How would SMAC2 start?

What start would you prefer?

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Sep 21, 2005
How would you prefer it for the story of SMAC2 to begin?

There are hints that there'd be a mission from AC back to Earth, which has destroyed itself, or has been destroyed by something.

Personally, I'd prefer a new mission to Alpha Centauri, with more factions and leader options for each faction.

Some game modes I would like to see would be where the mission begins, and everyone is united, peacefully as the UN faction expanding over planet, but then internal turmoil or some sort of communications breakdown [what was is called? comsat storm?] forces the colonies apart. I think that'd be more believable than the whole "capturing colony pods" thing.

It'd be fun, re-establishing contact with the other colonies, and finding out what factions have taken over, after planet awakens and mindworms pop up.

The breakdown would also be able to explain some of the more advanced factions in the game, the CyCon and Data Angels. I'd like to see the Data Angels and the Pirates as neutral factions, akin to the barbs in Civ, but no necessarily hostile.
as with the original. well a game beyond transcedence would generally be interesting, but i would prefer a tuned up AC with suitable AI :)
I think a game with transcendent level technologies would be hard to keep interesting. You would need a plot device similar to the what happens to set the stage for SMAC. And if you are going that route, why not a complete SMAC setting?
Same story, only after yu win(before transcendance) it zooms out and plays like galactic civilizations.
Definitely a remake of the original SMAC (and painful death to those who'd have anything from SMAX included) as the story (I read all 20,000 words of it) and scenario are both believable and explore different ideologies so well.

For me, the graphics and AI are the areas needing an overhaul as well as unit balance. The main issue for me was that in SMAC the AI was pretty ******ed and also couldn't use many of the features, many of which the human player could exploit to the extreme.
Definitely a remake of the original SMAC (and painful death to those who'd have anything from SMAX included) as the story (I read all 20,000 words of it) and scenario are both believable and explore different ideologies so well.

For me, the graphics and AI are the areas needing an overhaul as well as unit balance. The main issue for me was that in SMAC the AI was pretty ******ed and also couldn't use many of the features, many of which the human player could exploit to the extreme.

I totally agree. SMAC2 should just be a remake of the original SMAC (not SMAX though).
Having just made Planet over in our image, it's time to set sail for olde Earth & set thing right there, too.

Somewhere therin lies a story just begging to be told.
Same as before, only they should add an extra victory type, where a player can eradicate all fungus, kill 'planet' (that voice is so annoying. Sounds like waitress in my local italian with a bad cold), and change the atmosphere to a breathable one. There could be a cool win video showng people removing their breathing apparatus, and looking out over green hills, blue sea and sky. Like the ending of Total Recal.
Going back to Earth and having to deal with whatever destroyed it. But mostly a better AI, and productivity penalties for unhappy citizens rather than rioting.
Personally I think I'd prefer a remake of the original game.. Obviously with better graphics and HD movies, but above all with the familiar faces we've come to know and love.. Suddenly introducing new people and a completely new story would probably 'alienate' me (forgive the pun)..

A total remake of the original + SMAX, paying as much tribute to the originals, while still being completely new would be absolutely amazing..
Some game modes I would like to see would be where the mission begins, and everyone is united, peacefully as the UN faction expanding over planet, but then internal turmoil or some sort of communications breakdown [what was is called? comsat storm?] forces the colonies apart. I think that'd be more believable than the whole "capturing colony pods" thing.

If you read the story (I think there's a link to it on the Firaxis site, actually) of the factionalisation while they're on board the Unity, you would rescind that straight away. It's a cracking read!

Anyway, yes, I'd go for just a glitzy updated version of the beloved SMAC tale. I do remember, when I first bought Alien Crossfire, that I started loudly decliming to anyone who would listen that SMAX takes away from SMAC, rather than adding on as it is supposed to. But now, years later, I can't bring myself to play Classic SMAC and thus miss out on Aquafarms or Marine Detachments. And I do like occasionally playing as Domai, despite the crushing tech and lack-of-green-economy drawbacks... :hammer2:
Is there an SMAC2 coming out? I sure hope there is.
One day, we hope. Sid's team is working on Revolution, and I'm not sure where the IP rights are...

If you read the story (I think there's a link to it on the Firaxis site, actually) of the factionalisation while they're on board the Unity, you would rescind that straight away. It's a cracking read!

I read it recently, it's brilliant. One of the best short stories I've read. Brilliant how it explains the separation. Do you know if the book series is as good?

If anyone has played Defcon, I'm thinking of the Diplomacy game mode when I think about the U.N. colonized planet breaking up... but it doesn't fit the cannon.
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