Humankind: Beta update "Achilles" available


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008
Amplitude has released today another update, only in beta form, not final yet, meaning you need to change your settings on Steam if you want to try it.
This update mostly addresses balancing issues with surrender and war support.

The whole list:
  • All surrender proposals can be refused now, even if you are at 0 war support
  • Both parties reaching 0 War Support no longer forces White Peace
  • While at 0 War Support, empires take a Stability penalty scaling with era and number of turns spent without War Support
  • While their enemy is ready to surrender (at 0 War Support), empires will take a penalty to their own War Support
  • Centralized Power unlocks an empire bonus that reduces the impact of lost and destroyed units on war support, so wars can last longer.
  • War Score now only depends on demands and occupied territory, not War Support
  • You can now always declare surprise wars
  • (Together We Rule) The Placate action is now forbidden during war
  • Several new historical personas, like Alexander the Great, Napoleon, or Sun Tzu

You can find the official announcement here.
We've updated the beta with a hotfix. Here the changes, and the motivation for them, from our Lead Designers:

  • Reduced the "My Opponent is at 0 War Support" War support penalty scale to a maximum of -5/turn
    • This decrease exists to incentivize belligerents with positive war support to send a Surrender proposal before they lose their advantage, however its scale made it a bit too surprising (as a reminder it climbed to -15/turns in 5 turns) and ended up being too easily weaponizable by belligerents with already low War Support.
  • Reinstated a one-time +10 War Support bump whenever an opponent that is at 0 War Support refuses a Surrender offer.
    • This is meant to combine with the above change to enable some defense against the dropping War Support, without being a full re-up. As a reminder players are now limited to one proposal per turn, surrender proposals are soft-limited by the "influence cooldown" and the WS bump applies on the next turn.
  • Added a -10% Food, Industry, Money and Science War Weariness penalty on all Settlements for each refused Surrender while at 0 War Support.
    • To paraphrase @Sublustris, this is the "Hit them right in the FIMS" bit. This is more an indictment of Stability lacking the oomph to have any meaningful effects once you are deep in the red; Ideally the FIMS hit would be related from the lack of stability, but there was no clear way of implementing this. We believe that tying this penalty to refusing surrender offers when you really shouldn't is clear enough.
The full update is now out.
The original link:

[Version Number >> 1.28.4612]

  • All surrender proposals can be refused now, even if you are at 0 war support
  • Both parties reaching 0 War Support no longer forces White Peace
  • While at 0 War Support, empires take a Stability penalty scaling with era and number of turns spent without War Support
  • While their enemy is ready to surrender (at 0 War Support), empires will take a penalty to their own War Support
  • Centralized Power unlocks an empire bonus that reduces the impact of lost and destroyed units on war support, so wars can last longer
  • War Score now only depends on demands and occupied territory, not War Support
  • You can now always declare surprise wars
  • (Together We Rule) The Placate action is now forbidden during war
  • Several new historical personas: Zenobia, Sun Tzu, Miyamoto Musashi, Napoleon, Shaka Zulu, Artemisa, and Alexander The Great.

Then after some feedback we received from the community, we included a couple of extra changes ✨
  • Added a -10% Food, Industry, Money, and Science War Weariness penalty on all Settlements for each refused Surrender while at 0 War Support.
  • Reinstated a one-time +10 War Support bump whenever an opponent that is at 0 War Support refuses a Surrender offer.
  • Reduced the "My Opponent is at 0 War Support" War support penalty scale to a maximum of -5/turn
  • Forbidden City Balance to be adjusted with the changes in War Support
    • Now gives +25% War Score (instead of -10 War Support required to declare a Surprise War)
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