Humble Bundle: Get Civ6, the XCOM titles, Railroad Tycoon titles, and more, for 15.98€


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008
The Humble Bundle currently has a sale for all the big 2K games.
Most interesting for us are obviously Civ6, but as strategy gamers here we probably also fancy all the XCOM titles as well as Railroad Tycoon titles. This bundle also contains other titles of extremely high quality, e.g. the Bioshock collection or Mafia collection.
To get Civ6 and all the other titles you need to pay at least 15.98€.
You can find this sale here.
Not clear to me if the "Civ6" that is offered includes NFP content or not. I already own Civ6, with R&F and GS. Does anyone know what content is included with the Humble Bundle?
It would say if it had more than the base game. Which is unfortunate - I got the base game for fre from Epic. If this were the platinum or anthology, I'd have gotten it. I'm not willing to pay much more due to having it on the Switch.
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