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Hulfgar's Modpack Extended Edition "Rise of the Machines"


Mar 31, 2008

Features :
This mod contains all the features of the Complete Edition and has an expanded Tech Tree in the Futur Era.

You can research new technologies and futuristic units.
Those units come in addition to the modern units, they do not replace them.

There is 2 kind of futuristic units :
Cyber units : they require a very special algorithm, to get it you must have build a super computer : Skynet
Manned units : they can't be controlled by Skynet.

Every Civilization can build it's own Skynet.
For this the building Cyberdine Systems is required, it cannot be build in the Capital.
Once Cyberdine Systems has been build you may build the Skynet Control Room.
The Skynet Control Room will provide you with Skynet's Algorithms. These resource is required to build the Cyber Units.
But... as a Superintelligence Skynet will learn, the more Cyber Units you have the faster it will gain in intelligence.

There is 2 stages in its evolution :

Stage 1 : Skynet gains Synthetic Intelligence.
At this point you can still control it and improve this control with the project Asimov's Laws.
The more units are under Skynet's control the higher the chance that it gains Synthetic Intelligence.

Stage 2 : Skynet becomes Self-Aware.
In this case it will found its own Civilization, The Machines, see all humans as a threat and seek to destroy them.
The city where the Skynet Control Room was build, all Cyber units, all Ballistic Missile Submarines and all Nuclear Missiles of its original Civilization will switch to the new Machines Civilization.
But that's not all : any other Skynet network in the world may get infected and join the Machines Civilization. With its Cyber units and original city of course.
The more units are under Skynet's control the higher the chance that it becomes self-aware.

The project Asimov's Laws can lower the risk to see Skynet becomes Self-Aware but it can never be less than 5%.
You may sell the building Skynet Control Room to shut down Skynet, but in this case the Cyber Units will be much less effectiv.

Once Skynet is self-aware you have only one solution : fight it and win... or die!

As you can see this mod is dedicated to James Cameron's "Terminator". The idea was to set the end game in the "near" future, with a roster of "sci-fi" units but without removing the modern units.

Compatibility :

This mod is not compatible with Hulfgar's Modpack Industrial Edition or Complete Edition.

Not compatible with :
Vanilla Civ 5
Gods and Kings
Build Cities Within 2 Tiles
Unofficial Patch and Vanilla Enhanced Mod
Whoward69's Improvement-Airfield (already included in the mod)
Whoward69's Tech-Satellites Reveal Cities (already included in the mod)
Whoward69's Improvement-Farm Replacement (already included in the mod)
Whoward69's Units-Population (already included in the mod)
Whoward69's Units-Railroad Artillery (a similar unit is already in the mod)
Whoward69's Units-Subs ignore borders (subs can already do it in the mod)

Barbarians unlimited exp : a similar feature is already in the mod.
Moriboe's Combat Medic (already included in the mod)
Faster Aircraft Animations from Gedemon (already included in the mod)
Leugi's Barbarian Immersion Enhancements (included in the mod)
Leugi's Barbarian Immersion Enhancements (already included in the mod)
ANY Ethnic Units mod
R.E.D. (any version or variant)

Sukritact's Events and Decisions

Not tested with the Scrambled continents and Scrambled nations DLCs

Compatible with
Cultural Diversity
Artificial Unintelligence (v.9)
"Ingame Editor" (make sure IGE is loaded FIRST)
"Light Touch"
Putmalk's CivIV Diplomacy Mod
Bc1's Enhanced User Interface


Hulfgar's Modpack Extended Edition version 16 updated 10/29/2016

The file to download is the full package (mod and sub-mods) compiled as self-installer by Onmy6

Instructions to install the Multiplayer Modpack:

Spoiler :
* Unzip the Modpack in the DLC folder of Civ5. Usually it's located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC
* Multiplayer : Start the game as "Multiplayer" (in this case all players must have the same Modpack)

This Modpack includes :
The mod Hulfgar's Modpack Extended Edition "Rise of the Machines" version 14, the 3 required graphics assets mod and IGE.

Play with maximum 20 Major Civilization (or max. number -2) one Major Civ Slot must remain free for Skynet's Civ.

