Originally posted by Zachriel
Japan talks peace, then sneak attacks the U.S.
Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor illustrates a couple of principles.
1) Although Japan's industrial output was only a fraction of that of the US, the Japanese militarists thought that Japan's people were kind of morally superior to the US. They had a kind of "honor" that the US didn't have, and they would prevail because of that. Wiser people like Admiral Yamamoto knew better, and it's ironic that he actually proposed and planned the Pearl harbor attack.
The southern states in the US thought along similar lines. Even though the north had vastly superior industry, navy, etc., their "honor" would prevail. Sometimes the little guy wins in real life, like in Vietnam and the American Revolution against England.
So maybe CIV3 is realistic in this respect: Even though you are very powerful, a weaker opponent might attack you anyway.
2) Japan did not have the natural resources on its home islands to keep up with the other world powers, and the US was threatening a naval blockade. In CIV3, when I see that all the oil is inside another guy's borders, what is the first thing that comes to mind? You got it. War. And of course the AI guys may declare war for the same reason. How can I get him to declare war on me so that it won't be my fault?
(Why can't I build railroads if I have oil and combustion but no coal??? We don't really use steam locomotives now, you know.)
I think that this aspect of CIV3, resource wars, is very well done. It gives me insights into history (So THAT's why they started that war!)