I finally played ARA, and... it's way worst than I thought...

Lazy sweeper

Mooooo Cra Chirp Fssss Miaouw is a game of words
May 7, 2009
Ara put limits and bottlenecks everywhere.
You can't build more than two cities
You can't build more than two melee units
You have to deploy a unit every time you have built it...
Only the scout can take stashes around the map
If a stash is in your territory you need a scout anyway AND the tile you can't use it...
You need a bunch of material for virtually everything.
Wonders require full zones, that are composed of multiple tiles, if only one tile is used, no wonder.
Enemy tribes are more than your troops, but you cant build more troops and send reinforcement, because of the troops limits...
Roads between cities must be on tiles you own...

I quit the game, uninstalled, and requested a refund...
I thought Humankind was bad, but this is on a whole new level...
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