Huge Earth Scenario Map - How To Get It Back For RI?


Mar 14, 2012
So finally got back into this black hole of "just one more turn" and after getting screwed over again as the Aztecs by forgetting to bee line navy over everything else to protect from naval invasions I decided to finally get around to checking for an update. Did that + the usual reinstalling everything due to issues thing only to load up and find the Huge Earth map is missing and nowhere to be found in the scenario list.

And since google is utterly useless now I can't find anything on how to get it back. So any help would be much appreciated so I can get back to "discovering" the old world and liberating it, while also making Britain feel embarrassed at the size of my navy.
Something went weird with scenario's I think, because I went Aztecs and got a randomly generated map. Working now though, which is how I was up until 6am NZ time crawling up the rankings before tanking things by conquering much of North America and a bit of South America. Because the Old World powers are eyeing up the natives for conquest.

At least my strategy of zerging with irregulars works in the current version for beating down Tribal Forts before gunpowder :3 But I slacked off due to forgetting early conquest = better prepared. Also love the fact AI research speed got adjusted, because being hit with 1800's troops soon after 1200CE was a pain in the rear. Never mind playing catch up. While also the AI's more focused on research. And interestingly this game 3 different religions were founded in the America's. Zorasterism, Buddism and Islam

As for the dreaded MAF's - with a modern PC loading up is quick, quicker than an end game turn time lawl. But yeah,would be nice if Fixaris actually remastered it on the new Civ engine so we could finally slay the beast. Unfortunately Take2 is invovled, so it's unlikely to ever happen. Becasuse why remaster an old Civ when you can churn out a new one and charge tons for all the DLC right?
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