DLL Minion
So you've created a mod and are having problems with it. You've posted on the forums asking for help and someone has said "zip your mod and attach it to your post", but how do you do that? See below!
Before attaching your mod to a post, make sure you have enabled logging and checked the log files for obvious problems. Also check that each of the files in your mod has the correct settings.
First we need to locate the mod and zip it up
Do NOT upload the ModBuddy project. The ModBuddy project is typically located in "C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Firaxis ModBuddy" sub-directory and does NOT have a version number
Locate the built mod. The mod is typically located in the "C:\Users\{username}\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS" sub-directory and DOES have a version number
Right click the mod folder and select "Send to" and then "Compressed (zipped) folder"
Now we have the mod as a zipped file, we need to attach it to our post
Make sure the file is listed under the "Attach Files" section, complete your post, and then click "Submit Reply"
Before attaching your mod to a post, make sure you have enabled logging and checked the log files for obvious problems. Also check that each of the files in your mod has the correct settings.

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The process for attaching the zip to a forum post has changed somewhat though with the newer version of CFC:
To attach the zip to a forum post, look for a button called Upload A File when composing your thread reply: this button opens a browse menu where you can select the zipped folder to attach directly to a forum post.
If the zipped folder is too large for the forum to accept then upload the zipped mod to a file-sharing site such as dropbox and provide a link where the mod can be downloaded.

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ModZip1.jpg41.1 KB · Views: 4,201
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