Do you guys experience up to 30-45secs end turns when it's been more than 1000AD in the game.
I started as japanese and after 1700ADs the game was becoming unplayable. I was waiting for over 1 min after each end turn.
I am runnin a phenom 9950 w/ 4gigs of ram and 9800gtx video graphs.
This stuff also happend on my old pc a amd athlon xp 2200 with 1gb of ram, but that one was starting since turn 100 or so (after rome spawns). Now i like the mod but WTH? i shouldnt be forced to buy a better processor just to play the game normally.
else until up to 1000ADs the game's snappy, afterwards it begins to suck and from 1700 onwards it sucks badly.
FIX THIS . .. .. .. .!
Do you guys experience up to 30-45secs end turns when it's been more than 1000AD in the game.
I started as japanese and after 1700ADs the game was becoming unplayable. I was waiting for over 1 min after each end turn.
I am runnin a phenom 9950 w/ 4gigs of ram and 9800gtx video graphs.
This stuff also happend on my old pc a amd athlon xp 2200 with 1gb of ram, but that one was starting since turn 100 or so (after rome spawns). Now i like the mod but WTH? i shouldnt be forced to buy a better processor just to play the game normally.
else until up to 1000ADs the game's snappy, afterwards it begins to suck and from 1700 onwards it sucks badly.
FIX THIS . .. .. .. .!