Installation as MOD :

* Previous versions should be deleted before installing a new version but finish your current game first !
* To avoid conflict delete any older versions of the mod and delete the content of the cache folder in ...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\cache
* Copy the *.civ5mod file in C:\...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\
* Start the game as "Mods", the mod should install itself


If you don't have Gods and Kings :
* Go in C:\...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Hulfgars Modpack for BNW CE 8 beta1 (v 8)\DLCs
* Delete the files GodsandKings_XXXXXXXX.xml

If you don't have one of the following Civ/DLC :
Aztecs, Babylon, Denmark, Korea, Mongol, Polynesia, Spain/Inca
* Go in C:\...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Hulfgars Modpack for BNW CE 8 beta1 (v 8)\DLCs
* Delete the files (sql and xml) related to the Civ/DLC that you don't have.

- This mod should be started in the Stone Age Era.
- If you play with custom civs they have to be loaded BEFORE the mod (or they would start with Tech Agriculture and not Domestic Fire).


1. Please read the instructions carefully
2. Make sure your game is up to date (BNW version
3. Make sure you have all the mods required by Hulfgars Modpack Extended Edition
4. Make sure any previous Hulfgars Modpack (DLC or Mod folder) version has been deleted before installing a new version !
5. Make sure you're not trying to run Hulfgars Modpack CE and Hulfgars Modpack Industrial Edition with the Extended Edition.
6. Make sure the Modpack folder has been installed in the correct game folder (see instructions)
7. If problem persists, please report bugs at

8. There is no support for illegal copies of Civ5!

How to report a bug :

1. Report bugs at
2. What game version do you have?
3. What expansions and DLC do you have?
4. Do you play on PC or Mac?
5. Describe the problem
6. Attach a screenshot and/or a save game
7. To attach a file to your post: click "go advanced", then click "manage attachments"
8. If the problem is caused by a mod, what's the mod's name, version, and where did you get it (url)
9. Post your database, xml and lua.log error messages (or better yet, the entire lua.log), either as an attachment (compressed to zip or renamed to *.txt) or within a spoiler markup
10. The log files are usually in ...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Logs. If it's missing or almost empty, you need to enable logging for debugging
11. Save files are in :
C:\...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single for Mods Saves
C:\...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Saves\single for regular Saves

How to enable logging for debugging :

1. Close civilization V
2. Open config.ini with a simple text editor such as notepad (usually in ...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5)
3. Search for the line "LoggingEnabled = 0" and replace it with "LoggingEnabled = 1"
4. Enable the Game Database Validation by setting 'ValidateGameDatabase = 1' in config.ini
5. Change EnableTuner = 0 in EnableTuner = 1
6. Do the same with "EnableLuaDebugLibrary = 0": set it to 1. If this line does not exist, add it before LoggingEnabled
7. Save config.ini and close
8. Start civilization V and reproduce the problem

The mod takes awfully long to load (8 minutes on my i7) but once loaded it should run without problem.

Play with maximum 20 Major Civilization (or max. number -2) one Major Civ Slot must remain free for Skynet's Civ.

Thanks to the beta testers :
Onmy6, DJGspinNhitz, Grishnikov_007, Wolfdog, Dadaloglu and Swerve186
Last edited:
Hi Onmy thanks :)

do you have the time to make an installer for it and the next versions of the 2 others ?
Update for the Extended Edition

Changes in version 6.2 :

- HELP correction for the Tech Mythologie, Tribal Leadership and Shamanism
- The Sphinx bonuses have been changed in +1 Faith and +5% Culture.
- Great Library : +1 Science and 1 free Scientist instead of +3 Science and free technologie.

The download link has been updated with the new version.
The changes should be savegame compatible.
Been playing this and really enjoying it, but from a balance point of view, what's the go with the pre.... cannot remember the name, the one that provideds conscripts building?

In my game these building eliminated a huge amount of unhappiness, I'm talking about my civilization at +20-30 happiness (twenty odd cities) going up to +350 with most of these cities having the above building. I am now finding (just finishing the industrial age) that any future happiness buildings/wonders are next to useless. Is this working as intended??

Also, the tech that say's timber mill provides coal does not in fact provided it. Does some other tech? Or has this been removed.
Hello Zoommooz11,

what's the go with the pre.... cannot remember the name, the one that provideds conscripts building?
The Prefecture :) I though I had removed or reduced the happiness bonus for this building, I will check it on my side.

Also, the tech that say's timber mill provides coal does not in fact provided it. Does some other tech? Or has this been removed.

Lumbermill should provide Coal with the Tech Engineering, Ii worked well in my last game, I will check it as well.
Hello again Zoommooz11,

ok after a check of my current game the lumbermill is working correctly but my pedia needs an update : the correct output for the lumbermill is 4 timber and 1 coal (coal when you have Engineering).

If you are sure that you don't get the coal could you send me a save game and the lua.log file please?

