Hundreds caught up in Child sex ring


In whom I trust
Jan 30, 2003
Perth,Western Australia
HUNDREDS of children have been rescued - including six from Australia - and hundreds arrested after an online child pornography 'supermarket' was busted.

Priests, doctors, teachers and lawyers are among 341 arrests world-wide - 65 of them in Australia - after the child-porn exchange and purchase ring was uncovered by Canadian police.

A bust in Toronto two years ago led to the investigation which has produced the rescue of 386 sexually abused children around the world, police say.

The 341 related arrests included 40 school teachers, nine doctors and nurses, 32 people who volunteered with children, six law enforcement personnel, nine pastors or priests and three foster parents, Inspector Joanna Beavan-Desjardins, commander of the Toronto police sex crimes unit, told media earlier this morning.

Australian Federal Police commander Glen McEwen briefed media this morning about the Australian arrests as part of Operation Thunderer, the local component of an international effort named Project Spade.

So far it has been revealed 103 search warrants were executed in Australia in recent months, leading to 65 arrests and 399 charges. More charges are expected.

It is shame such people exist, but kudos to the police forces in doing their best to stop this from happening.

It is shame such people exist, but kudos to the police forces in doing their best to stop this from happening.

Their best? Only losers whinge about doing their best...


More seriously... no, they're not.

I just read about this the other day - I'm amazed that people still think they can get away with crimes like these.

They have plenty of earnest reasons to believe they can.
More witches to burn - more reasons for commoners to rejoice.

What does this article really say is that they got a list of CP site's users whom they prosecuted.

They also

Quebec police say they have also arrested 10 teens on child pornography charges.

Police spokeswoman Const. Nathalie Lorrain says the boys, aged 13 to 15, allegedly coaxed their friends and girlfriends into posing for pictures they later shared among themselves.

Police said they were arrested in Laval, a Montreal suburb. They face various charges including the production, possession and distribution of child pornography.

Indeed a victory of justice. 10 teen pedophiles were arrested! Unbelieveable success of law enforcement. Surely now the children of the world are safe.
More witches to burn - more reasons for commoners to rejoice.

What does this article really say is that they got a list of CP site's users whom they prosecuted.

They also

Indeed a victory of justice. 10 teen pedophiles were arrested! Unbelieveable success of law enforcement. Surely now the children of the world are safe.

I'm curious, actually, about this. Assuming it is clear that one party wishes for something they say or provide to be kept private, and the other party obviously doesn't honour that, to what point can that be enforced in a court of law? It's my understanding that you require a clearly stated contract for this that is signed by both parties, but how does this work with two young teenagers and, more importantly, a group of teenagers that don't respect the concept of private intimacy and spread these risky photos like they are really just pictures of a Sunday picnic?

Was it legitimate manipulation or was it consensual? These are questions that must be answered before we can immediately say it's wrong for the teenagers to be arrested. Based on previous track record, yeah, probably, but in this situation we don't have the specific details.

It's very easy to pick out negative facts about pretty much anything a body of authority does. It's also very easy to pick out positive facts. Funny how that works.
I'm curious, actually, about this. Assuming it is clear that one party wishes for something they say or provide to be kept private, and the other party obviously doesn't honour that, to what point can that be enforced in a court of law? It's my understanding that you require a clearly stated contract for this that is signed by both parties
In the context of this thread I certainly do not require anything. My point is something different.

When you read report like "Witch coven was smashed! Hundreds were saved from evil!" it is natural to ask a lot of question. Was this really a witch coven? Were all this people practicing evil magick and mading pacts with Satan? Were their malicious spells really that effective as stated by officials? Do "hundreds saved" exist at all?

Paedophiles today are like witches during witch hunting. I am sure there were some witches back there who were sure they are practicing evil magick and making pacts with supernatural powers to bring evil to our world but I am sure the whole thing with witch-hunting was blown out of proportion because of mass hysteria.

The same is true with most of paedophilic cases today. When you read description like this one you have to tone it down to make more adequate and close to reality. Let's take this case for example.

The site in question is labeled as "child porn site" and "child sex site" so one surely thinks about hundreds of raped children in all possible ways. The problem is that this site "azovfilms" did not really produced porno content. It produced nudity content at the best, staying in gray area - it was legal in some countries and illegal in others. But calling it "child nudity" site is not strong enough.

Now they got customers' list. These people are usually labeled as dangerous "sex predators" who are going to rape a child or two as soon as possible. In reality they are people who have unfortunate sex urge (inherent just as homosexuality) and who masturbate over pictures to let it off and be non-harmful to society at the same time.

Finally we have unfortunate teens who were sharing photos of their nude (?) girlfriends (and may be even of themselves - they call it "self-exploitation" these days).

So what we have in the end?

A child nudity site was shut down, several hundreds masturbators was charged, few Canadian policemen made important steps in their careers broking life of ten teens during the process.

Great. Congratulations. Forces of the Good stomped the Evil again.
Or, this will be sounding pretty crazy, they arrested actual pedophiles. What makes your dismissal of the case any more valid than my belief in the case? What evidence do we have that without a doubt most of these people were innocent? Instantly jumping to discrediting the government or the authorities that work under the government is a slippery slope.
You're [Snorrius] confusing two separate incidents, actually.

The teens were not involved with the big bust at all.

Also, you didn't read the ArsTechnica link I shared above - if you take the time to read it you'll see that these are not merely masturbators.

Also, from the OP:
the rescue of 386 sexually abused children around the world,
I see this is rather different from a actual witch hunts. In that case, the danger was entirely fictional. It's possible there were some people who attempted to use black magic but I don't think there was any reality to the fear of witchcraft that people had in the past. Child sex abuse is unfortunately very real.

On the other hand, I do believe that people who look at images should be treated differently from those who do actual damage to children. And even in the second case, I think the laws against sex offenders are very draconian in the USA. I've heard that they are barred from visiting movie theaters, malls, libraries, parks, schools and playgrounds. I don't know if this varies state by state or is true throughout the US. Your address can also be published, I think this is even required though I don't know the specifics of it. It's all very much like the Scarlet Letter.

It's a strange phenomenon that is seldom discussed or questioned and if you do question it, you are often labelled as a sympathizer and fall under suspicion. I think there needs to be a better way to deal with this problem although I am very disturbed by the sexual abuse of minors and think it should not be tolerated. I don't agree with creating a legally defined class of outcasts.
Especially if pedophiles were very often themselves victims as children.
I've even heard of cases where someone committed a sex crime while a minor himself/herself (yes there are also cases of women doing it) and they have to register as a sex offender for life. The laws really should be reformed, but there's little incentive to do it. Sex offenders aren't exactly a demographic people are courting.
I'm afraid this is going to go on for a long time.

There doesn't seem to be any way of avoiding it, though.
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