How to Sell a Building


Dec 11, 2008
I have read on here where others have sold building in a city to make money. How is this done? Please help. I need $100 gold this turn and none of the AI's have any $$.
Click on the building you want to sell in the city window. It will ask you if you want to sell it. Click on Yes. I dunno if it'll give you 100 g though.
And you appear not to be able to sell more than one at a time.

If I could have raised 127 more gold from my two non-puppeted cities, I could have paid off one more ally and won a UN election!
Selling buildings is practically worthless in order to get money. It's just in there so you can get rid of your old stables and such.
After picking up some production tech (such as merchant navy), in about 1/3 of my games I'd make barracks in every city.
For the Heroic Epic (at a coastal city, so the bonus applies to ships as well) ...

Then I sell all my barracks (except in the city with the heroic epic).
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