How to make logging work ?

May 14, 2006
Hi, I'm using the latest C2C SVN, and can't seem to find out how to make BUG's (eotinb's Autolog Mod) logger to work.

(Hopefully so that Civ4 Event Log ends up logged into a file, instead of just disappearing.)

I have tried :

In BUG :
- checking Enable Logging
- checking Start Automatically AND/OR using the Alt + L shortcut
- adding a file Path (C:\Users\BlueTemplar\Documents\My Games\Beyond The Sword\Logs)
In CivilizationIV.ini :
- setting [DEBUG] loggingenabled to 1
- setting [DEBUG] messagelog to 1

And still no log file !

Thank you in advance for your answer.
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