About the Prefecture : current unhappiness modifier is 5%, I will change it to 1%. Should it be too high I will change this building.
Hey Hulfgar,
Really excited when I saw this, however when I loaded ir up I found some graphical problems: Not sure about this?
I've added attatchments of what this is
Thanks tau112


  • f1a3765668.jpg
    449.2 KB · Views: 1,021
Hello Tau,

have you tried to disable the GPU texture decode option (in Options/videos when you start Civ 5) ?
Hello again Zoommooz11,

ok after a check of my current game the lumbermill is working correctly but my pedia needs an update : the correct output for the lumbermill is 4 timber and 1 coal (coal when you have Engineering).

If you are sure that you don't get the coal could you send me a save game and the lua.log file please?

About the Prefecture : current unhappiness modifier is 5%, I will change it to 1%. Should it be too high I will change this building.

No, I'm, getting the coal I was just expecting more, so working well.

The 1% changes sounds about right. Would a change effect save games (as I am 1800 turns in)
top mod hulfgar...thx a lot!


I use this mods:

- civ IV diplomatic features (v. 10)
- more luxuries (v. 155)
- YnAEMDLL 43 (v. 2)
- custom advanced setup (v. 5)
- map Labels (v. 6)
- Revolutions (v. 9)
- Historical Religions Complete (v. 20)
- Cultural diffusion (v. 18)
- Hormigs Henhanced Map Pack (v. 1)

- i have all DLCs except: explorer's map pack and the 4 cradle of civilization maps

well....at around 1500 BC it freezes during a cpu civ turn....always.....

do you think it's a problem of mods or missing dlcs??

Hello gigipezzo,

more probably a conflict between mods.

Could you post me the log files (lua, database and xml) ?

How to enable logging for debugging :

1. Close civilization V
2. Open config.ini with a simple text editor such as notepad (usually in ...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5)
3. Search for the line "LoggingEnabled = 0" and replace it with "LoggingEnabled = 1"
4. Enable the Game Database Validation by setting 'ValidateGameDatabase = 1' in config.ini
5. Change EnableTuner = 0 in EnableTuner = 1
6. Do the same with "EnableLuaDebugLibrary = 0": set it to 1. If this line does not exist, add it before LoggingEnabled
7. Save config.ini and close
8. Start civilization V and reproduce the problem

The log files are usually in ...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Logs. If it's missing or almost empty, you need to enable logging for debugging
thank you...i did that but log files (lua, database and xml) are too long to be pasted....

btw in my last game i noticed problems in diplomacy panel...and i coudn't declare war!!!....there's the button to declare but when i click it nothing happens...nothing happens too if i try to invade a territory to cause war declaration....

i think problems are caused by diplomacy mod....i'll try a game without that mod....
you can post the log files as attachments Gigipezzo, or put them to download via mediafire, mega or any other site of your choice.

For the diplo problems it must comes from the diplomacy mod yes. I've not touched this part in my mod.
Hi all,

Version 6.3 is out :

Correction in the pedia for the Lumbermill and Tech Combustion
Unhappiness modifier for the Prefecture down to 1%
Includes my mini mod Mine Prospectors v2.

Spoiler :

With this mini mod Workers have a chance to discover Gold, Silver, Gems, Coal, Uranium, Aluminium, Copper or Iron when building a Mine.
the odds are :

65% nothing
8% Iron
8% Coal
5% Aluminum
3% Gold, Silver, Copper, Gems
2% Uran

And I've added a random check to determine how rich the mine is :
50% chance : 2 supplies
30% chance : 4 supplies
20% chance : 6 supplies

NOTE : For now the supply is not displayed in the top panel.
However when you mouse over the resource bar of the top panel the supply appears properly in the drop down info box.

This version should be savegame compatible.
Hi all,

Version 6.3 is out :

Correction in the pedia for the Lumbermill and Tech Combustion
Unhappiness modifier for the Prefecture down to 1%
Includes my mini mod Mine Prospectors v2.

Spoiler :

With this mini mod Workers have a chance to discover Gold, Silver, Gems, Coal, Uranium, Aluminium, Copper or Iron when building a Mine.
the odds are :

65% nothing
8% Iron
8% Coal
5% Aluminum
3% Gold, Silver, Copper, Gems
2% Uran

And I've added a random check to determine how rich the mine is :
50% chance : 2 supplies
30% chance : 4 supplies
20% chance : 6 supplies

NOTE : For now the supply is not displayed in the top panel.
However when you mouse over the resource bar of the top panel the supply appears properly in the drop down info box.

This version should be savegame compatible.
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