Hude End Turn Loading Times


Dec 16, 2008

Do you guys experience up to 30-45secs end turns when it's been more than 1000AD in the game.

I started as japanese and after 1700ADs the game was becoming unplayable. I was waiting for over 1 min after each end turn.

I am runnin a phenom 9950 w/ 4gigs of ram and 9800gtx video graphs.

This stuff also happend on my old pc a amd athlon xp 2200 with 1gb of ram, but that one was starting since turn 100 or so (after rome spawns). Now i like the mod but WTH? i shouldnt be forced to buy a better processor just to play the game normally.

else until up to 1000ADs the game's snappy, afterwards it begins to suck and from 1700 onwards it sucks badly.

FIX THIS . .. .. .. .!
You must not be running the newest version (with cPickle instead of Pickle in the code). I have a Core2Duo at 2.3 mHz with 2gigs of ram and it's running fine (maybe 5-10 secs after 1700, but I can tolerate that).

Of course I like the old versions better myself, if you know what I mean...:crazyeye:
What new version???

I just went to the "download latest version" thread and just DL-ed the thing there?

Should i get anything else?

(sorry i'm very very clueless on this)
Anyone has a fix for this, i really really love Rhys mod (the reason i bought such a powerful PC was just so i could be certain i could play it) so anyone has a solution. I just downloaded the latest files i have version 1.184 but i dont know why this is happening.
Maybe you should reinstall BTS completely (on my previous computer without a lot of hard disk space it was kinda slow, probably because the application was fragmented).

Also, I know you have a powerful graphics card, but maybe turning it down to medium graphics would help?
I got Core 2 Duo @ 2.1 GHz, 2 GB of RAM and GeForce 9600 or smth. And it runs perfectly.
Maybe you should check your software? I think you are running a LOT of useless programs...

And also this happens to all games you are running? Or just RFC?
I had your problems with my old PC with lower specs but I upgraded a few months ago and have never had a problem since.
On reinstalling BtS I noticed a similar slowdown, but I put it down to old age.
there is a big difference between "after 1000AD" and "1700AD". Slowdowns start usually after 1750AD although 30 seconds are maybe a bit too much, not to mention 45. Before starting to worry too much I'd ask if you actually timed those seconds or you're just throwing a guess ?

First of i would like to thank you for taking the time to trouble shoot my problem.
To answer a few questions here.

1) I only get this while running RFC, i also run FFH mod and i play it with 24 civs on huge maps and i have no problem with it, the loading times to the end rarely go beyond 5-10seconds per turn
2) This happens only to RFC mod game, every other game i run runs just fine (crysis all to extra high with antializing 2x getting over 25 FPS, Gears of War for the PC all full settings, etc)
3) Yes i timed the end turns, it was between 20seconds and 45seconds (it depends on god knows what?)
4) I am also running windows vista ultimate with 64bits but since i have 4 gigs of ram and i'm running crysis with all settings to ultra high i cant see how that is an issue)
5) I have 2 SATA HDD, one of them has the windows and my work stuff, the other one has the games, swap file is on windows HDD so it cant be because i have everything on 1 HDD, also the computer is new, barely has 1 month or so and the games HDD is even newer, bought it like 2 weeks ago

Thanks for all your help.
Maybe you should check your software? I think you are running a LOT of useless programs...
That would probably be your best bet. I can't imagine what else it could be... Have you tried reinstalling BTS? I doubt it would help but who knows?
I highly doubt it, I think long turn times don't depend much on memory but on the processing capacity; most of that "useless" software is made up of sleeping processes that only eat up memory. I'd rather look at number 4 in Ashdrake's list.
CPU cycles also seem to be the main constraint on Civ on my computer, and I don't have a particularly strong processor speed.

My processor CPU usage neever goes beyond 10% while playing CIV, and i have a 2.6Ghz Quad processor, so meh, i dont think the processor has anything to do with it, maybe it's vista weirdness??
Dunno, RFC shouldn't demand more then the classic huge 18civs Earth map. Strange.

My processor CPU usage neever goes beyond 10% while playing CIV, and i have a 2.6Ghz Quad processor, so meh, i dont think the processor has anything to do with it, maybe it's vista weirdness??

The cpu USAGE isn't an indicator of the cpu SPEED. Also I don't think this application will use more than one processor, so you should count one 2.6GHz processor. But I'd still point my finger at the OS like I said.
Dunno, RFC shouldn't demand more then the classic huge 18civs Earth map. Strange.

RFC makes a lot more checks and calculations...
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