How to make missionaries, poison gas

crunk munki

Apr 8, 2003
Houston, Texas
Anyone know how to incorporate missionary or other religious units into the game, terrorists (conventional, chemical, biological, nuclear), small nukes, or gas weapons?
I use the missionary type units as a hidden nationality 1.1.2 unit for the AI to use to, "convert" my workers and each others workers to their civ. Sometimes I make them invisible sometimes not. Some of the king units are good animations for this. The Zulu king is a Witch Doctor, the Iroquois king is a Medicine Man, India=Fakir, Egypt=Priestess of Isis etc etc.

Find threads in the units graphics forum for terrorist units. They usually have several ideas on how to implement the unit. Most people seem to use them as hidden nationality mobile cruise missiles.
To represent a terrorist, I guess the best would be to create a unit in the kind of cruise missile with infinite range. It should represent a human with an explosive belt that makes "boom !" :D.

However, such a suicide bomber would be quite useless to me since exploding a marketplace in one of my cities would bother me less in Civ3 than it would in real life. :(
true as the real point to terrorism is that...terror...not really to cause harm

surely there is sum way?
Modern Terrorist: I'd make it a tactical nuke, 1-2 bombard range, very high cost, invisible, 1.1.1, and give the unit the poison gas animation for it's bombard attack. This way you get a lot of resentment for using terrorists, but they're still effective.

Ancient/Middle Age Terrorist: High bombard with bombard effects, 1-2 bombard range, med-high cost, invisible, hidden nationality, 1.1.1-2, cruise missile, and precision bombing. Then make different animations for different eras, and when precision bombing comes you can take out buildings.

Of course, the AI might stock them up a whole bunch and send them in all at once, that would destroy most of your improvments. So these units could get really annoying. This is just the way I'd do it, it may not suit everyone.
I have some terrorist units. I usually make them cruise missile but with various ranges and hidden nationality plus invisible. I also make them created at a terrorist camp but not a usual build. I havent fully tested this but it makes for a late game try to hunt where the terrorists are and either do industrial sabotage against camps or take over the cities to get rid of them. A kind of war on terrorism thing.

Feel free to get them in my sig
I have my terrorists set as Cruise Missiles instead of Tac. Nukes because I'm afraid Integrated Defense might stop them ... Have not tested it in-game, though, so I have no idea what would really happen.

Anyone know? Will Integrated Defense stop ALL Nuclear attacks, or just ICBM's?
Gorn, I advise you also to make of them "hidden nationality" units. This way, it would be possible to use them without necessarily declaring war to the country.

If they are cheap... we could build a lot of them then and at the end that could be really harmful. However, terrorist "hords" don't sound realistic... even in Israel there are not 150 terrorist bombings each day...
I don't think you can make it a tact nuke either, as I suggested. The reason being, the terrorist appears to fly down from the sky :lol:, very unrealistic. I don't think there would be terrorist hordes if you made them nukes though, the other countries don't want the whole world to declare war on them because they sent 20 terrorist into an enemy city. I pretty sure there was a thread somewhere about hidden nationality nukes, can't find it though. The gist of it was: hidden nationality nukes don't work :(, everyone still gets very mad at you for using them. Plus, we declared war on Iraq for having ties with terrorist (among other things), so a lot of the times counties do go to war for terrorist acts. An assasination could be considered terrorism, and that started WWI.
Kill 2 birds with 1 stone: clean your city of terrorist and bomb your enemies with the new terrorist artillery :lol:. I actually only tried that terrorist nuke idea with Civ3 1.29f, and just recently got PTW. I should make a mod like that, terrorist catapults :D.
That'd be pretty funny to see - some guy suddenly fly up into the air and come down on a city!:lol:

I'd forgotten about that. As it is, I use terrorist units as Hidden Nationality, set as Cruise Missile. They've only got a range of 1, though, so you have to physically run them over to where you want to attack.
I think giving them infinite bombard would make them too dangerous, though they are dangerous in real life too. Is there any way to have improvements stop certain units? I don't think so, but a homeland secruity wonder would be cool and realistic; if we could find a way to properly implement it.
First off, by "small nukes" I meant neutron bombs, dirty bombs, and nuclear artillery. They could be expensive, strong, have a huge RoF and do collateral damage. Terrorists could be equipped with these to represent dirty bombs.

Missionaries could be explorers/workers that can be sacrificed. Does anyone know how much culture you get per sacrifice, if it can be changed, and if not, whether it would be worth it to add that ability to leaders?

Chemical weapons in the Industrial Age are unnecessary if a distinction is made between WW1 and WW2 era infantry, as it was a common infantry weapon (mortar, small artillery) in WW1 and would best fit into the game that way.

Modern chem weapons could have normal power but a high RoF and collateral damage, and require their own tech. This would be easy to use with terrorists.

In my games, I have added Separatist units to the modern era, which are hidden nationality guerillas (which I pumped up and gave bombard ability), which allow you to fight proxy wars like in the Cold War. The AI uses them to steal workers and harass your army with the bombard ability, a real annoyance if tanks and mech inf have the wheeled ability. This encourages border control and starts somewhat of a war on terror late in the game. The unit-producing improvement idea was good.
Aw, crap. What I just realized is that you can't sacrifice anything that you didn't enslave, which is way lame. I guess that gets rid of the whole missionary/cultural leader idea.
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