I think you'll find that "My 8-year-old son likes to play CIV3. But he doesn't get a lot of concepts. I hope that they would add a mode just for kid. (Originally posted by dfli)" It was in reference to an 8 year old....not "ALL" kids in general. I think you'll find that Mano3, dfli and MANY others all have "kids" that play civ, and I don't think any of us are saying that kids have no clue!
"this thread seems to be kid bashing" I don't recall anyone "bashing" kids, in fact I think we are doing the exact opposite here. I think we are all saying that it is rather interesting that kids as young as 5 and 8 are playing the game, and we are quite proud of the ones that seem to be able to play, even at such a young age.
"don't call us too stupid to understand any of the advanced functions" I don't recall anyone calling "ALL" kids stupid either...In fact I don't think "stupid" has been used in any post aside from your own. I, and I know a lot of adults like me, have NEVER and will NEVER call ANY child stupid!
"just because we don't always get a UN victory doesn't mean we don'tm play a peaceful game" I don't think anyone has made reference as to how all the "kids" in this thread have won. And don't think anyone has said that "ALL" kids are warmongers. In fact I think you'll notice that I said my son (12 BTW) plays quite different than his friends, while his friends are warmongers, he is not. This was in referance to my son and my sons friends...not ALL kids.
"not all of us prefer PS2 because we don't have to think, i barely play my PS1, it's too quick, and no real satisfaction of playing (yes that's right a KID prefers civ3 to PS)" I think you will find the only reference to PS2 is about my son, who is autistic, and really wouldn't understand Civ. In no way was I saying that ALL kids prefer to play their PS2, I was simply explaining a situation in my home, maybe you should go back and read that one again. And no, my Autistic child is NOT stupid, in fact he is VERY bright, the problem is that communication with him is difficult, so teaching him how to play Civ and all its concepts in a way he would understand it would be very difficult.
"all these posts are insulting...
don't sterotype our generation...
and don't call us too stupid to understand any of the advanced functions" I think you'll find you're the only one sterotyping here, I don't think any of us have said that our 5, 8, 11, or 13 year olds can't play civ because they won't understand its concepts. I think you'll find that A LOT of us are actually quite impressed with "Kids" who are so young playing this game. On the same note I think you'll find that mano3 also said something about how well his son had played, and prepared, in advance, for war with Japan. In that he waited until he was completely ready before he started "warring". Kids, in general (and no I'm not talking about ALL kids) aren't to interested in a game that doesn't have "Flashy" graphics and/or "constant action" (and I don't think anyone, save yourself, has said that ALL kids like "constant" war games. My kids in fact don't play "constant war games" much at all).
As for "I hope that they would add a mode just for kid" I think a lot of us were thinking for "younger" children who won't really grasp all the game as a whole. In fact Mano3 and I have messaged each other on how we can make the game a bit easier for our younger kids (i.e. 8 and younger)
So maybe you should quit sterotyping your generation because most of us in this thread have not done so. We are simply saying that we are quite impressed that SOME kids (some very young) like a game that has such a serious and complex strategy, and is nothing like SOME of the more popular "action packed" games that are out there.