How to make cityart civ-specific?


academic precarity
Feb 2, 2006
Is there a way to make cityart civspecific? I know FFH has different cityarts tied to religion but what would I have to do to give an elven civ for example a unique cityart from the start no matter what the religion is? What are the files to mess with and what lines do I have change. And: Is it only xml or is python involved?:
I know there are artstyles defined in civxml for every civ but that already seems to be it I can't find any reference anywhere else just generic artstyle.confused:

Btw is anyone interested working on this aspect for the WH-Mod?
Ploeperpengel said:
Is there a way to make cityart civspecific? I know FFH has different cityarts tied to religion but what would I have to do to give an elven civ for example a unique cityart from the start no matter what the religion is? What are the files to mess with and what lines do I have change. And: Is it only xml or is python involved?:
I know there are artstyles defined in civxml for every civ but that already seems to be it I can't find any reference anywhere else just generic artstyle.confused:

Btw is anyone interested working on this aspect for the WH-Mod?

The way we do it (Chalid came up with the system) is that we defined new eras for each of the religions and assigned the cityart to each era. You could do the same thing for civ's if you are willing to give up have "tech eras". I never really saw the function of the tech eras so I think its a good tradeoff.
Ploeperpengel said:
Yes I'm willing:) Which files would I have to modify. How to I'll look in FFH but please tell me where to look. Thx.

Civ4CityLSystem.xml in the buildings directory and CIV4EraInfos.xml in the gameinfo directory should have most of what you need. I have some python code in the onbeginturn in to switch the eras based on the civs religion, you probably want something similiar based on the civ in the ongamestart.
Kael said:
Civ4CityLSystem.xml in the buildings directory and CIV4EraInfos.xml in the gameinfo directory should have most of what you need. I have some python code in the onbeginturn in to switch the eras based on the civs religion, you probably want something similiar based on the civ in the ongamestart.
Oh damn I feared that already, python! Seems this'll have to wait then since our pythoncoders are all sharing broken down pc systems:sad:
Based on the screen shots I have seen of Warlords I think Firaxis is going to add this so you may be in luck.
Impaler[WrG] said:
Based on the screen shots I have seen of Warlords I think Firaxis is going to add this so you may be in luck.
Yeah I know the diverse citystyles ther will be of much use but we need more than this for WH. We need unique style for almost all the civs since in the Warhammerworld you can't say that many of the civs share the same esthetics.
Isn't the Warlords expansion bringing with it unique buildings? Could you therefore have all your buildings unique - even if you had to call them, for example "Elven barracks," "Skaven barracks" etc (as all civs would require barracks) ?
R8XFT said:
Isn't the Warlords expansion bringing with it unique buildings? Could you therefore have all your buildings unique - even if you had to call them, for example "Elven barracks," "Skaven barracks" etc (as all civs would require barracks) ?

Most of what you see in a city aren't the player buildable buildings but homes and stuff that are generated to represent the population.

Ploep the following code in onGameStart in the should do it:

		if pPlayer.getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_SMURF'):
			if pPlayer.getCurrentEra() != gc.getInfoTypeForString('ERA_SMURF'):

And so on for each of the civilizations.
Kael said:
Most of what you see in a city aren't the player buildable buildings but homes and stuff that are generated to represent the population.

Ploep the following code in onGameStart in the should do it:

		if pPlayer.getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_SMURF'):
			if pPlayer.getCurrentEra() != gc.getInfoTypeForString('ERA_SMURF'):

And so on for each of the civilizations.

Ah ok I'll make sure Agent009 sees this. I think he can put it to use:)
Yeah I know the diverse citystyles ther will be of much use but we need more than this for WH. We need unique style for almost all the civs since in the Warhammerworld you can't say that many of the civs share the same esthetics.

I ment they would likly be changing the format, probably they add a new tag in Civilizations.xml that references what type of city art they will use (aka European, Asian, African). Each of thouse styles will probably contain its own seperate Era Progression. You would still need to create the new artwork for a mod but you would have an easy way to plug it in without resorting to Keals Era switching method which is the best that can be done now.
This sounds good. I think the expansion will be there anyway before we can get started on this subject. So lets just wait and see. At least it's good to know we'll get this done very likely one way or the other:)
Thx for the response everyone
would it be really so complicated? i thought you only have to at least reskin the city-textures, make a new city-model and define them in the Civ4CityLSystem.xml and set the ARTSTYLE_XX to the value you made the skins/model for? the tag ARTSTYLE_XX is already corect in the Civilizations.xml, the only thing is there aren't graphics for the culture-groups.
0d1n3oo3Broad said:
would it be really so complicated? i thought you only have to at least reskin the city-textures, make a new city-model and define them in the Civ4CityLSystem.xml and set the ARTSTYLE_XX to the value you made the skins/model for? the tag ARTSTYLE_XX is already corect in the Civilizations.xml, the only thing is there aren't graphics for the culture-groups.
Yes that latter point was, what bugged me... and what I need to have.
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