building with money?


Sep 26, 2010
I know u can buy building from scarch for money

I cant find the option to finish a building with money half way it is built.

I mean after i spend like 20 turns to build a specific building and like 5 turns left i want to spend a little cash to speed up things - if i remember correct it was Possible in other civs
You can't. Just as you have to pay full price for units, even when partially built, and you can't destroy old buildings to save on maintenance. You also can't control the natural expansion of cities, in other words choose the next hex they will gain by culture - except by paying cash, and only at a reasonable cost on the tiles that the AI wants to expand into anyhow.
You can't. Apparently they wanted to make hammers as useless as possible in this game, so partial production investments into buildings won't make finishing them any cheaper. Sorry. :crazyeye:
Doesn't make sense however. Rush jobs by throwing money at them would be neat. Maybe it's something for a mod, but if it had to be realistic it would have to involve some chance based element, throwing money at something does not always give results :)
basically you have to pat full price for anything you build. To rush buy add another item to your queue and then the previous item will be available to buy - AT FULL PRICE.


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