The night started with beer pong at my place, naturally we used a high ABV barley wine. After about 15 rounds of that, (so maybe 6 pints), we hit the club. At the club, we did 3 or 4 shots of Bacardi 151 chased with tequila chased with beer. By then we were getting rowdy, so we decided to go to a private party. As we're walking to the house party we stopped by a convenient store for and we each got a couple 40s of high gravity malt liquor to drink on the way. When we got the party we were pretty drunk, but someone challenged me to a drinking contest so naturally I had to accept. 10 shots of vodka later and I was officially DRUNK. Then I had 3 sizzurp surprises (a drink consisting of cough syrup + vodka), and by then I just couldn't see straight. I decided the party was lame, and went off wandering around on my own, but not before chugging a few beers and stealing a fifth of Jack to drink while I wandered around. I ended up hanging out with these Russian dudes, and we had a vodka chugging contest. I won. Thats my last clear memory. I seem to recall wanting to go to sleep, but stumbling into a random party instead and drinking 10-12 more beers before I finally passed out, my last act being to beer bong a fifth of Everclear.