I hate the Inca's


Dec 11, 2003
I would like some opinions on the most treacherous Nations come across in Civ3C. I have found the dirty Inca's the worst by far, time after time, Pachahuti (or something like that) and his blood thirsty hordes rape & pillage my peaceful lands without any provocation. As much as I long for world peace, the Inca's disdain for humanity and continued acts of agression make confrontation inevitable...its WAR baby! Spain did do some good after all.
Well, why don't you play as the Incas? They're pretty good. Played as Incas in my last game, cleaned up on the Maya, Americans and Aztecs in no time...

I personally have a long standing grudge with the Spanish, it started with my very first game of civ2, years ago, those tech stealing, unit bribing swine... In this last game, I managed to start a nice little world war after the Spanish foolishly signed an MPP with the pitiful remnants of the Aztecs. I got all the other Euro nations to go in with me. It was extremely pleasurable, watching the Vikings and the French raze Isabella's cities. I landed a force of my own and stole all her luxuries. When I finally signed a peace treaty with her so I could get back to my spaceship building she was weeping with rage... That would be a nice touch on the diplo screen, seeing actual tears flow down the visage of a leader whose civ you have all but destroyed.
babylon is my nemesis.. :mad:
yes the Zulu manage to piss me of sooooo much

but why dont you just remember to wipe them out when theyre young and defenseless, hey it works for cats :evil:
The Zulu have a fast defence unit, loose horse against them, and they are able to mobalize a defence very quick. I don't see how they are so week in the begining.
I don't know, but after two full games of C3C i really am getting pissed at Alexander... warmongering fool. He used to be a techloving treehugger (hence green).. now see what they done.. they pick facism

edit: at least i wiped him out now :goodjob: :lol:
my enemies (geez, there are a lot...): arabs, mongols, persians, mongols, mongols, mongols, persians, arabs, zuluzuluzulu, babylon, and... zulu! no, mongols...oh, and don't forget those damn VIKINGS either... :/ maybe i don't like anyone...
The Zulu have been obnoxious since Civ1. I remember the joy of discovering the Chariot, and retaliating for several zulu invasions.
Incans are my enemy. They always come up and attack me before I have a chance to defend. In my current game, i'm next to the Incans and this time i'm doing the betraying. I declare war, take a city or two, and make peace for all of their gold, a technology or two (if they have any), and I can usually get a city or two. Wait one or two turns. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Personally, I loathe the Zulu. I havn't run into any of the American civs yet.
Oh, interesting fact for us Zulu-haters. Shaka means "beetle". :lol:
i wonder if anyone actually plays the zulus...
I Hate the Incas

You didn't happened to be leading by the way.
Then of course everybody hate you.

Check the default Agression level of your opponents.

Why don't you just trash them back? The Incas have nothing
special to be afraid of (except stealing YOUR goody huts and settle on YOUR territory)
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